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  1. As is known, China is a developing country, to which new economy is a as well as an opportunity.
  A. construction B. challenge
  C. link D. contribution
  2. It is a of city life that all sorts of people meet and mingle together who never fully comprehend one another.
  A. dream B. universe
  C. certainty D. characteristic
  3. It’s how you failure that makes the difference in one’s life. That goes for anything in life, not just money.
  A. respond B. defeat
  C. challenge D. handle
  4. Guo Meimei incident makes many donators change their belief. That’s: Do not , more than necessary to groups unworthy of your cash.
  A. contribute B. collect
  C. raise D. lend
  5. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky .
  A. make up B. make sense
  C. make believe D. make out
  6. Even if the driver is highly skilful and , in bad weather and heavy traffic, accident may be unavoidable even for him.
  A. positive B. enthusiastic
  C. energetic D. cautious
  7. During the summit, exchanging views on regional security, the two leaders also discussed security cooperation between the two countries.
  A. instead of B. in view of
  C. apart from D. regardless of
  8. At the meeting, the experts some view points for improving the structure of Shanghai urban railway network.
  A. come up B. bring out
  C. put forward D. work out
  9. Because of the lack of complete data, scientists can’t the time when food raised in space will directly benefit humans below.
  A. approve B. foresee
  C. prove D. clarify
  10. “I’m not going to accept responsibility; lay the on the right shoulders.” Marry said to her boss.
  A. blame B. burden
  C. praise D. defeat
  11. Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school. the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.
  A. Attending B. Concluding
  C. Handling D. Instructing
  12. The latest research shows animals would get some symptoms of depression when they are the light all night.
  A. absorbed to B. exposed to
  C. connected to D. attached to
  13. When you fail, don’t lose heart. Keep on working until you you aim.
  A. clarify B. simplify
  C. accomplish D. furnish
  14. Music is an intensely(热烈的) social medium, most when it is discussed and shared with friends.   A. enjoyable B. valuable
  C. reasonable D. changeable
  15. He decided to write a story that would comfort Barbara and other children who felt different and .
  A. given out B. left out
  C. worked out D. taken out
  16. Cities provide and civilized lifestyle, but they also bring about a series of problems, such as pollution, traffic jam, and crime, etc.
  A. institution B. administration
  C. convenience D. advantage
  17. They went through the details of the plan over and over again to make sure that there was no of failure.
  A. doubt B. possibility
  C. method D. opportunity
  18. I wouldn’t say yet that their marriage won’t , but things are looking a little better than they did a year ago.
  A. break down B. break out
  C. break in D. break up
  19. India is one of the major countries in Asia and the World with a long history and culture.
  A. royal B. splendid
  C. nationwide D. friendly
  20. To our great , an increasing number of parents are ready to take more time to improve their children’s mental health.
  A. disappointment B. surprise
  C. delight D. belief
  21. When the war broke out in 1939 the artist sent much of his works and to Switzerland for safekeeping.
  A. administration B. institution
  C. currency D. collection
  22. Although the story doesn’t have big contradiction(矛盾) and , it has a lot of touching details.
  A. fight B. struggle
  C. conflict D. battle
  23. Please us with a catalogue and price list together with samples, if available.
  A. furnish B. send
  C. apply D. bring
  24. I am not the viewpoint that one language should replace others as the common one.
  A. in favor of B. in memory of
  C. in view of D. in search of
  25. Mr Sandy is an elegant lady whose particular way of smiling leave a good on me.
  A. impression B. sense
  C. attitude D. influence
  26. In high pace of life, we can see flow of cars running in the street, highways and subways everyday.
  A. unforgettable B. constant
  C. rough D. deadly
  27. Whatever the outcome of the election, the new government will have to the big challenge.
  A. take up B. take away
  C. take over D. take on
  28. She sold herself short at the interview by failing to mention her experience.
  A. private B. uncertain
  C. previous D. powerful   29. To be honest, I am not all that that we will pass the exam, for I’ve spent little time on my subject recently.
  A. pessimistic B. optimistic
  C. interested D. worried
  30. Now, creativity is encouraged in every school, so we must first make sure we can ways and ideas different from our own.
  A. tolerate B. adjust
  C. agree D. represent
  31. Some researchers find the of security and a sense of competition leads people to develop their potentials and creativity.
  A. adjustment B. lack
  C. loss D. credit
  32. To ensure continuous economic growth in this region is a major for it to introduce advanced technology and equipment.
