
来源 :中国残疾人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuifangcuifang
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刘伟无疑是2010年内地娱乐圈最闪亮的新星之一,在“中国达人秀”的夺冠,让这位失去双臂的残疾青年一夜成名。当“残疾人”这个词加上了“冠军”两个字后,一个人的人生路和很多人的人生观发生了变化。他的故事被媒体贴上了诸多标签:残疾的躯体与心中的梦想、小人物的拼搏与成功、灵魂的感动与激励,在电视里,他展现了一个“中国阿甘”夺回生命尊严的不屈。这些词汇的背后,我们也看到了“舆论”与“娱乐”在传媒的力量下轻易地改变了个体的命运;看到了一个残疾人在公众视线内的成功与其背后的努力、幸运和技巧。刘伟的夺冠是舆望所归,因为他让大众看到了不屈的灵魂在残疾躯体下的人生演绎;因为大众期待着一个平凡甚至卑微的小人物完成对命运的书写;因为小人物命运的改变能带给更多人以激励和感动,更因为,更多人的感动让这档选秀节目令人瞩目。刘伟的成功,这些条件缺一不可。 Liu Wei is undoubtedly one of the brightest rising stars in mainland entertainment in 2010, winning the title of “China’s Got Talent”, making the disabled youth who lost his arms become famous overnight. When the word “disabled” is added with the word “champion”, one’s life path and many people’s outlook on life have changed. His story has been labeled by the media with many labels: the disabled body and mind, the struggles and successes of the little people, the soul’s inspiration and inspiration. On television, he shows a “Chinese Forrest Gump” to regain the dignity of life unyielding. Behind these words, we have also seen that “public opinion” and “entertainment” have easily changed the destiny of individuals under the power of the media. They have seen the success of a disabled person in public view and the efforts behind them. And tips. Liu Wei won the title belongs to the hope because he let the public see the unyielding soul interpretation of life under the disabled body; because the public look forward to an ordinary or humble little people to complete the fate of the writing; because the fate of small people to change the band To more people to inspire and move, but also because, more people moved to make this draft talent show eye-catching. Liu Wei’s success, these conditions are indispensable.
Recent studies on cancer stem cells (CSCs), a special subpopulation of tumor cells, promote our understanding of tumorigenesis, angiogenesis, invasion, drug res