Technology Will Have a Positive Business Future on Health Care

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  Modern scientific technologies are developing rapidly including smart watches, smart phones, AIs, and some software applications, which show advantages on collecting health data for doctors to diagnose illnesses and help patients communicate with their doctors to analyze their illness. There are some potentialities that smart watches can care about health in people’s daily life such as permitting self-diagnoses, gaining feedback among the measurement and communicating with doctors and family (Blaine,2016). Previously, people went to the hospital while they were sick. Nowadays, people can be cured with the modern technology, which is more convenient. Therefore, modern scientific technologies do help people in the health care field and will have a positive business future because they can collect health data for people to diagnose illnesses in a modern way and they will be accepted by a great amount of people, which can bring companies much more customers in the future.
  To begin with, modern scientific technologies are beneficial for collecting health data for people to diagnose illnesses in a newer and modern way, which can help companies gain more profit. Above all, modern scientific technologies allow patients to collect health data for self-diagnoses, so some self-diagnoses apps or other companies can make more profit. Linik (2014) mentions that compared with other sensors in the markets, the design of Novak is the first one that combines with health indicators, for instance, the rate of heart, the level of blood oxygen, temperature, and many other aspects. So people can use these data to analyze their mental health by themselves and the relevant applications and companies can earn more money. Meanwhile, modern scientific technologies help doctors to analyze the illnesses across a long distance, which is a new way to cure illness. So the online health care system will gain more profit. Derrington (2017) says that there are three reasons that stimulate society to accept new health care methods: frustration with the old health care system, online devices are ubiquitous in the society and the convenience and service which other companies provide with. So in the past, if people got ill, they could only go to the hospital. But now people can cure themselves by the online devices or communicate with a doctor online from a long distance. Therefore, modern scientific technologies may get more profit by curing people in a modern way. To sum up, modern scientific technologies can diagnose illnesses in a newer and modern way that helps companies to make more profit.   Furthermore, companies can get much more profit because a majority of people would accept the modern technologies products like smart watches and smart phones. First of all, people would like to pay for the products to cure their illness and want to be healthy, so companies will succeed in the future. Linik (2014) says that he chose the Galileo board because it offered the most advanced technology, which consumed little power and was affordable. Derrington (2017) also talks about that to some degree, this has fundamentally eroded patient confidence, and also opening people’s minds to new tools and services. So many people would like to have a try of these products which can help companies to make more profit. If more people buy the products, more companies will make profit. Besides, there are many companies who join in this field, so an industry chain shows up which promotes the business future of modern scientific technologies. Ranger (2018) claims that the Nokia company is selling its products such as smart watches, scales and digital health devices to sell to consumers and businesses. Linik (2014) also states that smart watches give a glimpse of the future in health care field. So the prospects of modern scientific technologies are amazing and wonderful. And this kind of business will have a better business future because there are many companies who are participating in this field. In conclusion, companies can make a fortune because modern technologies products like smart watches and smart phones will be promoted widely and modern scientific technologies contribute to health care.
  While that may be the case, it has been argued that there are some mistakes with the products, and some incorrect data the products offer, which means that modern scientific technologies are not accurate enough to cure people. So people think the quality of the products is terrible and technologies will not have a good business future on health care. Firstly, the incorrect data that the modern scientific technologies provide with confuses people a lot. Blaine (2016) reports that the devices of modern scientific technologies are at an initial stage, and smart watches are new technology, so there still might be some problems with the products. Also, he says that “Prominent technical challenges are battery power and data quality limitations.” Therefore, people may get the incorrect results even the incorrect solution to their illness from the products. And in the future they will not use this kind of products again. In the end, the products cannot get high profit. But on the contrary, although there are still some mistakes of these products, the modern scientific technologies can have a better business future because humans can also make some mistakes sometimes. Bushak (2015) indicates that doctors seem to be trustworthy and professional, but they will make mistakes like all other humans. And ten percent of patients die every year because of diagnostic errors. The reason why they make errors is that the health care work system is not well designed to support the diagnostic process, so changing the way of health care is essential to solve this problem. Therefore, it is necessary for humans to come up with some new methods of health care, so technology turns up and it can help people to solve this problem, and will make fewer mistakes while treating patients. So modern scientific technologies still have advantages because humans often make mistakes but technology will be more accurate and make fewer mistakes. To summarize, people would like to trust the modern scientific technologies companies more that will have a better business future.   Nevertheless, other people also doubt that it is complicated and difficult to use the modern scientific technologies products, so people will not accept the products. And they will not be sold well and will have a negative business future. According to James (2015), it is not a wonderful experience for the users of the experiment on the smart watches because the apps usually take some time to start up and easily shut down. Brown(2017) reports that actually, the health benefits of tracking your step count or heart rate are mostly unproven so far, and some research has even suggested that there is no benefit. However, more people will attempt to trust the products because the products can make their life more convenient. ZHEGIN (2017) indicates that health care is expected to be the fastest growing industries in terms of data generated, with its wealth of smart machines. Wilson and Daugherty (2018) also show that much more people are willing to wear health devices. And 72% of the people are satisfied because their health insurers have that information. So in recent years people are more likely to use the products though the products are difficult to use. Weber (2015) reveals that AI may be a business model of health care like a lance that eventually pierces the shield. And AI still has a long way to go in health care. People may doubt that whether these products will be better, but people believe that if they solve the problems step by step and day by day, there will be fewer problems in the near future, which is a tough way that every product will experience. And the modern scientific technologies products attract more attention of people now, which means they can get more profit and gain a promising business future.
  Modern scientific technologies may still make some mistakes and are difficult to use, but most of people would like to attempt to trust these products because they make them more convenient to cure illness. And humans will also make mistakes sometimes, so technology is more accurate that can help to make fewer mistakes and make treatment more convinced and reliable. And people also believe that with technology developing quickly, the problems of modern scientific technologies products will be solved in the near future. As for the advantages, the products like smart watches and smart phones allow patients to gain health data to diagnose illnesses. Some applications and AI technologies also contribute to cure illness in a newer and modern way. So more and more people will accept them and buy the products. Therefore, the modern scientific technologies will have a better and positive business future on health care.   Reference list
  [1]Blaine, R. (2016). Health at hand: A systematic review of smart watch uses for health and wellness [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 21/04/2018]
  [2]Brown, K, V. (2017). How Smart Watches Might Actually Improve Your Health. [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 21/04/2018]
  [3]Bushak, L. (2015). Doctors Make Mistakes Too: How To Decrease Errors In Diagnosis [Online]. Available from: . [Accessed: 21/05/2018]
  [4]Derrington, D. (2017). Artificial Intelligence for Health and Health Care. [Online]. Available from: . [Accessed: 21/04/2018]
  [5]Linik, J, R. (2014). Wearable Devices in Healthcare: Smart watch Gives Glimpse of Future [Online]. Available from: . [Accessed: 21/04/2018]
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  [9]Wilson, H, J and Daugherty, P. (2018). AI Will Change Health Care Jobs for the Better [Online]. Available from: [Accessed: 21/04/2018]
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