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  From misunderstandings to couple’s quarrels, help restore harmony to any situation
  hinese culture places a premium on the concept of “peace.” Throughout history, the refrain that “peace is most precious” (以和为贵 y@ h9 w9i gu#) has prevailed. For family affairs, we have the phrase 家和萬事兴 (ji` h9 w3nsh# x~ng, a peaceful family leads to the success of all things); for business, it’s said that 和气生财 (h9q# sh8ng c1i, amiability breeds riches).
  However, where there are humans, there are conflicts. Even the happiest couple, closest friends, or most faithful partners will quarrel with each other at some point. At this time, a peacemaker might be necessary. But it’s not an easy role to play. Before you throw yourself into the middle of the battlefield, make sure you’re well prepared with the following phrases.
  Many conflicts actually result from misunderstanding. A Chinese idiom says that “a bystander is always clear-minded” (旁观者清 p1nggu`nzh0 q~ng). As a third party who can see both sides’ points of view, peacemakers can try to fix the problem by explaining the situation. In most cases, they don’t need to focus on what has already happened; instead, they emphasize intentions.
  He has a sharp tongue [lit. “like a knife”] but a soft heart [like tofu]. Don’t take his words seriously.
  T` zh-ge r9n d`ozi zu@ d7ufu x~n, shu4 de hu3 n@ bi9 w2ng x~nli q&.
  Although he screwed it up, he meant well. I can guarantee he didn’t do that on purpose.
  T` zh- y0sh# h2ox~n b3n hu3ish#. W6 g2n d2 b2opi3o t` b% sh# g&y# de.
  What he said was obviously spoken in anger. Actually, he doesn’t mean that at all.
  T` shu4 de m!ngxi2n d4ush# q#hu3, sh!j# shang b#ng b% sh# n3ge y#si.
  But defending one side in a dispute can be tricky. Sometimes you will make one person feel that you stand with the other, and thus you become “the enemy” as well—the peacemaker inadvertently ends up becoming a troublemaker. This is particularly risky when it comes to family affairs or romantic relationships, which are usually too private for an outsider to intervene in. In such a situation, a peacemaker should avoid deciding who is right and who is wrong. Instead, their task is to downplay the conflict so it ends naturally. In these cases, some old sayings can help.
  First, make it clear that you are completely impartial:   This is just a case of “everyone has their own way of saying things.” Neither of you is wrong.
  Zh- ji3n sh# zh8nshi “G4ng shu4 g4ng y6ul@, p5 shu4 p5 y6ul@”, N@menli2 d4u m9i cu7.
  Then make them feel that it’s no big deal to have a fight:
  Even your tongue sometimes fights with your teeth. Is there any couple who doesn’t quarrel?
  Sh9tou h9 y1ch@ h1i d2ji3 ne, gu7 r#zi n2 y6u b& ch2oji3 de?
  Then, tell them that their problem is not worth blaming each other over:
  Every family has a skeleton in the closet. Your problem is really not a big deal.
  Ji` ji` d4u y6u b0n n1n ni3n de j~ng. N@men zh-xi8 w-nt! zh8nde m9i sh9nme d3b&li2o de.
  After the both sides cool down, urge them to patch it up right then, so things don’t turn into a “cold war” later, in which nobody talks to the other side and resentment festers:
  How can there be resentment between family members for more than one night? Why not make it up now?
  Y# ji` r9n n2 y6u g9y- ch5u? Ku3i h9h2o ba.
  Of course, not everything can be skated over so easily. In many cases, a fight is a fight; there’s no misunderstanding, no room to compromise, and the interested parties won’t let go easily. Then, what can you do? Perhaps create a distraction. After all, there is always something more important, which provides a reason for people to put down their personal emotions. This strategy is especially useful in the workplace.
  We should give priority to overall interests and finish the task first. Put aside these personal grudges for the moment.
  W6men y~ngg`i y@ d3j% w9i zh7ng, xi`n b2 xi3ngm& w1nch9ng, s~r9n 8nyu3n z3nsh! f3ng d3o y#bi`n.
  It’s not the right time to find out who was at fault. Our primary task now is to fix the problem our client raised.
  Xi3nz3i b% sh# zhu~ji$ z9r-n de sh!hou, w6men de sh6uy3o r-nw& sh# ji0ju9 k-h& t!ch$ de w-nt!.
  After successfully distracting the antagonists, seize the opportunity afterward to call a truce. If possible, make them promise to never look back on this unhappy event again!
  This matter ends here. No one is allowed to mention it again.
  Zh- ji3n sh# d3o c@ w9i zh@, y@h7u sh9i d4u b&x^ z3i t!.
  It’s time for you guys to bury the hatchet.   Gu7q& de b& y%ku3i ji& y# b@ g4uxi`o ba.
  For my sake, let the past go.
  K3n z3i w6 de mi3nzi shang, gu7q& de sh# ji& r3ng ta gu7qu ba.
  Sometimes, instead of the full picture, you only have one side of the story. A different strategy is required. One can first choose to deploy a mix of sympathy (“I’m on your side”) and flattery (“Lucky you’re not one to hold a grudge”).
  Don’t lower yourself to their level.
  Bi9 g8n t`men y#b`n ji3nshi.
  It’s said “A chancellor’s mind [lit. ‘stomach’] is broad enough to punt a boat.” It’s his fault, but you’re a bigger person, so don’t argue.
  S%hu3 shu4: “Z2ixi3ng d&li n9ng ch8ngchu1n”. Zh- ji3n sh# sh# t` b% du#, d3n n@ d3r9n y6u d3li3ng, bi9 h9 t` j#ji3o le.
  The second method is just the opposite—point out if someone really is to blame, and urge them to fix it voluntarily. You can start by saying:
  I‘m not judging you, but you really were asking for trouble. You can’t blame others.
  B% sh# w6 shu4 n@, zh- ji3n sh# qu-sh! sh# n@ m9i sh# zh2o sh#, b&n9ng gu3i bi9r9n.
  不是我说你,这件事确实是你没事找事, 不能怪别人。
  Your words were too harsh, no wonder she was so mad at you.
  N@ shu4 de hu3 y0 t3i n1nt~ng le, n1ngu3i t` g8n n@ sh8ngq#.
  Of course, it’s not your job to make the peace between others. As the saying goes 解铃还须系铃人 (ji0 l!ng h1i x$ j# l!ng r9n, colloquially “he who ties the bell on the tiger must be the one to untie it”), suggesting that whoever started the problem should solve it: President Xi Jinping used this phrase when referring to difficulties experienced by New York Times reporters in China.
  If you’ve done your best, feel free to flee the premises with this all-purpose exit line:
  You guys should calm down for a bit. We can talk about the rest some other day.
  N@men xi`n l0ngj#ng y!xi3, sh-ngxi3 de w6men g2iti`n z3i t1n.
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