On American Dream

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  【Abstract】F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest novelists in American literature. In 1925 he achieved splendid artistic success with his masterpiece The Great Gatsby. The thesis consists of five parts: the introduction and the second part are devoted to a discussion of the historical background of the American Dream, which is followed by the presentation of the author’s experiences and perceptions that contribute to the novel’s theme. The third part examines the collapse of Gatsby, centering on his spiritual and moral disintegration from the initial vitality, self -disciplined, to the withering of his dream. The forth part is a special study of other two main characters in the novel—Daisy and Tom, who are both hypocritical, brutal and corrupt that lead to Gatsby’s death. The last part comes to the conclusion which summarizes the whole paper and reveals the inevitability of Gatsby’s tragedy.
  【Key words】the American Dream disillusionment The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
  1. Introduction
  F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest stylists in American literature. Known as the “Prince of the Jazz Age”, His works have become automatically indentified with an American decade: The Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties. The crowning achievement of Fitzgerald’s career is his novel The Great Gatsby which is a story of the thwarted love between a man of humble origin and a woman from the “higher” class. The disillusionment of the American Dream is often the written theme in the American literature. The Great Gatsby is one of the representative works that reflect the illusionary nature of the American Dream.
  2. Fitzgerald’s Background and the American Dream
  Fitzgerald and His Works
  F. Scott Fitzgerald is a typical figure of his time. Some critics regard him as the pioneer in the history of American modern literature.
  3.Brief Overview of The Great Gatsby
  Gatsby, a poor youth from the Midwest, falls in love with Daisy, an upper class lady. But due to his poverty, Daisy leaves him and then marries to a vulgar rich young man, Tom Buchanan. Determined to win his lost love back, Gatsby involves himself in bootlegging and other illegal activities. There he holds dazzling parties every weekend, hoping that this will allure the Buchanan to come. Through the arrangement of Nick Caraway, Gatsby meets Daisy again and shows her his wealth and possessions in hopes that she will come back. As a result, this meeting is destined to be a disappointment since Gatsby has build up such grandiose dreams for the reunification of the two of them. Daisy does cry because the shirt that Gatsby wears is so beautiful that she never sees one before. Eventually, Tom and Gatsby have a bitter confrontation, in which Tom exposes Gatsby’s low origins, while Gatsby tells Tom about his affair and how Daisy does not love him. Gatsby wants Daisy to admit that she never loves Tom, but she fails him by using evasive words. The tragedy comes when Gatsby takes Daisy back to New York and allows her to drive in order to calm her nerves. When they pass Wilson’s garage, Daisy swerves to avoid another car and ends up hitting Myrtle, Tom’s mistress, and kills her. Gatsby refused Caraway’s advice to leave the town until the situation calms, for he wants to make sure that Daisy is safe. However, he cannot even imagine that Daisy and Tom plot to shift the blame on him. When George Wilson, driven mad by his wife’s death, goes to seek out the killer, Tom Buchanan points him towards Gatsby. Wilson shoots Gatsby before he committing suicide. Nick organizes the funeral, but finds that few have any concern for Gatsby. Much worse, the woman he loves and tries to protect has left the town with her husband to avoid any responsibility. Finally Nick decides to return to the mid-west with the disconcerting knowledge, thus ending the whole story.   4. The Disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream
  4.1 A Young Man with Great Dreams
  The protagonist Gatsby is an earnest follower of Benjamin Franklin, in the novel Gatsby is a young man full of potential, and even when he was a boy he showed his values and ambition, and in the eye of his father, he is a man that bound to get ahead. Born in a poor peasant family, little Gatsby never complains, though he is young, he has a strong believe that one day he can be what he makes himself to be by hard working and sincere devotion, just like his idol Franklin, who works his way up from poverty to respectability. The inspiration of a good model is always great. Once Gatsby made up his mind, actions followed. He made Benjamin-like schedule on the last fly-leaf of the book Hopalong Cassidy , date September 12th, 1906, presented by his father in the last chapter:
  It is easy to see from the timetable that in order to make self- improvements Jimmy Gatsby make plans to discipline himself. He knows what he is doing. He has a good management to arrange his time. He has a strong sense of money and his own ability to adjust himself to the reality. First, he plans to save $5.00 per week, then he cross it out and changes it into $3.00 per week. The most valuable point is that he shows his love and respect to his parents by keep reminding himself of being better to his parents.
  All those above give us a vivid picture of Jay Gatsby: A honest, dynamic young man full of ambition and determination, holding the dream that by hard working and self-reliance, he can one day become somebody and have a promising future. This perfectly cater to the traditional definition of the American Dream, in its most popular sense, the America Dream is the search for materialistic success and it refers to the pursuit of individuals to obtain success of their life on their own initiative.
  4.2 Victim of the Illusive Dream
  Throughout The Great Gatsby, Gatsby’s dream is doomed to end in tragedy when he started his illusory quest for Daisy Fay. In Gatsby’s mind, Daisy is always an innocent angel, pure and charming, but she is in reality a cruel and cold girl whose voice is full of money and the inner heart is empty. Thus, Gatsby, under the illusion that he can get back his love and he can repeat his romantic past is doomed to be a failure, because they are only a fantasy which is inconsistent with the reality. Love blinds Gatsby, who pursuing Daisy all his life even hardly notices the change on the pretty shallow girl. Eventually he becomes the victim of illusive dream.   5. Two Indispensable Antagonists in The Great Gatsby
  5.1 The “Golden Girl”—Daisy Fay
  As a girl coming from the upper class, Daisy Fay is the spirit of wealth and values riches above anything else. Daisy Fay is a white flower with golden center, which has a symbolic meaning. Just as the little white flower suggests, Daisy is such a young, beautiful girl that she attracts many young men around her and becomes the local social butterfly. Beautiful as the flower is, the white color also suggests vicious emptiness. So Daisy’s characteristics are clearly known to us: charm but shallow, aimlessness and emptiness take up all her life, the most crucial is her cruelness, comparing with Gatsby’s naivety and innocence, she is not worthy of Gatsby’s love.
