Oil/Gas Migration and Aggregation in Intra-Continental Orogen Based on Numerical Simulation: A Case

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhaoxin1987
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Geofluid,driven by tectonic stress,can migrate and aggregate in geological body.Thus,numerical simulation has been widely used to rebuild paleo-tectonic stress field and probe oil/gas (one type of geofluid) migration and aggregation.Based on geological mapping,structural data,and mechanical parameters of rocks,we reconstruct the traces for gas/oil migration and aggregation in Daba-shan (大巴山) intra-continental orogen using numerical simulation.The study shows that gas/oil,obviously dominated by late Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous paleo-tectonic stress field that is characterized by NE-SW shortening in the Dabashan thrust belt and SW-emanating shortening in its foreland belt,massively migrate from the Dabashan thrust belt to its foreland belt,that is,NE to SW,resulting in the formation of some probable favorable areas for oil/gas mainly along the Tiexi (铁溪)-Wuxi (巫溪) fault,in some superposed structure (e.g.,Zhenba (镇巴),Wanyuan (万源),Huangjinkou (黄金口),and Tongnanba (通南巴) areas),and in the Zigui (秭归) Basin.Thus,our study shows that numerical simulation can be effectively applied to study oil/gas migration and aggregation in intra-continental oro-gen and provided some significant evidences for oil/gas exploration. Geofluid, driven by tectonic stress, can migrate and aggregate in geological body. Thus, numerical simulation has been widely used to rebuild paleo-tectonic stress field and probe oil / gas (one type of geofluid) migration and aggregation. Based on geological mapping, structural data, and mechanical parameters of rocks, we reconstruct the traces for gas / oil migration and aggregation in Daba-shan intra-continental orogen using numerical simulation. The study shows that gas / oil, obviously dominated by late Middle Jurassic -Early Cretaceous paleo-tectonic stress field that is characterized by NE-SW shortening in the Dabashan thrust belt and SW-emanating shortening in its foreland belt, massively migrate from the Dabashan thrust belt to its foreland belt, that is, NE to SW, resulting in the formation of some probable favorable areas for oil / gas mainly along the Tiexi -Wuxi fault, in some superposed structure (eg, Zhenba, Wanyuan, Huangjinkou ( Golden mouth), and Tong nanba (南南巴) areas), and in the Zigui Basin. Tham, our study shows that numerical simulation can be effectively applied to study oil / gas migration and aggregation in intra-continental oro-gen and provided some significant evidences for oil / gas exploration.
一、现状扫描    问题1:“机械使用”。对习题钻研不够,训练目标不明确。新课一结束,教师会带着学生按部就班,逐个完成书后的“想想做做”。究竟这些习题对本节课的学习有多大的帮助,怎样的习题类型更有利于学生的学习,所做的习题对学生知识的掌握有什么益处等,老师思考不够。    问题2:“重结果,轻过程”。教学中,重视习题的结果,忽视学生思维的训练的现象屡见不鲜。教师因为长期受应试教育的束缚,所以特别关
摘要 为了让学生对写话有兴趣,写自己想说的话,写想象中的事物,写出自己对周围事物的认识和感想,就可以利用儿童天生喜欢绘画的特点,来点燃学生写话的激情。  关键词 读读画画编故事自由绘画自编绘本    儿童天生喜欢绘画,这是出自儿童自身生理需要而产生的一种心理需要。他们把画画看成是一种游戏,常常乐此不疲。让儿童自由地发挥创造与想象力,才是了解儿童的最好方法。既然如此,何不让绘画来点燃低年级学生写话的