Prognostication of hydrocarbon generative potential in the onshore and offshore Niger Delta,Nigeria

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yfzzx
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This article prognosticates the hydrocarbon generation potential of core samples from fields A, B, C and D in Niger delta, Nigeria. The objectives of this study are to characterize the quality of these core samples by organic geochemical analyses. A total of ten core samples collected from fields A, B, C and D in Niger delta were analyzed using total organic carbon(TOC) content analysis, rock-eval pyrolysis technique. The analytical results of the studied core samples reveal that they have generally high total organic carbon contents(TOC), suggesting that conditions in the Niger delta favour organic matter production and preservation. There is a variation in the kerogen types and this may be attributed to the relative stratigraphic positions of the core samples within the Niger delta. The rock-eval results indicate that the samples from fields C and D contain predominantly Type II kerogen with a capacity to generate oil and gas and hence have good generative potential. The samples from fields A and B contain mainly Type III kerogen and are gas-prone with moderate generative potential. This article prognosticates the hydrocarbon generation potential of core samples from fields A, B, C and D in Niger delta, Nigeria. The objectives of this study are to characterize the quality of these core samples by organic geochemical analyzes. A total of ten core samples collected from fields A, B, C and D in Niger delta were analyzed using total organic carbon (TOC) content analysis, rock-eval pyrolysis technique. The analytical results of the studied core samples reveal that they have generally high total organic carbon contents TOC), suggesting that conditions in the Niger delta favor organic matter production and preservation. There is a variation in the kerogen types and this may be attributed to the relative stratigraphic positions of the core samples within the Niger delta. The rock-eval results indicate that the samples from fields C and D contain predominantly Type II kerogen with a capacity to generate oil and gas and hence have good generative potential. The samples from Fields A and B contain mainly Type III kerogen and are gas-prone with moderate generative potential.
中国民间舞蹈是一个博大精深的艺术文化体系,是一个情感、生命、文化交织的集合体。它直接反映了人们的生活,表现了国人深邃,内涵的思想感情。加之各民族的生活风情、生产劳动、风俗习惯、祭祀传统等都是民族民间舞蹈的表现内容。它有着悠远深邃、内涵丰厚的民族文化底蕴。   民间舞蹈起源于人类劳动生活,各种现代艺术舞蹈基本上都是源自民间舞蹈,远古时代的劳动人民在长期的历史进程中不断地创作舞蹈、经过漫长积累,后来
摘 要:若想提升职业教育的教学水平,除了改善教师的教学方式之外还需要建立一支具有高素质、高技能的专业化的班主任队伍。尤其是对于中等职业学校的教学来讲,班主任对于整个班级的管理以及学生专业知识的学习都具有重要的助力作用,因此建设一支专业化的班主任队伍也是中等职业学校的发展目标之一。本文就以中等职业学校班主任专业化为研究课题,系统的进行研究和分析。  关键词:中等职业学校;班主任;专业化  近些年来,
摘要:本文通过对化学教学的实际,结合学生在化学学习中的心理现状,探究了化学课堂教学、课后辅导中渗透心理健康教育的方法和措施,  关键词:高中化学;心理健康;课堂教学;探讨
作为教育机构之一的科技馆,在强调教育功能的同时,应该具有一定的互动性和娱乐性。参观质量在很大程度上取决于科技馆的展览展示效果。成功的展示艺术设计可以激发参观兴趣,发挥应有的教育作用。本文以游戏化学习理论为依托,深入阐释科技馆的展示艺术设计。   1、教育游戏与科技馆展示艺术设计   现代教育的一大核心问题就是激发学生的学习兴趣,只有对学习充满激情和兴趣,才能取得令人满意的学习效果。教育游戏是教
新时期,作为一名从事多年的初中英语教师的我来说,在面对课改的新形式下,感觉到在学习前辈老师们的教学经验的同时,应该摈除其中的传统观念和思想,改进教育理念及教学方法,创出自己的教学特色,并且与时俱进。  情感是人对客观事物的态度,反映客观事物与人的需要之间的关系。客观事物符合人的需要,人就会持积极的肯定情感;反之,则持消极的否定情感。人的认识活动始终伴随着情感。列宁说:“人类在探究真理时,积极肯定的