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  1. The villagers in Barotopa, Bangladesh who have no connection with national electricity net have to electricity due to a solar energy project run by Grameen Shakti, a non-governmental organization in the country.
  A. right B. ability
  C. access D. opportunity
  2. A lawyer’s should meet the requirements of the law, both in professional service to customers in the lawyer’s business and personal affairs.
  A. career B. conduct
  C. entry D. ambition
  3. I never know whether Henry is pleased or ; he has a real poker face.
  A. annoyed B. delighted
  C. anxious D. interested
  4. Allow me to you most heartily on your success in your coming final examination.
  A. celebrate B. confirm
  C. congratulate D. contribute
  5. John has got one of his short novels published; he then attempted something more , a novel of 200, 000 words.
  A. ambitious B. suitable
  C. beneficial D. adaptable
  6. Media reports say the commission does not recommend that the prime minister . But if he stays in power, analysts believe he will be weak and ineffective.
  A. resign B. relieve
  C. regret D. reason
  7. This small booklet is for use when travelling. Moreover, it is totally free.
  A. firm B. accessible
  C. handy D. outgoing
  8. There are some English idioms that cannot be expressed in other languages, which is also the unique charm of languages.
  A. advancedly B. actually
  C. accessibly D. adequately
  9. Do you think financial status in relationship? I personally believe that it should have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the relationship.
  A. take chances B. keep in mind
  C. benefit from D. play a big part
  10. Did you miss the bus? , there’ll be another one in five minutes.
  A. Take care B. Sit around
  C. Never mind D. Calm down
  11. In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys girls.
  A. more than B. rather than
  C. other than D. less than
  12. We must ourselves to such new circumstances and do still a better job in promoting our national development.
  A. adopt B. adapt
  C. adjust D. addict
  13. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with . My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal once more.
  A. embarrassment B. sympathy   C. satisfaction D. disappointment
  14. Therefore, it is our task to continue to broaden our co-operation with them and enable them to play an even greater role in all fields of state .
  A. matters B. affairs
  C. businesses D. events
  15. Many successful men that they own much of their prosperity due to certain good habits in early life, such as punctuality, early rising, honesty.
  A. declared B. alarmed
  C. desired D. claimed
  16. A person in sorrow is always eager for . But at last it proves to be of no practical help.
  A. dignity B. sympathy
  C. assistance D. satisfaction
  17. People him his happiness, and he considered that he was only very lucky.
  A. congratulated B. praised
  C. admired D. envied
  18. The control system based on DSP technology can make the robot move flexibly on a , surface.
  A. elegant B. rough
  C. flat D. smooth
  19. The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rate involves many ,factors.
  A. complicated B. absurd
  C. awful D. challenging
  20. In most Viennese heads, nothing except the waltz is so and so affectionately fixed as the one truly indigenous musical form.
  A. awfully B. firmly
  C. completely D. deeply
  21. The ground on which such vegetation grows is what is especially for use by domestic grazing animals.
  A. left alone B. tested out
  C. set aside D. carried out
  22. It’s a pity that we haven’t sold a single flat in the past week. How I expect that our housing sales will in the coming New Year!
  A. turn up B. turn down
  C. turn to D. turn around
  23. — How many teachers and students does the college have?
  — Five thousand .
  A. after all B. first of all
  C. in all D. above all
  24. The government intends to the curtain on a whole new range of plans to bring down the unemployment rate.
  A. ring up B. rise up
  C. clear up D. bring up
  25. Students got a little anxious, because their teacher said that the difficult questions , 20% of all the questions in this exam.
  A. made up B. made up of
  C. consisted of D. counted of
  26. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good .
  A. expectation B. reputation
  C. contribution D. civilization
  27. Mistakes don’t merely happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes .   A. favourable B. precious
  C. essential D. worthwhile
  28. So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is ideal. We have to work still harder.
  A. next to B. far from
  C. out of D. due to
  29. Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house his personality.
  A. resembles B. strengthens
  C. reflects D. shapes
  30. After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide for the homeless families.
  A. accommodation B. occupation
  C. equipment D. furniture
  31. We accept your suggestion of the quantity of the textile, but can you to supply them within three years?
  A. manage B. serve
  C. adapt D. construct
  32. As your complaint does not the result for our test, please conduct another examination to show if there is any proof for your claim.
  A. agree with B. agree to
  C. agree on D. agree about
  33. Many people the opening ceremony of 2010 World Expo, which was so amazing.
  A. witnessed B. participated
  C. swallowed D. handled
  34. The owner of the shop asked his assistant to the pears that can be thrown away.
  A. work out B. make out
  C. sort out D. figure out
  35. Thanks to the barking dog, the thief was and we were lucky to lose nothing that night.
  A. got away B. broken away
  C. scared away D. taken away
  36. In the construction of such a huge project for military purpose, everyone must learn to , rather than give their opposite opinion to it.
  A. obey B. command
  C. instruct D. state
  37. The language in Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang reflects its typical downtown features in phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.
  A. discussion B. distribution
  C. destination D. distinction
  38. Please pay the money over there and then come back to get your . Please keep this receipt in case you want to replace it.
  A. progress B. process
  C. purchase D. practice
  39. They feel the pride, they sense the opportunity and they want to in building a better tomorrow.
  A. involve B. participate
  C. settle D. take
  40. Many questions remain unanswered, for example, can our blood itself to underwater surroundings?
  A. adjust B. adopt
  C. adapt D. apply
  41. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the need to explain a rather difficult point I have in my course of studies.   A. come upon B. come over
  C. come across D. come up with
  42. On the other hand, the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme would encourage more young people to serve the community through work.
