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  Frozen is adapted from the Snow Queen of Andersen Fairy Tale. Elsa, who is able to control the forces of nature, nearly kills her sister Anna by her magic because of an accident. From then on, Elsa tries to suppress increasing growth of her magic. However, at her Coronation Ceremony, her magic goes out of control, causing the whole kingdom covered by snow. Else in fear flees into the snow mountain. Anna begins a journey of adventure in order to save her sister, to get rid of the magic and to rescue the kingdom. On the way to ice mountain, she meets Kristoff. With his help, she arrives at the snow mountain. But unfortunately, hit by Elsa’s magic, she is on the verge of death. Finally, Elsa’s tears and true love melt frozen Anna and relieve the magic.
  There are some scholars studying movie posters, such as, Lv Feng, Li Yueming (2019). In the movie poster of Frozen, the image of Elsa accounts for a large proportion. Her left arm forms a vector, whose aim is to make snowflakes through her magic. Her flying skirt produces a sharp diagonal, which also constitutes a vector, but its goal is not people or animals. Accordingly, the former is transitive while the latter is non-transitive. There are four represented participants in the bottom of the poster, Elsa’s younger sister Anna, civilian boy Kristoff, snowman Olaf and reindeer Sven, who are linked together by vector and interact with each other. Elsa and Olaf’s eyes straightly stare at the viewers, and Anna, Kristoff and Sven’s eyes are full of hope, looking ahead. These vectors consist of only one element-eyesight, as a result, treated as the reaction process. The usage of so many vectors make the image full of dynamism and vitality, especially the vector that Olaf’s four legs make up, highlighting the combination of speed and power and conveying their anxious mind to look for hope. Each person in the poster is a carrier, with different features, above all in terms of dress. The size of the snowflake at her left hand is exaggerated and conspicuous which belongs to the symbolic suggestive process. It symbolizes the magic controlling the forces of nature.
  For the poster of frozen, there is the presence of imaginary relation between Elsa, Olaf and audience, because Elsa and Olaf make an eye contact with audience. Anna, Kristoff and Sven just look ahead, neglecting viewers. Simply speaking, the appearance of the three figures is designed to offer information related to the film for viewers. In conclusion, the poster assumes not only the demand act, but also the offer act. Elsa’s whole body almost takes up the overall frame, which belongs to a medium shot. There exists a general social relation between the represented participants and viewers. Anna, Kristoff, Olaf as well as Sven occupy less space of the frame, so the relation that the represented participants and the viewers is an alienated social one. Looked as the whole, the poster is presented from frontal angle, which makes a sense of involvement for the viewers. But the description of the other four represented participants in the lower right corner is made from the oblique angle. It gives the audience an expression of detachment. This design in a wider scene stimulates the audience’s great interest in the film. In view of vertical angle, the low angle is selected. The viewers need to look up to Elsa, thus her extinguished queen status and her power that the others can’t attain can be reflected in this way. The poster mainly uses blue color, which is not very saturated, which belongs to the middle modality.   In the poster of frozen, in the front, some words are placed, namely “FROM THE CREATORS OF ‘TANGLED’ AND ‘WRECK-IT RALPH’”, which are ideal, in exact accordance with the expectation of the viewers, and inspire their desire of going to cinema. In the bottom, the text is “3D” and this information is true. In the center, there are these contexts, “Disney”, “FROZEN” and “IN CINEMAS SOON”, ARE THE CORE ELEMENT. The color of her dress is similar to that of ice and snow. On account of this, audience can also associate that she is the artificer of ice and snow, and the owner of magic. Anna is wearing a bright red clock, which suggests that she shoulders the duty of dispelling magic. On the wording, there is a text “FROM THE CREATORS of ‘TANGLED’ AND ‘WRECK-IT RALPH’”. This information can play an important role in attracting the audience. The upper part is the snow mountain, the palace built up by Elsa and the starry sky. The lower part constructs a picture that in the setting of a snowstorm, Anna and Kristoff still insist on looking for hope. The former is static, while the latter is dynamic.
  The thesis not only deepens the understanding of the theory of multimodal discourse analysis, but also accounts for the applicability of the theory in analyzing the poster for frozen.
  [1] 吕锋, 李明月. 多模态话语下《摆渡人》电影海报的视觉阐释[J]. 电影评析, 2019: 120-123.
