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本世纪上半叶,伴随着政治、经济、军事乃至百姓寻常生活发生的翻天覆地的变化,我国的意识形态领域也同样经历着巨大的动荡。以儒家学说为核心的中国传统文化逐渐由独尊的地位转变为被批判和被否定的对象。但由于传统文化本身的特点,使它得以在西方各种新思想、新思潮的强烈冲击下,仍能够保持其强大的生命力。当西方传来的各种政治、经济、文化教育思想被青年们当做救国真理,在中国大地上传播并成长的时候,仍有一批对传统文化情有独钟的学者,或在高等学府,或在田野乡村,以弘扬传统文化,凝聚民族精神,振兴民族灵魂为己任,研究儒家学术,宣讲儒家思想。本文所要介绍的段正元先生,就属其中的一位。 In the first half of this century, with the earth-shaking changes in the ordinary life of the political, economic, military and even ordinary people, the ideological realm in our country also underwent tremendous turmoil. Chinese traditional culture with Confucianism as its core has been gradually transformed from a monarchic position to a target of being criticized and denied. However, due to the characteristics of traditional culture itself, it has been able to maintain its strong vitality under the strong impact of various new Western ideas and new trends of thought. When the various political, economic, cultural and educational ideas in the West are used by young people as the truth to save the nation and spread and grow on the land of China, there are still a group of scholars who have fond of traditional culture or are accredited by higher education institutions or In fields and villages, it is their duty to promote traditional culture, unite national spirit and revitalize national soul, study Confucianism and preach Confucianism. This article will introduce Mr. Duan Zhengyuan, is one of them.
英语以o结尾的名词,多数都是加-es构成复数. 如:echo-echoes 回声Negro-Negroes 黑人embargo-embargoes 禁运tomato-tomatoes 番茄hero-heroes 英雄torpedo-torpedoes 鱼雷p
不定式完成式有不少值得注意的用法,其中某些内容,在国内的一些语法书里实嫌不够详尽、明确。有鉴于此,本文拟根据英国著名语言学家A.S.Hornby和A.J.Thomson 等的有关沦述,
小梨树园叫七班,里面住着开拓团。这个开拓团和别的开拓团不一样,来了之后,先把四周围了起来。围的办法是沿着屯子外围挖一圈大沟,沟深两米,把土往里沿堆,形成高墙。连沟的深度都算上,墙高足有三米,只留一个门,四角有炮楼,大门天天有人把守,中国人谁想进去就难了。  也有能进去的,就是青年王二馒头。他给开拓团赶马车,开拓团出去购货,或是里面有去县城逛街的人,都会找王二馒头带他们去,一来二去他就成了开拓团民比
Wordiness bores the reader. Nothing so weakens style. Try cutting out unnecessary words, sentences, and even a paragraph or two in the following: In order for
利用猜词技巧,在空格中写出下列句子中斜体生词的涵义1.________Give me specific suggestions when you criticize my work,“ said the employee. ”Vague comments do no