6 A fashion show (Period 2)

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  I. Teaching Objectives:
  1. Knowledge and ability:
  To help pupils to review and consolidate the clothing and colour words.
  To teach pupils to master the sentence structure “Here is…. Her/His … is/are….”
  To teach pupils to describe the clothes people are wearing.
  2. Process and Method:
  Interactive method, games and group exercise.
  3. Emotion and Attitude:
  To help pupils to learn to praise others.
  To help pupils to build up correct esthetic sense.
  II. Teaching Important Point:
  Sentence structures: Here is…. Her/His … is/are….
  III.Teaching Difficult Points:
  To use “Here is…. Her/His … is/are….” to describe the clothes people are wearing.
  To tell the difference between“his” and “her”, and “is” and “are”.
  IV. Teaching Aids: blackboard, electronic whiteboard, pictures.
  V. Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1. Warm-up
  Sing a song together.
  Step 2. Presentation
  To review the clothing and colour words.
  T: Well, boys and girls, how are you today? It’s a little bit hot today. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Spring has come. Do you like spring? We can go out to play, right? We need to change our thick clothes into thinner ones. Today, I want to buy some new clothes. Would you like to go shopping with me? OK, let’s go! I like the T-shirt, the shorts and the cap. Here they are. Follow me. A T-shirt, a T-shirt, …. Which one do you like? Please tell me “I like…”and lead us to read. You can choose two of them.
  S: I like….A shirt, a shirt.
  T: What colour are they? It is/They are….
  Sing a song together.
  Lead in and Learn
  To teach “her” and “his”, and read the four sentences.
  T: Wow, we have so many beautiful clothes here, and we can have a fashion show. Look, this is my son and this is his friend. The girl is wearing a blue dress, So we can say “Her dress is blue”. Follow me, her. Her dress is blue. Look at my son. He is wearing a white shirt and he is a boy, so we can say “His shirt is white”. Follow me, his. His shirt is white. Let’s read together. Her, her, his, his, her dress is blue, his shirt is white. If she is a girl, we use “her”. If he is a boy, we use “his”.
  Today, the children are having a fashion show. Let’s have a look. This is Jack, he is the host. Now, please listen carefully for twice, then answer my questions.
  T: What’s the girl’s name?   What’s the boy’s name?
  What colour are Mary’s shorts?
  What colour is Peter’s T-shirt?
  Let’s watch and listen. For the second time, let’s listen and do the action. This time, let’s read after it and do the action. Ready? Go! Let’s listen and read two sentences together. Now, let’s listen and read four sentences together.
  Let’s read in groups.
  Let’s read in four.
  Look, I have a microphone here, who can be the host Jack?
  Let’s read together. (write the sentences on the blackboard.)
  Step 3. Practice and Production
  T: These are Mary and Peter, how about other children, they are waiting for their fashion show. Let’s have a look. Can you be Jack and introduce them?
  Here are Sally and Charlie. Please help them to choose their clothes and introduce them. For example, here is Sally, her T-shirt is pink.
  We have helped the children to finish their fashion show, now, let’s enjoy our own fashion show, OK?
  Let’s guess who they are. Look, Her/His … is/are …. Who is she/he? She/He is …. Let’s say together. Here is …. Her/His … is/are …. She is beautiful. /He is handsome. Look, these are …. They are wearing our school uniforms.
  How to be a beautiful person? It’s very easy. Just keep your clothes clean, be simple and confident, and the most important thing is to be an honest and kind person.
  Now, let’s have a fashion show in our classroom. Let’s warmly welcome Tom and Christina!
