
来源 :铁道工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bcdagjcly
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根据1987年度中日铁道技术合作计划,为了对《城市隧道通风及地铁空调技术》进行技术指导,四名空调、通风的有关技术人员,在1987年11月30日至12月27日的26天期间,被派往中国铁道部。中国目前在北京和天津,地下铁道已进行投入建设使用,上海也已经把地铁列入计划。而且北京联结第一条线的北京站和第二条线的建国门站之间的工程也已进展到完成阶段。然而,地下铁道的建设历史还很短,特别是有关隧道通风及站台的空调设备还缺乏经验,这次是应中国方面请求进行技术合作而作技术交流的。此次是以特别指定的空调、通风技术为主,因我们对中国的实际情况还不能有充分的把握,而且,在很短的时间内不得不进行教材准备、研究讲课内容。根据中国一方以另外方式记载的内容,进行研究选定讲座科目与内容。 According to the 1987 China-Japan Railway Technology Cooperation Program, in order to provide technical guidance on “city tunnel ventilation and subway air-conditioning technology”, four air-conditioners and ventilation-related technical personnel, from 26 November 1987 to 27 December 1987 During, was sent to China’s Ministry of Railways. China is currently in Beijing and Tianjin, and the MTR has been put into operation. Shanghai has also included the MTR in the plan. Moreover, the project between the Beijing station linking the first line in Beijing and the Jianguomen station in the second line has also progressed to the completion stage. However, the history of the construction of the Mass Transit Railway is still short. In particular, there is still a lack of experience in tunnel ventilation and station air-conditioning equipment. This time, China is requesting technical cooperation for technical exchange. This is based on specially designated air-conditioning and ventilation technology, because we can not fully grasp the actual situation in China, and in a very short period of time have to prepare the textbooks, study lectures. According to the other side of the Chinese side of the contents of the record, research subjects selected subjects and content.
编辑同志: 初中语文第五册《唐睢不辱使命》一文中“秦王怫然怒”一句里“怫”字,课本注音为fù。但我查遍词典,并不见fù音,新版《辞海》“怫”字下注有三音:fú,bèi、bó
在明确“按图行车”定义的基础上,对我国铁路组织“按图行车”的现状进行了分析,指出我国铁路改善行车组织工作应采取的对策。 Based on the definition of “driving accor
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为提高不可调并联补偿的动力指标和经济效益,本文对并联无功补偿(PRC)和并联电容补偿(PCC)作了技术、经济两方面的综合分析,提出了各自有利的应用条件。 In order to improv