
来源 :山东政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackydmb
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一、关于『山东省革命烈士军人家属代耕试行办法』呈奉华东军政委员会批示:『同意公布试行。惟第十条「二等甲级」,根据革命残废军人优待抚恤暂行条例之精神,可改为「二等乙级」较为妥当』等语。根据指示精神经我们研究,第十条应修正为:「脱离生产享受供给制或包干制之革命工作人员家属、二等乙级以上之复员荣军家属,二等乙级以上之荣誉民兵民工家属,依照本办法第七条之规定经批准后得享受代耕。但在同等条 I. On the “Trial Measures of Shandong Province for Redemption of the Military Families of Revolutionary Martyrs” was given a directive from the East China Military and Political Committee: “It is agreed to be announced for trial. However, Article 10 ”second-class A“ may be replaced by the words ”second-class B“ according to the provisions of the Provisional Regulations on Pensions for Disabled Military Men. According to the spirit of the instructions, we study the following: Article 10 should be amended to read as follows: ”The families of revolutionary workers who have been freed from production or subsistence allowances, the demobilized members of the democratically elected family above Grade II B, and the honored militiamen above Grade B and above, The provisions of Article VII of the present Measures shall enjoy the cultivation of the cultivated land upon approval, but on the same article
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国务院批准安徽省人民委员会9月15日关于设置马鞍市和铜官山市的请示报告,并决定:(一)设置马鞍山市,其行政区域辖当涂县马鞍山矿区的全部、采石镇的全部和雨山 The State Co
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广西僮族自治区人民委员会一九六五年四月二十日报告、云南省民政厅九月二十三日函和广东省人民委员会五月二十九日函均悉。同意将 Guangxi People’s Autonomous Region Pe
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最近,一些读者询问国营企业退休职工享受非生产性福利待遇问题的政策规定,现根据省劳动人亨厅川劳人险[1988]022号文件精神,作如下答复。 Recently, some readers asked abo