  [1]Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Jiangsu: Yi Ling Press. 1998
  [2]Franklin, Benjamin. Poor Richard’s Almanac. Mount Vernon: Peter Pauper Press. 1990
  [3]Hearn, Charles R. The American Dream in the Great Depression. Westport: Greenwood Press. 1977
  [4]Long, Robert Emmet. The Great Gatsby—the Intricate Art. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press. 1979
  [5]Piper, Henry Dan. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Critical Portrait. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1965
  [6]Warner, W. Lloyd. American Life and Reality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1953
【摘 要】作为计算机教学教学,有必要也应该可以将一些能让学生感兴趣的游戏内容熔入到教学中,在让学生学习到知识的同时也可以提高学习内容的趣味性。本文针对计算机的日常教学的内容和形式提出了一种建议和实践性的做法。  【关键词】计算机语言教学 寓乐于教 小型游戏  社会的发展,就是尽量的给人类以认识自然和改造自然的能力,自由改造,计算机作为最先进的生产生活工具更应该发挥其特殊的作用。当前社会正处于信息化
【摘 要】高校图书馆是高校硬件建设的重要组成部分,通过笔者的跟踪调查和数据统计,发现高校图书的利用程度很多时候并不取决于读者,而是取决于馆内的学科馆员。伴随着数字化、信息化在高校图书馆内的传播、应用,对图书馆馆员的要求也应有所改进,改善图书馆馆员普遍潜在的素质问题才是提升图书馆建设和发展的基础性问题。  【关键词】高校 图书馆 馆员 素质 现状  高校图书馆工作的独特性,即以教学为主的服务重点,以
【摘 要】“初中物理应根据教学目标、教学内容及教学对象灵活采用教学方式,提倡教学方式多样化。注重采用探究式的教学方法,让学生经历科学探究过程,学习科学研究方法,培养其创新精神和实践能力。”这是初中物理新课程倡导的基本理念。  【关键词】新课程理念 生活中的物理 探究式课堂教学  物理新课标强调科学探究既是学生的学习目标,它旨在让学生领悟科学探究方法,发展科学探究能力,体验科学探究的乐趣,养成实事求
一、教材分析  高等教育出版社出版的《英语》(基本版)的普通起点为初中英语教学大纲要求学生掌握的600英语单词,更加贴近目前中职英语教学的实际情况。本教材覆盖了初中英语教学大纲的全部语法项目,所有交际功能项目和约90%的词汇项目。  本教材从激发和保持学生的兴趣出发,着重培养学生学习英语的积极性和自信心。注重交际应用,突出职教特色。  每个教学单元均包括“热身活动”,“听”,“说”,“综合英语”,
一、概述  本课的教材是高等教育出版社出版的英语基本版,第二册,针对中专一年级学生。我说课的内容是unit 2 space 的口语部分。关于如何用英语问路和指路。  二、教学目标  本节课的教学目标分为两部分:知识目标和情感目标。  (一)在知识目标方面:1.熟记问路的常用句型2.能够模仿对话示例,更换部分词汇,做正确的对话。3.能够根据其他句型,自己编写一段对话。同桌两人在课堂上表演。  (二)
任何教育都是发生在一定的社会中的,乡村教育自然要在乡土社会中去进行,我的关于传统与现代的随想,即以乡土社会开始。  一、乡土社会的变迁  首先要谈谈农村社会的问题,也就是传统意义上乡土社会的问题。中国的乡土文明在过去的几千年里,创造了举世瞩目的辉煌,这与儒教思想严密不分开的。费孝通先生在他的《乡土中国》里谈到,中国的社会,是一个差序格局的社会,“是一个‘一个个私人联系所构成的网络’,这不同于西方的
认真备课和精心的设计教学设计是成功的上好一堂课的前提,许多老师为此付出了大量的时间和精力。但课后很少有老师去回味和反思这节课的效果和教学中的不足。长此下来,教师的教学水平停滞不前,很难有质的飞跃,作为一名青年教师的我把“教学反思”作为自己成长的法宝,并取得了很大的进步,就如何教学反思,本文试做探讨。  一、从教学方面写教学反思  (一)记录课堂目标完成情况  一节课好坏的评判标准:要看多个方面,比
I. Teaching objective  By the end of the session, most Ss will be able to: 1) grasp key words: theater, cinema, seat, screen, comfortable, close to, quality. 2) grasp some superlative adjectives: chea
【摘 要】学习策略培养是《英语课程标准》对语言综合应用能力的五个维度之一,是高中英语教学的重要目标。我国对基础教育阶段,学生调控策略的培养的相关研究关注较少。调控策略对学生自主能力,终生学生能力的形成,综合素质的提高和实现从教师为中心到学生中心的教学观有着十分重要的作用。  【关键词】学习策略培养 调控策略 元认知  学界普遍认为可以采取集中式培训和融合式培养,其中将学习策略的培养融入平时的教学,