Although China’s total coal output in 1985 has exceeded 800 million tons, due to the slow development of washing and dressing processing, more than 70% of the coal is sold in the form of raw coal. That is to say, most coal products are not divided into fine pieces, But a package (no matter how much waste rock, debris) to sell to users. As a result, there is a serious mismanagement between production and demand. At the same time, no one has more capacity to develop the coal chemical industry, making more than 80% of the coal directly used for combustion and can not make the best use of it. Therefore, on the one hand, our country is energy-stressed, on the other hand, it is one of the countries that waste energy seriously. Therefore, the task of “doubling the energy used to ensure quadrupling of the GNP” is arduous. We must conscientiously and resolutely implement the energy policy of “equal emphasis on development and conservation” and mobilize the entire society