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  今年是香港回归十周年。作为庆祝活动之一,第12届“21世纪•联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛选在香港中文大学的邵逸夫堂举行,并于3月底圆满结束。本期“口语角”栏目选登了本届比赛亚军—中国传媒大学钟石同学的命题演讲。主修英语播音主持的他演讲时气定神闲,应对自如,娓娓道来。我们就来一睹他的风采吧!(想了解比赛详情的同学可以点击以下网址:http://edu.sina.com.cn/contest/ )
  Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!
  I’m from Sichuan Province, which is also the place pandas come from. Last summer, I volunteered to be a tour guide for a group of kids from a rural elementary school, who had been invited by the 1)Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center to see the pandas. Halfway through our trip, a little boy told me he thought the pandas?home looked a bit dirty and asked whether he could clean their 2)enclosures. I was surprised that this boy, who was so desperately in need of help himself, was thinking of helping the giant pandas! I had volunteered to offer him my time and knowledge, and he had volunteered to provide the pandas with a feeling of human warmth. Though different in form, both types of help meant something to the respective receivers.
  Many people have an outdated 3)perception of volunteer work, 4)associating it with the 19th century ideal of 5)charitable deeds, done by the haves for the have-nots. However, offering help today does not require that one has money, knowledge or materials, and therefore the right to perform volunteer work is not 6)restricted to people who are able to give these things to others, but belongs to anyone who can benefit society in moral, spiritual and emotional ways that money alone cannot buy. In other words, anyone can volunteer, as long as they are willing to help.
  Furthermore, having a volunteering spirit gives one the ability to do a good deed at any time. Last year, CCTV, awarded the ?)2006 China Prize for People Who Move China?to a countryside woman who, for 30 years, has been taking care of five senior citizens, with whom she has no blood ties. Public recognition was not the driving force behind her years of tireless
  work. Neither had any special event in her life pushed her to serve these people. The volunteering spirit she 8)manifested was a natural flow of affection toward people in need, and was reflected in every tiny thing she had done for each of these five elderly people over the years.
  Her example teaches us that the 9)essence and power of the volunteer spirit is not only in offering help to anyone, but also in doing so whenever, and indeed, wherever it is needed. In practical terms, this means that we do not have to wait until the Tree-Planting Day to plant a tree for the betterment of environment. Likewise, we don’t have to wait until the 10)tsunami hits the headlines to help poor people living in South Asia; and we do not have to wait until the Olympic Games begin to show our 11)hospitality to our foreign visitors.
  Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”Ladies and gentlemen, I hope every one of you earns a wonderful living and gets plenty; but I hope even more that all of us, by giving people in need part of whatever we’re blessed with, can lead a fulfilling life we will never regret having lived.
  That’s all for my speech. Thank you.

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