  Step 4. Homework:
  1. Listen and read the sentences in Part A for 10 times.
  2. Design clothes for your friends and colour it.
怎样在教学中落实“过程教育”来发挥其蕴含的教育价值,克服课堂教学普遍存在的获得物理结果认知过程短暂和获得物理结果之后反思过程不足或缺失的情况,以“9.1 認识浮力”为例探索、反思。  初步的探究活动实践表明,探究过程中形成的操作方法符合“过程教育”的精神实质,能落实全面、和谐的教学目标,并具有普遍的适用性。以下简录其教学过程,并提供教后反思,分享给读者参考和研究,目的在于共享和提高。  一、教学过
执教至今,凭着对教育事业的那份热爱,凭着对垣曲职中的那片忠诚,一直以来我始终扎根学校,以校为本,以校为家。  十几年了,处于学校对我工作的信任和认可,我一直担任高三音乐专业教学。虽不知道别的地方职业教育发展得如何,但在我县职业教育搞得是红红火火,尤其是音乐专业更是如此。一提到我是高三老师,我深感到自己责任重大,因为我知道我的每一个决策都会影响到学生的行为甚至是他们一生的命运,因此,在每任一届高三教
教学目标:  (一)知识与技能  (1)正确理解几何概型的概念;  (2)掌握几何概型的概率公式:  ;  (二)过程与方法  发现法教学,通过师生共同探究,体会数学知识的形成,学会应用数学知识来解决问题,体会数学知识与现实世界的联系,培养逻辑推理能力。  (三)情感、态度与价值观  让学生了解概率的意义,加强与现实生活的联系,以科学的态度去评价身边的一些随机现象,初步形成实事求是的科学态度。  
一、小学生存在心理障碍的表现及产生原因  在校园里,有些学生与周围人不同。他们表面上很自强。但内心却很自卑;乐于进取,但惧怕失败;有些比较强的实现目标的欲望,但是缺少积极的实现方法。实践证明,这些学生产生了心理障碍。他们会表现得以自己为中心,消极、孤僻,有时升值还会产生自暴自弃的现象。  在实践中,我们发现,不良的社会生活环境会导致学生产生心理障碍,具体表现为一下几种情况。  1.父母的溺爱  大
“园丁把对花儿的爱蕴含于等待之中——守候花期,俯身丛中,浇水松土,精心呵护。于是这种等待收获了万紫千红,争奇斗艳;果农把对果树的爱浸透于等待之中,渴望成熟,穿梭林间,剪枝施肥,悉心照管。于是这种等待换来了满园飘香,果实累累”。“十年树木,百年树人”。植物的生长有其自然规律,需耐心等待生根、发芽、开花、结果的漫长过程。更何况是育人这长期、系统、复杂的过程,他更需要我们怀有一颗爱心,耐心等待。  爱需
选择题要既快又准,高考选择平均每题解答时间应控制在2—3分钟左右,解题陷困受阻时更要切记不可一味蛮做,要针对题目的特点“千方百计”达到快捷解题的目的。下面将一些与物理知识无关但又是必须掌握的答题策略总结如下:  第一,要把整个题目看完,特别是选项,让选项引领你的思路。应当站在出题者的角度来揣摩,而不应该主观臆断。  第二, 高考试题中没有一个字是多余的,要注意一些关键词:正确的是、错误的是,一定,
音乐的情景教学是教师对一定教学内容进行形象性的描述或对其环境的设置模拟,以及创设出与之相匹配的场景,以激发学生的情感和思维,使学生仿佛置身其间,如临其境。新课标下要求学生在轻松愉快的环境下学习,发散学生的思维,所以在音乐教学中就需要创设各种不同的教学情景,使每一教学步骤都形象性,趣味性,启发性,吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣,让学生在愉快、欢乐的气氛中主动获取知识。  一、课堂情景教学的意义
没有艺术的教育是不完全的教育,美育正是青少年成长期不可缺少的重要文化营养,也是教育行为及基础教育过程中非常重要的感性教育与人生教育的有效途径。加强艺术教育,提高学生艺术素养,对于学生思维能力的发展、创造意识的培养、集体合作意识的加强等综合素质的提高起到巨大的促进作用。  如何培养小学生艺术素养,从课堂教学、课外活动、环境创设等多渠道进行探索,设计与其相匹配的方法与手段。在实施的过程中,对小学生艺术