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  In the course of the evening they came into the 1)drawing room and as an especial treat were to sing some of their hymns to me instead of saying them, so that I might hear how nicely they sang. Ernest was to choose the first hymn and he chose one about some people who were to come to the sunset tree. I am no 2)botanist, and don’t know what kind of a tree a sunset tree is, but the words began, “Come, come, come; come to the sunset tree for the day is past and gone.” The tune was rather pretty and had 3)taken Ernest’s fancy, for he was unusually fond of music and had a sweet little child’s voice which he liked using. He was, however, very late in being about to sound a hard C or K, and instead of saying “Come,” he said, “tum, tum, tum”.
  “Ernest,” said Theobald from the armchair in front of the fire where he was sitting with his hands folded before him, “don’t you think it would be very nice if you were to say ‘come’ like other people, instead of ‘tum’?”
  “I do say tum,” replied Ernest, meaning that he had said “come”. Theobald was always in a bad temper on Sunday evening. Whether it is that they are as much bored with their day as their neighbour, or whether they are tired, or whatever the cause may be, 4)clergymen are seldom 5)at their best on Sunday evening; I had already seen signs that evening that my host was cross, and was a little nervous at hearing Ernest say so promptly, “ I do say tum,” when his papa had said he did not say it as he should.
  Theobald noticed the fact that he was being contradicted in a moment. He had been sitting in an armchair in front of the fire with his hands folded, doing nothing, but he got up at once and went to the piano.
  “No, Ernest, you don’t,” he said, “you say nothing of the kind, you say ‘tum’ not ‘come’. Now say ‘come’ after me, as I do.” “Tum”, said Ernest at once. “Is that better?” I have no doubt he thought it was, but it was not. “Now Ernest, you are not 6)taking pains: you are not trying as you ought to do. It is high time you learned to say ‘come’. Why Joey can say ‘come’, can’t you, Joey?” “Yeah I can,” replied Joey promptly, and he said something which was not far off “come”.“There, Ernest, do you hear that? There’s no difficulty about it now, 7)no shadow of difficulty. Now take your own time. Think of it and say ‘come’ after me.” The boy remained silent for a few seconds and then said “tum” again.
  I laughed, but Theobald turned to me impatiently and said, “Please do not laugh Overton, it will make the boy think it does not matter, and it matters a great deal”. Then turning to Ernest he said, “Now Ernest, I will give you one more chance, and if you don’t say ‘come’, I shall know that you are 8)self-willed and naughty.”
  He looked very angry and a shade came over Ernest’s face, like that which comes upon the face of a puppy when it is being scolded without understanding why. The child saw well what was coming now, was frightened, and of course said “tum” once more.
  “Very well Ernest,” said his father, catching him angrily by the shoulder. “I have done my best to save you but if you will have it so you will,” and he lugged the little 9)wretch out of the room crying 10)by anticipation. A few miuntes more and we could hear screams coming from the dining-room across the hall which separated the drawing-room from the dining-room, and knew that poor Ernest was being beated. “I have sent him to bed,” said Theobald, as he returned to the drawing-room, “and now, Christina, I think we will have the servants in to prayers,” and he rang the bell for them, red-handed as he was.


  一天晚上,孩子们走进客厅,给我表演一个特别节目——唱一些他们学过的赞美诗。之所以是唱而不是念赞美诗,是为了让我能听听他们的歌喉有多么美妙。欧内斯特选择唱第一首赞美诗,这首诗讲述了一些人将要来到“日落树”前。我不是生物学家,不知道“日落树”是怎么样的树,但是诗歌一开始是这么写的:“来吧/来吧/来吧/来到日落树前吧/一天已经过去了/一去不返了。”这首诗歌的调子很优美,深得欧内斯特的喜爱,而且他酷爱音乐,很喜欢用他那甜美的童声唱歌。然而,他很迟才学会准确地发“C”或者“K”的音,所以当时他把“come”这个单词念成了“tum, tum, tum”。
  “我是读‘tum’啊。” 欧内斯特回答说,意思是他读的正是“come”这个词。每逢星期天晚上,西奥博尔德脾气总是很暴躁。不知道是不是因为他们也和他们的邻居们一样,对生活厌倦透了,还是因为他们很疲倦呢,或是处于其他什么原因,反正星期天晚上牧师们都常常不在状态。那天晚上,种种迹象让我觉得我的主人非常生气,而且当他指出儿子欧内斯特发音不准,儿子却立即反驳说“我是读‘tum’啊”的时候,他显得有点暴躁不安。
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