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在伟大领袖毛主席“中国应当对于人类有较大的贡献”的伟大号召鼓舞下,在“独立自主、自力更生”的伟大方针指引下,我国工业、农业、科学技术等各个战线,革命和生产捷报频传,呈现出一派热火朝天的大好局面。我国的冶金和机械工业也正以前所未有的速度飞跃发展。不锈钢、耐热钢等是工业中常用的钢铁材料,而其中均含有大量的战略元素-镍。研制无镍和少镍的耐热钢和不锈钢,具有重大的政治意义和经济意义。建国以来,特别是史无前例的无产阶级文化大革命以来,我国工人阶级高举毛泽东思想伟大红旗,创造出许多具有我国独特风格、立足国内资源、赶超世界先进水平的无镍、少镍新钢种。这篇文章首先列表说明了我国独创的十个新品种,列出了其主要用途及其性能对比。后面选译了一篇关于节镍不锈钢的文章,译文的第一部分是美帝200系和400系不锈钢与300系不锈钢的对比;第二部分着重介绍了无镍的400系不锈钢;第三部份介绍了一种新的无镍不锈钢——E-Brite26-1。应该指出,由于反动腐朽的资本主义制度的束缚和扩军备战的影响,正处在内外交困、财政经济危机日益加深的美帝国主义,其冶金技术的发展也是停滞不前的。文章中有不少处是作者从资产阶级商业观点和唯心主义观点出发,吹捧垄断资产阶级或自我吹嘘,有些地方是理论脱离实际、烦琐哲学。原文中明显错误我们已作了删节,由于我们水平不高,译文中还会有错误。希望广大读者遵循毛主席的伟大教导,“决不能生吞活剥地毫无批判地吸收”,批判地进行阅读、参考。 Encouraged by the great call of Chairman Mao of the Great Leader on “China should make greater contribution to mankind,” guided by the great principle of “independence and self-reliance,” frequent reports of revolutions and production in all fields of industry, agriculture and science and technology in our country , Showing a great situation in full swing. China’s metallurgical and machinery industries are also leaps and bounds with unprecedented speed. Stainless steel, heat-resistant steel and other industrial steel materials commonly used, which contain a large number of strategic elements - nickel. The development of nickel-less and nickel-less heat-resistant steel and stainless steel, with great political significance and economic significance. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since unprecedented the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, our working class has held high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought and created many new nickel-less and nickel-less steel grades that have unique Chinese style, are based on domestic resources and catch up with the advanced world standards. This article starts with a list of the ten new breeds unique to our country, listing their main uses and performance comparisons. The second section focuses on the nickel-free 400-series stainless steel; the third section on the second section focuses on the nickel-free 400-series stainless steel; the third section A new nickel-free stainless steel, E-Brite26-1, is introduced. It should be pointed out that because of the restraint of the reactionary and decadent capitalist system and the effect of arms readiness and war preparations, the development of metallurgical technology of the U.S. imperialists is at a standstill because of its internal and external difficulties and deepening financial and economic crisis. There are quite a few articles in the article from the bourgeois commercial point of view and idealist point of view, touting the monopoly bourgeoisie or self-boasting, in some places is the theory out of practice, cumbersome philosophy. Obvious mistakes in the original text We have made an abridgement, because we are not high, the translation will be wrong. It is our hope that readers will abide by the great teaching of Chairman Mao and “we must never absorb without criticism” and read and consult critically.