摘要:工艺美术设计与创作,应遵循其特有的艺术规律和表现手法,工艺美术形式上的追求集中表现在形式美方面,离开形式美谈不上工艺创作,形式美与对称平衡,稳妥与比例、统觉与错觉等息息相关,研究并掌握形式的规律,是提高工艺美术设计制作能力和艺术修养的重要方面,只有从内容出发按照形式美的规律才能创作出优秀作品。  关键词:形式美;多样统一;比例、调和  一、形式美的意义  从事玉(石)雕艺术创作应该注意形式美
摘要:随着经济向全球化的推进,品牌在国际竞争中的地位和作用凸显的越来越重要,品牌之间的竞争标志着国家经济实力的竞争,同时也作为评价国家经济运行质量的重要指标之一。作为世界第一货物出口国,品牌在中国发展步履维艰,因此,要促进我国企业的创新发展,必然要从“贴牌大国”向“品牌大国”迈进。  关键词:美学,符号,视觉审美  品牌对于我们来讲并不陌生,但每个人对它的定义又各不相同:品牌=商标?品牌=商品?品
摘要:李渔,这个在他生活的时代就倍受争议的特殊人物,迄今学界对其仍是有褒有贬,然而他却一直是学界关注的焦点。笔者在仔细梳理前人研究成果的基础上,对李渔生活审美问题中的“辩证审美观”提出一些自己的看法。  关键词:李渔,生活审美,审美观念  李渔美学研究论文约百篇,其中从美学角度探讨其戏剧的约有四十篇;探讨园林、环境、自然的约有二十篇;探讨工艺设计、居室审美的约有十多篇;从各个角度探讨生活审美的约有
2017年8月底,我获得了一份学校给的特殊礼物——初二、8班班主任。我收到这份礼物时的心情是很复杂的,因为听说山大附中实验学校的学生基础比较好,都是好学生,所以我是很期待与他们见面的。另一方面,我已经一年的时间没有当班主任了,经验上可能跟不上,压力也是很大。  8月31号学生返校,我组织了第一次家长会,PPT虽然准备的很充分,但是家长有3个没有来。而且来的家长不是很“守纪律”,教室里不是很安静,我
摘要:石涛是明末清初的著名画家,他一生饱览名山大川,注重“师自然”与“师造化”,提倡“搜尽奇峰打草稿”,在绘画创作上不拘前人的束缚,有其自己的创作思想。晚年他著作了《画语录》,提出“笔墨当随时代”、“三叠两段”、“无法而法”、“神遇迹化”等山水画造境美学思想,他一生的造就对后人产生了深远的影响。本文尝试通过分析石涛山水画的造境,希望对现当代绘画实践起到积极作用。  关键词:石涛 山水画 造境  一
摘要:科学是以理服人,艺术则是以情动人。情感过程与形象思维在整个艺术创作过程中犹如拧结在一起的两条绳索,一主一副、一隐一显、相辅相成不可分离。情感能够使艺术作品更具有鲜活的生命力和艺术感染力。艺术作品是艺术家形象思维的结果,也是艺術家情感体验的结晶。  关键词:情感;感染力;艺术创作;  一、艺术作品传达艺术家情感  艺术作品从被创作过程始终在传达艺术家情感,个人情感在艺术作品中体现为它的个性,显
摘要:乡土中国一书中对语言的描述“因为文字和语言,只是传情达意的一种工具,并非唯一的工具;而且这工具本身也是有缺陷的,能传的情、能达的意是有限的。”[ 费孝通. 《乡土中国》.北京:北京大学出版社,2012.10. 第26页]的确语言的在我们人类中是独有的,也是人类文明发展最宝贵的财富之一,语言的出现,促进人与人之间的沟通,表达。语言它不仅仅是我们使用的工具,更重要的是语言也是文化的本身,从语言的
摘要:群众文化舞蹈隶属群众文化艺术,是群众进行文化活动最为常见的形式,对于精神文明建设而言有着积极意义。本文便从群众文化舞蹈出发,从其创作、编导思路两方面来展开分析。  关键词:群众文化舞蹈;创造理念;编导思路  引言  大众生活因经济、科技推动而发展迅速,越来越多的人愿意在工作之余参与到文化活动当中。而群众文化舞蹈便是基于大众生活、精神需求而产生,并且随着大众审美水准的提升而不断完善。人民群众开
摘要:当前机械化数控技术的发展提升了智能控制技术的发展速度,已经应用的机电一体化系统具备的功能也更加多样,在当前机电一体化中应用智能控制技术也显得十分重要。只有不断加强智能控制技术的应用,才能对新时代的机电一体化系统的应用和发展提供重要的指引和发展建议。  关键词:智能控制;机电一体化;应用  当前工业生产的智能化和自动化生产水平持续提升,人们对商品的需求和服务质量也提出了更高的要求。因此,传统的
摘要:“隐秀”是刘勰对古代文学作品审美本质及其创造、鉴赏的内在规律的总结。“隐”为文学作品不直接表达的多重的情意,“秀”为文学作品的具体生动的形象,本文通过对“隐”“秀”涵义及其关系的阐释,进而归纳出魏晋玄学的主体特征。  关键词:义生文外;復意;独拔  提及《文心雕龙》,我们并不陌生,作为一部“体大思精”“深得文理”的文学理论著作,它全面总结了齐梁以前的美学成果,深入探索和论述了语言文学的审美本