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  Despite the fact that South Korea won the women’s gold medal注in both 1988 and 1992, and that over eight million people from over 150 countries play it, handball is largely considered a European-only sport. In fact, ask many Americans what they think handball is, and they’ll probably describe a game similar to 1)racquetball with two competitors 2)slapping a small ball off a wall with their hands. Not so.
  The easiest way to describe handball is “soccer with the hands instead of the feet.” Much like soccer, it can be both physical and fast, with 3)shots being thrown at speeds 4)approaching 65 miles per hour. The sport used to be played on a large 5)turf field with 11 players per side, but has more recently been moved indoors and played with seven players, which has sped up the game even more.
  The object is to score more goals than the other team by throwing a ball (somewhat smaller than a soccer ball) into the net. Games 6)consist of two 30-minute halves. Players can only take three steps after catching the ball, and can only hold the ball for three seconds before they must either pass, 7)dribble (like basketball), or shoot. A 8)defender can use his/her hands or body to 9)block a ball but can’t use the feet or lower legs (except for 10)goalies). Like soccer, free throws, corner throws, and 11)penalty throws become an 12)integral part of the game.
  There will be twelve men’s handball teams and twelve women’s teams 13)participating in the Beijing Games. They will each be divided into two groups for a 14)round-robin series. The top four teams from each group advance to the quarterfinals where it becomes a single-15)elimination 16)tourney. The competition will be held at Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium as well as National Indoor Stadium.
  Your Participation!
  Handball is one of the most popular sports in the world. It’s played the world over by around 150 nations. At least 15 million people from 17)all walks of life get involved. And with good reason! There’s something in it for everyone: it keeps you fit and healthy; it’s fast and fun; and it promotes 18)diverse 19)strategies and 20)tactics.
  So what are you waiting for? There are competitions for guys, girls and kids. 21)Give it a shot!
  手球运动起源于欧洲。19世纪末,捷克斯洛伐克、德国、丹麦等国出现类似手球的游戏。1917年德国柏林体育教师海泽尔(M. Heiser)为女子设计了一种集体游戏,规定运动员只能用手传递或接抛球,双方身体不得接触。1919年柏林另一位体育教师舍伦茨(K. Schelenz)对海泽尔的游戏有所改进,规定持球者传球前可跑3步,允许双方身体接触。1920年制定竞赛规则。1925年德国与奥地利举行首次国际手球赛。后逐渐在世界各国开展。
  1) racquetball [5rAkitbR:l] n.(尤指流行于美国的)短拍壁球
  2) slap [slAp] v. 拍,掌击,拍击
  3) shot [FCt] n.(球赛中的)投球,射球
  4) approach [E5prEutF] v. 接近
  5) turf [tE:f] n. 草皮
  6) consist of 由……组成
  7) dribble [5dribl] v.(球类运动中的)运球
  8) defender [di5fendE] n. 防守
  9) block [blCk] v. 防碍
  10) goalie [5^EJli] n. 守门员
  11) penalty [5penlti] n. 点球
  12) integral [5inti^rEl] a. 完整的,构成整体所需要的
  13) participate [pB:5tisipeit] v. 参与,参加
  14) round-robin 循环赛
  15) elimination [i7limi5neiFEn] n. 消除,消灭
  16) tourney [5tuEni] n.(夸张说法)骑士比武
  17) all walks of life 各行各业
  18) diverse [dai5vE:s] a. 不同的,变化多的
  19) strategy [5strAtidVi] n. 策略
  20) tactics [5tAktiks] n. 战术
  21) give it a shot (俚语)试试看
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