Influence on radiosensitivity of lung glandular cancer cells when ERCC1 gene silenced by targeted si

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doubaosong
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Objective:To identify the influence on radiosensitivity of lung glandular cancer cells when excisions repair cross-complementing group1(ERCC1) gene was silenced by targeted siR NA.Methods:siR NA which targeting to ERCC1 and control siR NA was designed and synthesized.The human lung glandular cancer SPC-A-1 cells was transfected.A total of 56 nude mice were divided into two groups,and two kinds of SPC-A-1 cells were transplanted to armpit of right forelimb,to establish the nude mice subcutaneous xenotransplanted tumor model of human lung glandular cancer cells.After the tumor was developed,the nude mice were randomly divided into four groups and accepted different doses of X-Ray radiation,then the change of tumor volume,survival time of mice in every group were recorded and the average lifetime was calculated.Twenty-one days later of X-ray experiment,two mice were taken and sacrificed in each group and the tumors organizations were stripped.The cell apoptosis rate and cell cycle distributions were obtained by FCM(flow cytometry).Results:The volume of tumor which ERCC1 gene was silenced was less than single irradiation group after X-ray irradiation,and the growth speed was slower and the lifetime of mice was lengthened as well(P<0.05).The cells apoptosis rate and the rate of G2/M cells which ERCC1 gene was silenced were higher than the same dose control group and the rate of G_1 cells were lower,which indicated that the cells could be stopped at G_2/M point,the cell proliferation was inhibited,the cell apoptosis was promoted and the radiation sensitivity was improved after the ERCC1 was silenced.Conclusions:The radiation sensitivity of lung glandular tumor could be improved after the ERCC1 gene was silenced by siR NA. Objective: To identify the influence on radiosensitivity of lung glandular cancer cells when excisions repair cross-complementing group 1 (ERCC1) gene was silenced by targeted siR NA. Methods: siR NA which targeting to ERCC1 and control siR NA was designed and synthesized.The human A total of 56 nude mice were divided into two groups, and two kinds of SPC-A-1 cells were transplanted to armpit of right forelimb, to establish the nude mice subcutaneous xenotransplanted tumor model of human lung glandular cancer cells. After the tumor was developed, the nude mice were randomly divided into four groups and accepted different doses of X-Ray radiation, then the change of tumor volume, survival time of mice in every group were recorded and the average lifetime was calculated.Twenty-one days later of X-ray experiment, two mice were taken and sacrificed in each group and the tumors organizations were stripped.The cell apoptosis rate and cell cycle distrib Results: The volume of tumor which ERCC1 gene was silenced was less than single irradiation group after X-ray irradiation, and the growth speed was slower and the lifetime of mice was lengthened as well (P <0.05). The cells apoptosis rate and the rate of G2 / M cells which ERCC1 gene was silenced were higher than the same dose control group and the rate of G_1 cells were lower, which indicated that the cells could be stopped at G_2 / M point, the cell proliferation was suppressed, the cell apoptosis was promoted and the radiation sensitivity was improved after the ERCC1 was silenced. Conlusions: The radiation sensitivity of lung glandular tumor could be improved after the ERCC1 gene was silenced by siR NA.
摘 要:在新课程改革背景下,在小学低年级数学教学过程中,对于学生各个方面能力培养也有着越来越高的要求,而学生计算能力就是其中比较重要的一个方面。因此,在现代小学低年级数学教学中,作为小学数学教师,应当以科学合理方法对学生计算机能力进行培养,从而使学生计算能力得以有效提升,进而使学生数学综合能力及素养得以提升。  关键词:小学低年级;计算能力;培养  在小学低年级学生的各个方面能力中,学生计算能力属
摘 要:在当今形势下,在高中教育的过程完善主体教学的教育模式,采用更加有效的教学手段,对学生掌握并很好与其他具有逻辑性的知识相结合具有重要的作用。对于主体性教学法来说其在高中数学课堂中,开发学生兴趣调动积极性,对提高整体教学质量的效果具有显著作用。本文将阐述了高中数学主体性教学法的模式构建与实践探索,并分析了其在高中数学教学中的关系。  关键词:高中数学;主体性教学;模式构建;实践探索  高中数学
摘 要:随着教育事业的改革和发展,我国政府不断加大投资力度,中职院校作为人才培养的摇篮,对教育事业的开展起到重要的作用。中职数学作为学生必修的科目,其理论与实践逻辑性强,通过引入情境教学法进入中职数学课堂,可以激发学生学习数学的兴趣,掌握数学知识,不仅在文化课方面有所提高,同时学好数学知识对学习专业课也有所帮助,本文就目前情境教学法在中职数学教学中的作用及具体方法做出了阐述。  关键词:情境教学;
摘 要:随着我国教育机制的深化改革,高中教育受到越来越多的重视,教师面临前所未有的挑戰。高中数学是课堂教学中的组成部分,因此数学教师更要注重对学生解题能力的培养,学生发散思维的提升也是高中数学教学的根本任务,高中数学教学中解题能力的培养也是高中数学教育的必经途径。  关键词:高中数学;教学;中学生;解题能力
摘 要:在小学数学教学中,最重要的就是计算能力的培养,这是未来数学学习的基础。如何帮助小学生提高计算能力,也是所有小学数学教师面临的难题。而在新课改的新的课程标准下,如何提高小学生的计算能力,笔者将根据自己的教学经验,总结出一定的建议。  关键词:小学数学;计算能力;培养;策略  在所有学科当中,数学学科是最为基础的学科。而在数学学科当中,数学计算能力则是最基础的能力。在小学阶段的数学教学中,计算
摘 要:高中数学教学创新思维是高等数学中的重要的组成部分之一,在中学数学中也有所渗透。新课程标准改革实施后,对中学的高中数学教学创新思维知识作出了新的要求。随着素质教育的不断发展与深化,在要求中学生学习部分高中数学教学创新思维知识体系的基础上,也更加注重中学生的知识素养的建构。在教学中利用高中数学教学创新思维培养中学生的自学能力、数学能力。根据新课程标准改革后的要求,灵活运用高中数学教学创新思维解
摘 要:新课程改革在全国正如火如荼地展开,而中学数学课程改革的必然趋势则是使课堂教学与生活紧密相连,让课堂教学回归生活才可以使其重新焕发活力。本文就初中数学课堂教学生活化进行探讨。  关键词:初中数学;课堂;生活化  新课程改革在全国正如火如荼地展开,而中学数学课程改革的必然趋势则是使课堂教学与生活紧密相连,因此,我认为在中学数学课堂的教学中,应从生活入手、从身边的现象入手,让学生体会到数学课堂就