Mao Xinyu Seeks Roots in Jiangshan

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  On May 22, 2009, Mao Xingyu, the grandson of late Mao Zedong, came with his wife to visit Qingyang Village in Jiangshan in southern Zhejiang Province. The couple flew in from Beijing to attend a press conference held in Jiangshan. The press conference formally announced that the ancestral roots of Mao Zedong were in Jiangshan, Zhejiang.
  Mao Zedong came from Shaoshan in central China’s Hunan Province. History says that Emperor Shun came to this place more than 4,500 years ago and had a temporary palace built here. According to history, the earliest people surnamed Mao in China can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256BC). When King Wu of Zhou dislodged the Shang Dynasty (17th century to 11th century BC) and set up the Zhou Dynasty, King Wu’s younger brother was granted a kingdom called Mao Kingdom in today’s Shaanxi Province. The first 52 generations of the Mao clan lived in places north of the Yangtze River. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), General Mao Bao followed the House of Sima to cross the Yangtze River and came to the south. He was the first man surnamed Mao in the south. After his death, he was buried in Nanjing. Mao Bao’s son Mao Muzhi was also a general with many military honors. He was given his vassal in Quzhou in southern Zhejiang. Mao Bao’s great grandson Mao Yuanqiong moved from Quzhou to Shimen Town near Mount Jianglang. As he was known as Lord Qingyang among his descendents, the village where he lived was later called Qingyang Village.It has remained as Qingyang since then.
  The Mao clan in Shaoshan, Hunan Province can be traced to Mao Taihua, a soldier who followed Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), to fight in Yunnan Province in southwestern China. Mao Taihua later settled down with his two sons in Xiangxiang County, Hunan Province. The two sons later moved to what is Shaoshan now.
  On December 26, 1893, Mao Zedong was born into a farmer’s family in Shaoshan. He was a 19th-generation great grandson of Mao Taihua and a 59th-generation great grandson of Mao Qingyang in the village of Qingyang.
  Qingyang Village is snuggled comfortably at the foot of Mount Jianglang, about 10 kilometers from Jiangshan City. The ancestral residence of the Mao family in Qingyang still stands in the village. On the gate of the residence is a plaque with an inscription written by Hu Shi at the request of Professor Mao Zishui, who once served as director of Peking University library. Mao Xinyu and his wife Liu Bin took photos in front of the gate.
  The couple stood at the gate and looked around. On either side of house are two peaks. The family’s cemetery is in the mountain. On the top of a peak stands a pagoda, which looks like a brush pen if looked from afar. The pagoda and the regular rice paddies below are compared to an ideal lifestyle of education and farming. The history of the village is the best testimony to this pursuit: one of the descendents of the Mao family of Qingyang Village became the number one scholar of the Palace examination, never seen before in Jiangshan. Over centuries, the Mao clan of the village produced altogether 83 metropolitan graduates. Eight of them became ministers of the national government. Six books by four scholars from the Mao family of Qingyang Village were included in “The Complete Works of Chinese Classics in Four Divisions”, the largest book collection of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). In modern times, there are some celebrities surnamed Mao and their ancestral roots can go back to the Mao clan of Qingyang Village.
  After the guide introduced the background of the family, Mao Xinyu and his wife stepped into the 1,500—year-old, 330-m2-large ancestral residence and examined the exhibits and texts on display in the house. One part relates how the ancestral roots of the Mao clan had been found and clarified and evidenced.
  In the summer of 1999, Mao Yongguo, a retired government official who was helping Jiangshan annals office with the local history, learned that a descendent of the Mao clan in a village in another suburb of Jiangshan was trying to sell a set of 66 volumes of the genealogical book of the Mao Clan of Qingyang Village at the price of 3,000 yuan. The buyer was also a descendent of the Mao family who then lived in Lanxi, a city in central Zhejiang Province. Mao Yongguo reported the proposed transaction to the local government. The government made arrangements to have the genealogical book bought and put it into the possession of the Jiangshan Archives.
  The genealogy was first put together in 1083 and expanded several times by the descendents of the Mao clan in Qingyang.
  Mao Yongguo and his colleagues studied the genealogy and formulated a drawing that illustrated the family tree of the Mao Clan. In April of 2000, the Central Party Literature Press published “Tracing the Ancestral Roots of Mao Zedong: from Shaoshan to Quzhou”, a book of research results written by Zheng Gen’an, a clerk with the Jiangshan Federation of Social Science Circles. The book cites evidences that Mao Zedong has blood relationship with the Mao family of Qingyang. On March 8, 2002, the National Archives had the authenticity of 48 historical documents examined and classified them as national-grade historical documents. The Mao Genealogy from Qingyang was one of them whose historical value was confirmed.
  In November, 2006, a research group composed of local talents in Jiangshan went to visit the Mao branches in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces. After accessing 87 books of local Mao branches and consulting with more than 30 experts during their tour, the Jiangshan experts concluded that about 80 percent of the people surnamed Mao in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces were descendents of the Mao clan of Qingyang Village.
  On December 15, 2006, a ceremony was held in Shaoshan, the birthplace of Mao Zedong. At the ceremony, Mao Yushi, the CPC chief of Shaoshan, presented a copy of newly published “Genealogical Book of the Mao Clan in Shaoshan” and the genealogical table of Mao Zedong to the visiting group from Jiangshan. The next day, Mao Yushi arrived at Qingyang Village to visit the shared roots. He was warmly welcomed.
  After the visit to the ancestral house, Mao Xinyu and his wife also visited the residence of Mao Zishui, a master of Chinese classics, and a museum of celebrated Mao people from Qingyang Village. Mao Xinyu talked to the media about his visit and the significance of the roots.
  During their 4-day stay in Jiangshan, the couple was respectively interviewed by Guangming Daily, China News Agency and Zhejiang Satellite Television. The couple did some sightseeing around Jiangshan, including Mount Jianglang. They left for Beijing on May 25. Mao Xinyu said he would come back to Qingyang in October of this year to attend the Mao Cultural Festival of Jiangshan, China. □
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