T-S Fuzzy Remote Sensing Monitoring Model of Snail Distribution by Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data

来源 :测绘学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong599
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Approximately half of the world' s population is at the risk of at least one vector-borne parasitic disease. The survival of intermediate hosts of vector-borne parasitic diseases is governed by various environmental factors, and remote sensing can be used to characterize and monitor environmental factors related to intermediate host breeding and reproduction, and become a powerful means to monitor the vector-borne parasitic diseases. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that menaces human health. Oncomelaniahupensis ( snail) is the unique intermediate host of Schistosoma, so monitoring and controlling the number of snail is key to reduce the risk of schistosomiasis transmission. In this paper, Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel 2 MSI data had been used to obtain the environmental factors ( vegetation, soil, temperature, terrain et al.), which are related to the multiplying and transmission of intermediate host. Then this study used T-S ( Takagi-Sugeno) Fuzzy RS model to establish a new suitable index membership function due to the different RS data, and a long time series monitoring of snail distribution in Dongting Lake from 2014 to 2018 was achieved. A comparative analysis was performed to validate the predicted results against the field survey data. The results demonstrated the accuracy of the developed model in predicting the distribution of snails.
The atmospheric carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) concentration has increased to more than 405 parts per million ( ppm. 1 ppm=10-6 m/s2 ) in 2017 due to human activities s
【摘 要】2009年《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明(江苏卷)》中明确说明,古诗文阅读题的分值由过去的34分提高到37分。其中古诗鉴赏简答题从8分变为10分。现代文阅读从20分上升到23分;文科附加题中文言文阅读和名著阅读共计25分。现在不少学校都设置早读和晚读课,可见,大家都意识到诵读是提高语文学习能力的有效途径之一。但是什么是诵读、为什么诵读、如何有效地诵读,却是许多教师和学生均感茫然的区域
The aim of this paper is to offer a statistically sound method to make a precise account of the speed of land degradation and regeneration processes. Most commo