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  So natural is our capacity for rhythm that most of us take it for granted: when we hear music, we tap our feet to the 2)beat or rock and sway, often unaware that we are even moving. But this instinct is, 3)for all intents and purposes, an evolutionary 4)novelty among humans. Nothing comparable occurs in other mammals nor probably elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Our talent for unconscious 5)entrainment lies at the core of dance, a 6)confluence of movement, rhythm and gestural representation. By far the most synchronized group practice, dance demands a type of interpersonal coordination in space and time that is almost nonexistent in other social contexts.
  Even though dance is a fundamental form of human expression, neuroscientists have given it relatively little consideration. Recently, however, researchers have conducted the first brain-imaging studies of both amateur and professional dancers. These investigations address such questions as, How do dancers navigate through space? How do they 7)pace their steps? How do people learn complex series of 8)patterned movements?
  Perhaps the most fascinating question for neuroscientists to explore is why people dance in the first place. Certainly music and dance are closely related; in many instances, dance generates sound. 9)Aztec 10)danzantes in 11)Mexico City wear 12)leggings containing seeds from the 13)ayoyotl tree, called 14)chachayotes, which make a sound with every step. In many other cultures, people put noise-making objects—from 15)taps to 16)castanets to beads—on their bodies or clothes while they dance. In addition, dancers frequently clap, snap and stomp. As a result, we have 17)postulated a “body 18)percussion” hypothesis that dance evolved initially as a sounding phenomenon and that dance and music, especially percussion, evolved together as complementary ways of generating rhythm. The first percussion instruments may well have been components of dancing 19)regalia, not unlike Aztec chachayotes.
  Unlike music, however, dance has a strong capacity for representation and imitation, which suggests that dance may have further served as an early form of language. Indeed, dance is the 20)quintessential gesture language. It is interesting to note that during all the movement tasks in our study, we saw activation in a region of the right 21)hemisphere corresponding to what is known as 22)Broca’s area in the left hemisphere. Broca’s area is a part of the 23)frontal lobe classically associated with speech production. In the past decade research has revealed that Broca’s area also contains a representation of the hands.
   This finding 24)bolsters the so-called gestural theory of language evolution, whose proponents argue that language evolved initially as a gesture system before becoming vocal. Our study is among the first to show that leg movement activates the right-hemisphere 25)homologue to Broca’s area, which offers more support for the idea that dance began as a form of representational communication.
  We view dance as a marriage of the representational capacity of language and the rhythmicity of music. This interaction allows people not only to tell stories using their bodies but to do so while synchronizing their movements with others’ in a way that fosters social 26)cohesion.


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A moment of dance is like 1)droplets of water thrown on a very hot grill. There’s a bounce and a 2)hiss and then the water has evaporated, leaving no 3)imprint of its existence.   Dance is a 4)one-off
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