  A. process B. motivation
  C. advance D. source
  33. His first book was an success,for many students can hardly tear themselves away from it, the moment it was published.
  A. efficient B. instant
  C. effective D. lasting
  34. Nowadays the increasing combination of economy, science and technology the pace of world economy reconstruction.
  A. sweeps up B. takes up
  C. speeds up D. holds up
  35. They their talk to a more interesting one when they found the subject was too serious.
  A. held B. switched
  C. debated D. folded
  36. is a branch of science that studies the relation between human and the environment.
  A. Geography B. Physics
  C. Philosophy D. Ecology
  37. It notes Qu Yuan’s qualities should continue to be praised and remembered by modern society.
  A. considerate B. admirable
  C. unforgettable D. gifted
  38. From the earliest age, people could see that he would get to the top of the ladder — no matter what he chose.
  A. profession B. preference
  C. habit D. feature
  39. Most banks require companies to financial statements before they extend credit.
  A. submit B. sign
  C. claim D. represent
  40. Google’s search data are every day, so they can in theory capture shifts in consumer behavior before official data are released.
  A. provided B. applied
  C. updated D. submitted
  41. This is a realiable company which has advanced equipment and many technical staff to meet the needs of all users.
  A. eager B. thorough
  C. precious D. senior
  42. In the animal world a leader’s job is to sense, others, danger as well as opportunity and to lead the organization to adapt itself to both.   A. ahead of B. instead of
  C. thanks to D. regardless of
  43. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly can the skill to do difficult things easily.
  A. demand B. concentrate
  C. involve D. acquire
  44. John had the speech written but he wanted to it up a bit before he delivered.
  A. dress B. do
  C. polish D. add
  45. If you see your friends or partner do things you don’t , you can reject the behavior not the person.
  A. think of B. approve of
  C. pay off D. take off
  46. I will keep in touch with you by e-mail and them of the newest development in all fields, such as our new ideas.
  A. remind B. inform
  C. accuse D. warn
  47. If I love you, I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won’t
  hurt me.
  A. deadly B. deliberately
  C. carelessly D. sharply
  48. Today very much attention is paid to air conditioners because of their important roles in our daily life, which are known to be a relevant source of moulds(霉菌).
  A. therefore B. otherwise
  C. meanwhile D. anyhow
  49. The representatives called for a political agreement at first while continuing to negotiate a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol.
  A. permanent B. temporary
  C. chief D. firm
  50. Most importantly, a limited knowledge of computers should not be a(n) to discussing ethics(道德) with your child.
  A. aid B. barrier
  C. reason D. excuse
  51. Many studies suggest that animals are capable of emotions such as fear, anger, and even joy and sadness.
  A. simple B. mild
  C. complex D. vital
  52. As the jobless ranks around the world in coming months, the opposition mood against globalisation will grow.
  A. swell B. cure
  C. spread D. squeeze
  53. , investment in roads, railways and the power grid will help China to sustain future rapid growth.
  A. In place B. In order
  C. In general D. In case
  54. In modern society from time to time many people may reach the point where the pressure of life seems almost .
  A. unfortunate B. unfair
  C. unsuccessful D. unbearable
  55. The artist tried to the method into art and paint more paintings of high artistic standards.
  A. supply B. apply
  C. treat D. appreciate
  56. More and more women are to South Korean soap operas because of the beautiful scenes in them.
  A. addicted B. affected
  C. admitted D. adapted
  57. His business really after he made market research and changed his selling strategy.
  A. took back B. took up
  C. took on D. took off
  58. If he wants to in the year he is in charge he should devote himself to these two key policies.
  A. make a promise B. make a point
  C. make a difference D. make a progress
  59. Like Japan, South Korea is a country in which the young find themselves under huge to succeed.
  A. pressure B. struggle
  C. shadow D. attraction
  60. A good friend is a lifetime friend. He always listens attentively to what you . His concern for you will never be changed.
