Wang Chuanshan's view of employment and Its Contemporary Value

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  Abstract:Long years ago,every kings of the dynasty want to preserve their power.The key of govern the country is whether use the right people.Wang Chuanshan’ ideology of how to use people not only strict for the junior,but also for higher-level.Firstly,higher-level must be strict with themself;;secondly terribly suspect doubt must be avoided;at last,each should be given his deserts.How to use people not only in the ancient times is useful,but also in modern government or company.His ideology is enlightenment for us right now.
  Key words:Wang Chuanshan;ideology of how to use people;know one's subordinates well
  At the end of the Ming Dynasty,a great thinker was born at the Heng Zhou district in Hunan.Wang Chuanshan was known as “Oriental Hegel”.Wang Chuanshan read a lot of ancient books from childhood.He wrote a large number of works throughout his life,and more than 800 of the ten thousand word books were kept until now.Wang Chuanshan had a strong patriotism and had deep feelings for the Ming Dynasty.He was very sad about the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.Wang Chuanshan said:“You are unmatched when you know how to use people.”[1]Then write his own work in seclusion.In summing up the rise and fall of the dynasty,the way of employing the kings of all dynasties was analyzed.
  Firstly: The essence of the employment view: to be strict with oneself
  Only by adopting a positive and effective strategy to govern the country,the rulers took the right road to govern the country and enrich the people.The rulers must first attach importance to their own self-cultivation.The ruler as the ruling class,the heavy responsibilities of the world are all on his own.We should have the sense of responsibility to care for the country and the people and take the responsibility of the whole world as our responsibility.The state regards the common people as the foundation of establishing a country,and the implementation of decrees should take into consideration the wishes of the common people.Let the people get what they deserve;let the people hold on to what should be kept.As long as the heart of the common people is toward the country,the country will never die.
  Secondly: The measure of the way of the employment view: mete out the proper awards and penalties
  The monarch to rewards and punishments is a means of incentive effect for the court officials better.Rewards and punishments is unified and is opposite to each other,they cannot be separated.The monarch reward,apply the carrot and stick judiciously in order to achieve the desired effect.And to use just perfect,men will be convinced,making subordinates understand the public into income,as a private retreat is lost.This subject will serve to monarch,striven for court effect.For meritorious to give appropriate incentives to encourage them to continue to serve the country,not because of selfishness and punishment cut.Wang Chuanshan thought:“the place where we live in the secret,and the plot of the knee,the country is not fixed,the state is not fixed,the loyalty to the upright discussion,the state security of the country,lead the body and go,to put an end to the reward of private work,then the danger of danger,it is still the rest!”[2]   Thirdly: contemporary value
  Xi Jinping once said:"to study the history of anti-corruption and clean government in our country,to understand the culture of anti-corruption in ancient China and to examine the success and failure of anti-corruption and clean government in the history of our country can enlighten people deeply and help us to use historical wisdom to promote the construction of anti-corruption and clean government."[3]Wang Chuanshan's idea of "strict with oneself" has important implications for us to implement the "strict and strict administration of the party"."The four comprehensive" is the strategic layout put forward by General Secretary Xi,leading China to move towards a modern power.The theoretical basis of "knowing others is good" is an important reference for our party to select and appoint talents.The leading cadres of the party are the backbone of social construction and are of vital importance to the party's governing capability.The first thing to do is to "know people" to "use people".Talent is very important for promoting social development and progress."Ability and integrity" has always been a standard for measuring talents.In a word,it is the core of Wang Chuanshan's view of man,and the inevitable choice of the civilization and progress of human society to achieve the prosperity of the nation and the rejuvenation of the nation.Looking at the history of China,the rise and fall of which dynasty has great connections with people.
  [1]Wang Fuzhi.Reading comprehension theory(the second edition of the first volume).[M].
  [2]Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,2013.279.
  [3]Wang Fuzhi.Reading comprehension theory(the second edition of the next volume)[M].Beijing:Zhonghua Book Company,2013.802.
  [4]Xi Jinping.Xi Jinping talk about governing the country.[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Press,2014.390.