  A. revolutionary B. contradictory
  C. satisfactory D. voluntary
  43. It is true that we must redouble our efforts; we cannot catch up with the developed countries.
  A. nevertheless B. instead
  C. otherwise D. therefore
  44. However, there are many more stations set up where mothers can their extra milk for other women’s babies.
  A. donate B. deliver
  C. debate D. dominate
  45. I shall appreciate it if you could send me some booklet regarding the training pro gramme.
  A. related B. relevant
  C. relative D. connective
  46. It takes longer to at lower temperature and the lasting wetness may affect certain plant growth or rooting process.
  A. drop out B. try out
  C. die out D. dry out
  47. In the poorer countries, the medical team works hand in hand with the local government to assist people .
  A. in need B. in turn
  C. in order D. in demand
  48. There is no need to purchase fuel to ,a solar heating system, because sunshine is free to everyone.
  A. operate B. produce
  C. perform D. construct
  49. The flag raised at the opening ceremony of the Olympics is only a . The host city treasures it after it receives the flag.
  A. substance B. suspect
  C. substitute D. suspension
  50. Even though he lived in a big city for a long time, he found he the life of the countryside more.
  A. fitted in with B. went with
  C. adapted for D. lived up to
  51. At first, the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to , Brasilia.
  A. moved in B. joined in
  C. stopped in D. settled in
  52. The report rewarding the child for his good behavior, and many experts approved of this opinion.
  A. accepted B. admitted
  C. acknowledged D. advocated
  53. Paul was disappointed to find that there was still so much work to do that a holiday for him was .
  A. out of question B. out of the question
  C. beyond question D. without question
  54. Bob was fully in his work, and he forgot to tell his friend he couldn’t pick him up at the airport.
  A. devoted B. absorbed
  C. occupied D. addicted
  55. There are of course many reasons why some local arts groups have not been able to , their good performance during the Arts Festival.   A. keep up B. keep out
  C. keep back D. keep off
  56. The press photographers arrived early so that they could key positions overlooking the route of the procession.
  A. take up B. pick up
  C. take in D. take on
  57. People who get plenty of vitamins A and C, which are in vegetables, appear to get fewer cancers of the respiratory and digestive systems.
  A. abundant B. adequate
  C. plentiful D. enough
  58. He made a movement as if to leave the room but, thinking better of it, returned to , the weeping girl.
  A. conflict B. commit
  C. comfort D. complete
  59. I know him to have been a promising student of intelligence and ability. I strongly , him in his application.
  A. advise B. recommend
  C. introduce D. suggest
  60. Aiming to standardize the doctor quality, many countries have carried out the examinations of doctors’ .
  A. qualification B. preparation
  C. destination D. contradiction
【经典例题】  例1 在《红楼梦》第九十回中,贾母说:“自然先给宝玉娶了亲,然后给林丫头说人家。再没有先是外人,后是自己人的……”。这反映出贾母( )  A. 具有男尊女卑的思想  B. 固守传统的家庭等级观念  C. 具有浓厚的宗法观念   D. 遵循长幼有序的婚姻礼俗  解析 本题考查同学们对传统观念的理解。解题重在分析材料中给出的关键词:“外人”“自己人”,说林黛玉是“外人“,贾宝玉
【经典例题】  例1 “我们应该利用资本主义(特别是要把它纳入国家资本主义的轨道)作为小生产和社会主义之间的中间环节,作为提高生产力的手段、途径、方法和方式。”列宁得出上述认识的时间应在( )  A. 二月革命时期B. 十月革命时期  C. 战时共产主义时期D. 新经济政策时期  解析 此题考查同学们从材料获取有效信息的能力,解答时要抓准关键词。“国家资本主义”“小生产和社会主义之间”是关
9. 解析几何  39. 直线的倾斜角与斜率的关系,你清楚吗?直线方程的五种形式及其适用范围,你注意了吗?两条直线的位置关系的判断,你是否注意到两种特殊情况(平行于[x]轴,平行于[y]轴)?  例39 (2010安徽)过点(1,0)与直线[x-2y-2=0]平行的直线方程是( )  A.[x-2y-1=0] B. [x-2y+1=0]  C. [2x+y-2=0] D. [x+2y
一、情景拟写。  1. “无路请缨”“投笔从戎”“长风破浪”三个典故分别涉及的历史人物是终军、班超、宗悫,请据此写一个议论性感悟语段。要求:有中心观点和论据,至少要用上两个人物和典故。不超过50字。(《滕王阁序》)  答:__________________________________________________
1. As is known, China is a developing country, to which new economy is a as well as an opportunity.  A. construction B. challenge  C. link D. contribution  2. It is a of city life that all sorts of pe
1. What Junichiro Koizumi(小泉) should do is not to pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社),but to make an to the Chinese victims.  A. excuse B. attempt  C. apology D. effort  2. How could your friend
1. China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific in the world.  A. campaigns B. surprises  C. achievements D. discoveries  2. In his speech he to the great help the club rece
1. Poor Helen is beloved as a friendly lady by all who knew her and had the same church for almost all her adult life.  A. belonged to B. owed to  C. went on with D. insisted on  2. The engines of the
1. We’d better go home soon. Look, the black clouds are gathering, that a big storm is on its way here.  A. explaining B. indicating  C. expressing D. grasping  2. The exposure of footballers’ cheatin
1. With good treatment and care, Professor Smith unbelievably from heart attack in a week.  A. remained B. returned  C. retired D. recovered  2. — You look unhappy. Why?  — I’m always when I don’t get