  A. give out B. pour out
  C. squeeze out D. send out
【经典例题】  例1 清末有舆论说:“中兴名臣曾国藩公赏侯爵,李鸿章不过伯爵,其余百战功臣,竟有望男爵而不可得者,信乃以子、男等爵奖创办实业工商,……斯诚稀世之创举。”此“创举”反映了( )  A. 资本主义的萌芽  B. 重农抑商传统的改变  C. 爵位制度的创设  D. 封建君主专制的加强  解析 “创举”意为发生重大变化,从题中材料可看出奖励实业、鼓励工商是当时的创举。A项,资本主义
一、山地的形成  1.板块运动与地表形态  板块构造的基本观点:地球的岩石圈不是整体一块,而是被一些断裂构造带,如海岭、海沟等,分割成许多单元,叫板块。全球岩石圈分为六大板块,其中只有太平洋板块为大洋板块。板块处于不断的运动之中。一般来说,板块内部地壳比较稳定,两个板块的交界处,是地壳运动比较活跃的地带,火山和地震也多集中分布在这一带。  板块相对移动而发生彼此碰撞或张裂,形成了地球表面的基本面貌
【经典例题】  例1 苏格拉底在受审时申辩说:“打一个可笑的比喻,我就像一只牛虻,整天到处叮住你们不放,唤醒你们、说服你们、指责你们……我要让你们知道,要是杀死像我这样的人,那么对你们自己造成的损害将会超过对我的残害。”这段话表明苏格拉底( )  A. 维护公民生存权利   B. 捍卫思想自由原则  C. 抗议雅典司法不公  D. 反对贵族专权暴政 
【经典例题】  例1 史学家陈旭麓认为:“民族的反思,是在遭遇极大的困难中产生的。一百多年来,中华民族的第一次反思是在鸦片战争后,渐知诸事不如人,只有学习西方。第二次则是反思何以学了西方仍然失败。”其中的“第二次反思”付诸政治实践开始于( )  A. 第二次鸦片战争后   B. 甲午中日战争后  C. 八国联军侵华战争后   D. 抗日战争后  解析
一、河流侵蚀类型与堆积地貌  1.河流侵蚀类型  河水在流动过程中,会破坏并带走地表的物质,形成侵蚀地貌。河流的侵蚀主要有三种类型,由于它们对地表的侵蚀方向不同,因而对河谷形态的影响也不同。这三种类型是溯源侵蚀、下蚀和侧蚀。  2.河流堆积地貌  河流携带着大量砾石和泥沙,当水流流出谷口时,地势突然变得平缓,水道也变得开阔,因而水流速度变慢,搬运能力减弱,使得水流所携带的泥沙逐渐沉积下来,就形成了
【经典例题】  例1 历史学家李洵认为:“明代江南地区的‘士大夫’是十六世纪以来中国历史上有特点的社会势力。他们凭借着江南地区发达的经济文化有利条件,通过各种途径获取政治上的功名,然后扩展经济实力,引领当时的社会风潮,在江南社会中扮演着极其重要的角色。”阅读下列材料并回答问题。  材料一 士大夫家多以纺绩求利。其俗勤啬好殖,以故富庶。……如华亭相(徐阶)在位,多蓄织妇,岁计所积,与市为贾。  
【经典例题】  例1 在《红楼梦》第九十回中,贾母说:“自然先给宝玉娶了亲,然后给林丫头说人家。再没有先是外人,后是自己人的……”。这反映出贾母( )  A. 具有男尊女卑的思想  B. 固守传统的家庭等级观念  C. 具有浓厚的宗法观念   D. 遵循长幼有序的婚姻礼俗  解析 本题考查同学们对传统观念的理解。解题重在分析材料中给出的关键词:“外人”“自己人”,说林黛玉是“外人“,贾宝玉
【经典例题】  例1 “我们应该利用资本主义(特别是要把它纳入国家资本主义的轨道)作为小生产和社会主义之间的中间环节,作为提高生产力的手段、途径、方法和方式。”列宁得出上述认识的时间应在( )  A. 二月革命时期B. 十月革命时期  C. 战时共产主义时期D. 新经济政策时期  解析 此题考查同学们从材料获取有效信息的能力,解答时要抓准关键词。“国家资本主义”“小生产和社会主义之间”是关
9. 解析几何  39. 直线的倾斜角与斜率的关系,你清楚吗?直线方程的五种形式及其适用范围,你注意了吗?两条直线的位置关系的判断,你是否注意到两种特殊情况(平行于[x]轴,平行于[y]轴)?  例39 (2010安徽)过点(1,0)与直线[x-2y-2=0]平行的直线方程是( )  A.[x-2y-1=0] B. [x-2y+1=0]  C. [2x+y-2=0] D. [x+2y
一、情景拟写。  1. “无路请缨”“投笔从戎”“长风破浪”三个典故分别涉及的历史人物是终军、班超、宗悫,请据此写一个议论性感悟语段。要求:有中心观点和论据,至少要用上两个人物和典故。不超过50字。(《滕王阁序》)  答:__________________________________________________