Fertilizer-Induced Advances in Corn Growth Stage and Quantitative Definitions of Nitrogen Deficienci

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Evidence that nitrogen (N) fertilization tends to accelerate maturation as well as increase rates of growth has received little attention when diagnosing N deficiencies in corn (Zea mays L.).Such a tendency could be a potential source of errors when the diagnosis is solely based on comparing plants with different rates of growth.Whether N fertilization could accelerate rates of growth and maturation was tested in a field study with 12 paired plots representing relatively large variability in soil properties and landscape positions.The plots were located under conditions where preplant N fertilization reduced or avoided temporary N shortages for some plants but did not reduce for other plants early in the season.We measured corn heights to the youngest leaf collar,stages of growth and chlorophyll meter readings (CMRs). The added N advanced growth stages as well as increased corn heights and CMRs at any given time.Fertilization effects on corn heights,growth stages and ear weights were statistically significant (P<0.05) despite substantial variability associated with landscape.Reductions in growth due to a temporary shortage of N within a growth stage might be partially offset by longer periods of growth within that stage to physiological maturity.Temporary shortages of N,therefore,may produce symptoms of N deficiency in situations where subsequent additions of N should not be expected to increase yields.Recognition of these two somewhat different effects (i.e.,increase growth rates and advance growth stages) on corn growth could help to define N deficiency more precisely and to improve the accuracy of diagnosing N status in production agriculture. Evidence that nitrogen (N) fertilization tends to accelerate maturation as well as increase rates of growth has received little attention when diagnosing N deficiencies in corn (Zea mays L.). Such a tendency could be a potential source of errors when the diagnosis is solely based on comparing plants with different rates of growth. Wheat N fertilization could accelerate rates of growth and maturation was tested in a field study with 12 paired plots representing relatively large variability in soil properties and landscape positions. The plots were located under conditions where preplant N fertilization reduced or avoided temporary N shortages for some plants but did not reduce for other plants early in the season. We measured corn heights to the youngest leaf collar, stages of growth and chlorophyll meter readings (CMRs). well as increased corn heights and CMRs at any given time. Fertilization effects on corn heights, growth stages and ear weights were s tatistically significant (P <0.05) in substantial due to a temporary shortage of N within a growth stage might partially offset by longer periods of growth within that stage to physiological maturity. Temporary shortages of N, therefore , may produce symptoms of N deficiency in situations where subsequent additions of N should not be expected to increase yields.Recognition of these two somewhat different effects (ie, increase growth rates and advance growth stages) on corn growth could help to define N deficiency more precisely and to improve the accuracy of diagnosing N status in production agriculture.
小学科学是以实验为基础的学科,几乎每节科学课上学生们都要进行实验,因为亲身实践体验比“接受式”教学好很多。我根据自己的教学经验,就如何开展实验教学分“实验前”、“实验中”、“实验后”三个阶段,简单谈谈自己的想法。  一、实验前  (一)准备充足的材料  “巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有器材就无法开展实验教学,所以在实验教学前,教师一定要准备好充足的实验材料。教师可以先试水实验,选择好合适的材料提供给学生
科学实验室是学生进行科学学习和探究的重要基地,是培养学生实践能力和创新精神的重要场所。科学教师的首要任务是管好、用好实验室,充分发挥实验室的整体效益,管理工作是实验室工作的关键,也是实验室工作的中心内容,更是实验教学的重要前提与根本保证。科学实验室管理的首要任务是科学实验室各种仪器设备的管理和使用,我总结近几年的实验室管理经验,结合我校的实际情况,谈谈实验室管理工作中的几点困惑和心得。  一、科学
摘 要: 中职生不同于普高生,他们相对来说素质较低,文化基础水平相对较低,有相当一部分学生日常行为表现出品德方面的欠缺,且很多中职生都存在消极负面的心理状态。针对这一现状,中职班主任必须对学生进行德育激励,在教学实践和班级工作管理中渗透品德教育,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,营造良好的校园风气。教师要充分考虑到中职教育的课程特点和学生的实际情况,促进学生健康人格的发展,不仅要重视知识技
摘 要:房地产是当前经济发展的主要支柱产业,它的发展对启动消费、增大内需、提高相关产业发展以及加强经济增长有着关键的作用。土地增值税清算,指的是房地产开发企业单位已经达到了土地增值税清算条件之后,根据相关的法律规定,计算需要支付的土地增值税税额,并填写相关的申报表,向税务部门上交相关的材料,办理土地增值税的手续。在当前房地产进一步的调控后,税务局发布了众多的相关土地增值税清算的文件,作为房地产开发
摘 要: 作者结合多年的教学实际经验,结合新世纪的教学要求及教学理念,对新世纪的班主任工作有探索性的建议:教师应做学生的向导,成为学生的朋友,做每个学生的伯乐。  关键词: 班主任工作 向导 朋友 伯乐  班级是学校教育的基层组织,也是学生接受教育的主要场所,班主任是这个场所的主要领导者。小学班主任是最基层的工作者,因此做好班主任工作对于学生的一生有决定性的作用,而且对于国家的兴旺发达、安定团结等
摘 要: 在传道授业之外,班主任在学生的学习和生活过程中都发挥着非常重要的作用,不仅要关注学生的文化课学习,还要对学生的思想道德进行培养,引导他们形成正确的价值观念,让他们少走弯路。在管理班级的过程中,班主任要选拔一些优秀的班干部,并不断提高自身的教学水平和综合素质,及时与其他任课教师进行交流和沟通,定期对学生展开思想政治教育,促进班级管理的高效和有序。  关键词: 中学教育 班主任管理 管理措施
摘 要:在事业单位内部财务管理和档案管理中,财务档案管理是一项非常重要的工作。本文针对事业单位内部的财务档案管理,首先分析了事业单位财务档案管理的重要性,并分析了在财务档案管理中出现的一些问题,最后系统论述了提高事业单位财务档案管理的具体对策。  关键词:财务档案;经济活动;管理创新  在事业单位内部的财务管理体系中,财务档案管理在整个管理中都具有至关重要的作用,作为事业单位内部一系列经济活动的重
摘 要: 班主任管理工作在小学中的作用极其重要,因为小学生的三观尚未形成,没有成熟的是非观念,在这个过程中,班主任的引领与教导显得尤为重要。因此,对小学班主任的管理语言进行探讨和研究有充分的现实意义。作者对小学班主任管理语言进行了分析,并结合自身经验对在不同的情形下运用语言进行了分析和探讨。  关键词: 小学班主任 语言艺术 班级管理  在小学班级管理工作中,班主任对班级的管理是重中之重,也是影响
摘 要:在本文中,首先分析了大数据在事业单位财务管理中的意义,其次分析了大数据带来的挑战,然后提出了在该背景下事业单位财务管理的有效策略,旨在为相关研究提供参考,促进事业单位财务管理水平的不断提高。  关键词:互联网;大数据;财务管理;影响;对策  一、互联网大数据对现代事业单位财务管理的影响  (一)加快数据信息的生成与挖掘  在当前社会发展中,信息的作用是显而易见的,同时信息产生和传播十分迅速