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在中国深入融入全球经济体系的进程中,需要有一批“航空母舰”型的大企业集团参与全球竞争与合作。这样的企业一定要产融结合、适度多元,能够进行业务的优化组合,形成协同的竞争优势。大家都知道,产融结合是军工企业持续发展的重要支撑。我曾经在两个大型军工企业主持过改革脱困工作,对此感受尤其深刻。在这里我给大家讲一个自己亲身经历过的故事。记得1999年,我刚从四川被调到东北, In the process of China’s in-depth integration into the global economic system, a large number of large “enterprise” aircraft carrier "type carriers need to participate in global competition and cooperation. Such enterprises must combine production and financing, moderate diversification, and be able to optimize the business portfolio to form a synergistic competitive advantage. As we all know, the combination of industry and finance is an important support for the sustainable development of military enterprises. I was especially deeply touched by the fact that I had conducted the work of reforming and eliminating difficulties in two large military enterprises. Here I will tell you a story that you have personally experienced. I remember in 1999, I just transferred from Sichuan to the northeast,
Selective breeding of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei during the last decade has produced new varieties exhibiting high growth rates and disease r
The Fox genes encode a group of transcription factors that contain a forkhead domain,which forms a structure known as a winged helix.These transcription factors
本文综合地介绍了苏联TГК1、TГМ1、TГМ3、TГМ3A、TГМ10、TГ102К、TГ106和TГП50型液力传动内燃机车传动装置自动控制系统的结构及作用原理。 This paper comp
广州铁路局岳阳机务段配属机车71台(其中内燃机车4台),担负京广干线蒲圻至株洲区间280km 复线,六十多对货物列车和两对客运列车任务及调车、小运转任务。自1983年4月1日起,