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  The Day the Mona Lisa Was Stolen
  On Tuesday, August 22, 1911, Louis Beoud, a Parisian artist who made his living by copying famous paintings for the tourists, walked into the Louvre and went to the Salon Carre注1 where the Mona Lisa had been on display for five years. But on the wall where the Mona Lisa used to hang, sat only four iron 1)pegs.
  In fact, on Monday morning, many museum employees noticed that the painting was not hanging in its usual place, but they 2)assumed the painting was taken off the wall by the museum photographer who was shooting pictures of it up in his studio.
  By Tuesday morning, when the painting hadn’t been returned and it was not in the photographer’s studio, museum officials were 3)notified. The painting was gone!
  The police were 4)contacted immediately and they set up headquarters in the museum 5)curator’s office. The entire museum was searched from top to bottom. This took a week because of the size of the Lourve: it’s a 49-acre building. The only thing found was the heavy frame that once held the Mona Lisa. It was discovered in a staircase leading to a 6)cloakroom.
  Once the news became public, French newspapers made several claims as to the nature of the theft. One newspaper 7)proclaimed that an American collector stole the work and would have an exact copy made which would be returned to the museum. This Aollectorwould then keep the 8)original. Another newspaper said that the entire 9)incident was a 10)hoax to show how easy it was to steal from the Louvre.
  Many people were questioned about the theft, from museum employees to people who worked or lived nearby. The police even questioned Pablo Picasso. Picasso had 11)previously bought two stone sculptures from a friend named Pieret. Pieret had actually stolen these pieces from the Louvre months before the Mona Lisa was stolen. Picasso thought that perhaps his friend might have also stolen the Mona Lisa.
  Fearful of the 12)implications and bad 13)publicity, Picasso had the sculptures given to a local newspaper in order for their return to the museum. Picasso wished to remain 14)anonymous, but someone gave his name to the police. After an 15)interrogation, the police 16)concluded that Picasso knew nothing about the theft of the Mona Lisa.
  Luckily, the painting was recovered 27 months after it was stolen. An Italian man named Vincenzo Perugia tried to sell the work to the Uffizi Gallery注2 in Florence, Italy. Perugia claimed he stole the work out of 17)patriotism. He didn’t think such a work by a famous Italian should be kept in France. What Perugia didn’t realize was that while the Mona Lisa was probably painted in Italy, Leonardo took it with him to France and sold it to King Francis I for 4,000 gold coins.
  How did Perugia steal the Mona Lisa? He had spent Sunday night in the Louvre, hiding in an 18)obscure little room. Monday morning, while the museum was closed, he entered the room where the painting was kept and19)unhooked it from the wall. In a staircase, he cut the painting from it’s frame. While trying to leave the building, he came to a locked door. He 20)unscrewed the doorknob and put it in his pocket. He then walked out of the Louvre and into the pages of history.
  Interestingly enough, ten months before the painting was stolen, the Louvre decided to have all masterpieces put under glass. Perugia was one of four men 21)assigned to the job. Police questioned Perugia after the theft, but his calm 22)demeanor settled any doubts of his 23)involvement.
  The public went wild at the news of finding the Mona Lisa. The painting was displayed through the major cities of her homeland, including Rome and Milan, where thousands of Italians crowded into the museums for a last good-bye.
  The painting was returned to France on December 30, 1913.
  ◆ 大小为77×53厘米。
  ◆ 以油画颜料画于一面白杨木画板上。
  ◆ 从16世纪初以来一直是法国皇室的收藏品。弗朗西斯一世邀请达·芬奇到法国居住。在他应邀到法国后,弗朗西斯一世向他购买了这幅画。
  ◆ 它的法语和意大利语的名字分别是“La Joconde”和“La Gioconda”。在意大利语中,“Gioconda”也指“无忧无虑的妇人”。
  ◆ 虽然“蒙娜丽莎”的真实身份仍是一个谜,但大部分专家相信她是16世纪一位佛罗伦萨商人弗朗西斯科·德·焦孔多的妻子,是他委托达·芬奇画这幅肖像画的。
  ◆ 《蒙娜丽莎》现在装在一个398×248厘米的三层玻璃箱里,此玻璃箱是1974年日本迎接此画来日之旅时的赠礼。那是此画最后一次离开卢浮宫。
  ◆ 这个玻璃箱有内置空调,并装有9磅硅胶,使之保持华氏68度(20℃)的恒温及55%的湿度。
  Did you know?
  The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci between the years 1503-1506. Today, it is the top attraction of visitors to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. While it is considered to be the world’s most famous painting, here are a few facts that most people don’t know:
  ◆It measures 77 by 53cm in size.
  ◆It is painted with oils on a 24)poplar 25)panel.
  ◆It has been a part of France’s 26)royal collection since the early 16th century. King Francis I bought the painting from Leonardo after the artist accepted his invitation to live in France.
  ◆It is also called “La Joconde” in French and “La Gioconda”in Italian. “Gioconda” also means 27)“Glight-hearted woman”in Italian.
  ◆Although the true 28)identity of the Mona Lisa remains a 29)mystery, most experts believe it is the wife of a 16th-century Florentine businessman, Francesco del Giocondo, who 30)commissioned the portrait.
  ◆The Mona Lisa is 31)encased in a 398 by 248cm box of 32)triplex glass, a gift from the Japanese on the occasion of the painting’s 1974 trip to Japan the last time it left the museum.
  ◆This box is kept at a 33)constant 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20) and 55% v34)humidity which is maintained by a built-in air conditioner and nine pounds of 35)silica gel.
  ◆Once a year, the Mona Lisa receives a check-up in which the box surrounding it is opened and the climatic conditions as well as the painting’s condition are examined.


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