摘 要:工会在企业当中扮演重要的角色,它是联系党和群众的一个桥梁,工会对于群众来说,他们可以利用工会组织进行学习,也可以维护自己的权利,而企业工会在企业的发展中承担着思想政治工作的任务,在工作中,工会只有明确自己的任务,全面了解员工的情况,坚持工作中的原则,才能将思想政治工作做到位,更好的为企业的发展服务。  关键词:企业管理;基层工会;思想政治工作  一、把握特点做好思想政治工作  1.实效性 
摘 要:思想政治工作是煤炭企业改革发展的重要保障,十九大以来宣传工作在思想政治工作中具有重要作用,做好新形势下煤炭企业的宣传工作意义重大。本文在对煤炭企业开展宣传工作的必要性进行分析的基础上,对宣传工作在思想政治工作中的作用及方案措施进行了探究。  关键词:煤炭企业;十九大;宣传工作;思想政治工作  十九大以来,宣传思想文化工作是党的工作的重要组成部分。煤炭企业充分认识自己肩负的重要责任,切实增强
摘 要:组织的领导战略关系到组织长远的发展方向和目标,组织领导战略的实现很大程度上取决于组织领导力的有效实施。领导力和领导战略对于组织的发展都有着重要作用,本文主要就领导战略和领导力的关系做以浅析。  关键词:领导战略;领导力;战略领导力  一、研究背景  组织领导战略是影响组织长远发展的重要策略,是组织目标实现的关键。然而不是所有正确的领导战略都能达到组织的预期目标,组织领导战略的有效实施很大程
摘 要:2009年初,巴基斯坦与阿富汗相继推出了各自的反恐3D战略。在新的反恐战略指导下,巴基斯坦与地方宗教组织签署协议,以期通过对话和发展等方式从根本上根除恐怖主义和极端主义。美国则在要破坏、瓦解和击溃恐怖主义的战略指导下,对巴基斯坦施压。在美国的强大压力下,巴基斯坦被迫调整反恐方式。  关键词:巴基斯坦;美国;3D反恐战略;分歧  一、巴美出台反恐新战略  自9·11事件后,小布什政府要求巴基
摘 要:领导是指一个通过自身魅力不自觉感染下属,使得下属主动地追隨来完成目标的这样一个人。而领导战略通常是指领导在组织中为完成目标,所做出的策略。领导战略对于领导者至关重要,一个优秀的领导战略不仅可以帮助领导者完成组织的目标和任务,还可以收获更多的追随者。  关键词:领导战略;战略思维;提升途径  一、领导战略在机构组织中的地位  1.领导者在组织中的主要作用就是通过领导战略的制定和实施,来完成目
摘 要:大学生是青年的重要组成部分,是国家建设和社会发展的生力军和接班人,肩负着推动我国走向世界强国的历史使命。大学生应该勤学、修德、明辨、笃实,努力践行社会主义核心价值观。  关键词:大学生;践行;社会主义核心价值观;探析  党的十八大以来,习近平总书记对青年工作始终高度重视,作出许多重要论述。今年五四青年节当天,习近平总书记亲临北京大学,与师生座谈,发表了 《青年要自觉践行社会主义核心价值观》
摘 要:安倍内阁第二次上台以来,面对中国和平崛起、美国相对衰落等世界格局的变化,不断在外交上创造局面、开辟出路,大幅度开拓日本的国际战略空间,以谋求日本的振作崛起,回归“正常国家”。在第六次非洲开发会议(TICAD)上提出了日本所谓的“自由开放的印度洋太平洋战略”。安倍指出:“日本有责任,将太平洋与印度洋、亚洲与非洲的交流活动构建成与武力和威慑无缘的,重视自由、法制和市场经济之地,并使其富饶”。研
摘 要:从现在的产业状况来看,我国对社会养老服务体系的投资制度并没有进行完善的建设,国家的资金投入并不能支撑产业的优秀快速发展,民间投资中很少能做到长期对养老产业进行投資,大多数都是短期小额的地方企业扶持,这就使得大多数的养老机构经常面临资金缺口的现象,十分不利于养老体系的完善和持续发展。同时我国政府对养老体系的管理漏洞也是阻碍养老体系发展的重要原因。国家政策体系制度的不完善直接影响到了养老体系的
摘 要:随着十九大的胜利召开,习近平总书记以廉洁文化为中心创造性提出了一系列新思想、新观点和新论断,这为廉洁文化赋予了特殊的历史使命,从而凸显了廉洁文化所特有的时代价值。本文分别从习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、中国特色社会主义制度以及中国特色社会主义核心价值这三个层面来论述廉洁文化的时代价值,希望能够为廉洁文化的时代价值研究提供新的参考思路,从而为建设廉洁文化社会提供创新性的参考思路。  关键
摘 要:目前,我国改革进入攻坚阶段,人们的观念与社会的实践都在不断发展,思想政治工作在当前不少企业的政工干部中不同程度地存在着墨守成规、固步自封等问题,很大程度上影响着思想政治工作的创新和发挥。企业的思想政治工作者只有将所面临的教育、管理手段不断进行调整,把握规律、大胆创新、勤学苦练,才能持续加强和改进思想政治工作,真正使思想政治工作在促进企业改革、发展、稳定中发挥重要作用。  关键词:现代企业;