Novel polarimetric SAR speckle filtering algorithm based on mean shift

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qweaz1
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For better interpretation of synthetic aperture radar(SAR) images,the speckle filtering is an important issue.In the area of speckle filtering,the proper averaging of samples with similar scattering characteristics is of great importance.However,existing filtering algorithms are either lack of a similarity judgment of scattering characteristics or using only intensity information for similarity judgment.A novel polarimetric SAR(PolSAR) speckle filtering algorithm based on the mean shift theory is proposed.As polarimetric covariance matrices or coherency matrices form Riemannian manifold,the pixels with similar scattering characteristics gather closely and those with different scattering characteristics separate in this hyperspace.By using the range-spatial joint mean shift theory in Riemannian manifold,the pixels chosen for averaging are ensured to be close not only in scattering characteristics but also in the spatial domain.German Aerospace Center(DLR) L-Band Experiment SAR(E-SAR) data and East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering(ECRIEE) PolSAR data are used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.The filtering results of two commonly used speckle filtering algorithms,refined Lee filtering algorithm and intensity driven adaptive neighborhood(IDAN) filtering algorithm,are also presented for the comparison purpose.Experiment results show that the proposed speckle filtering algorithm achieves a good performance in terms of speckle filtering,edge protection as well as polarimetric characteristics preservation. For better interpretation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, the speckle filtering is an important issue. In the area of ​​speckle filtering, the proper averaging of samples with similar scattering characteristics is of great importance. However, existing filtering algorithms are either lacking of a similarity judgment of scattering characteristics or using only intensity information for similarity judgment. A novel polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) speckle filtering algorithm based on the mean shift theory is proposed. As polarimetric covariance matrices or coherency matrices form Riemannian manifold, the pixels with similar scattering characteristic gather closely and those with different scattering characteristics separate in this hyperspace.By using the range-spatial joint mean shift theory in Riemannian manifold, the pixels chosen for averaging are ensured to be close not only in scattering characteristics but also in the spatial domain. German Aerospace Center (DLR) L-Band Experiment SAR (E-SAR) da ta and East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering (ECRIEE) PolSAR data are used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The filtering results of two commonly used speckle filtering algorithms, refined Lee filtering algorithm and intensity driven adaptive neighborhood (IDAN) filtering algorithm , are also presented for the comparison purpose. Experimental results show that the proposed speckle filtering algorithm achieves a good performance in terms of speckle filtering, edge protection as well as polarimetric characteristics preservation.
【摘要】随着时代的进步,国家更2.加注重教育问题,更加注重如何塑造高素质的人才。而中学阶段是培养学生全面发展和素质教育的重要阶段。那初中教师的责任很重大,不仅仅是传授基本知识,还要对学生进行“德育”教育,同时把人文关怀融入到德育工作中。笔者就简单阐述把人文关怀融入到中学的德育工作中的困难和有效途径。  【关键词】思想品德;人文关怀;德育工作;创新  【中图分类号】G633.2 【文献标识码】B 【
【摘要】做好入党积极分子队伍的建设工作,是做好党员发展工作的前提和基础,加强入党积极分子队伍建设,是保证发展党员数量的必要措施。新时期,随着高校的不断扩招,“95后”甚至“00后”大学生的入校,给高校大学生入党积极分子的培养教育工作带来了新的挑战。本文针对新时期入党积极分子培养的现状,分析存在的问题、探索新方法,提出了加强入党积极分子培养、教育的对策和建议,为高校组织发展提供后备力量。  【关键词
【摘要】思想品德课是学校实施德育教育的重要途径和重要阵地,思想品德教师要利用思想品德课对学生开展德育教育,这就要求思想品德教师在以后的教育教学过程中,应注意加强德育意识,紧密联系学生的实际,运用各种有效的教学法,充分发挥学生的主体性和教师的示范作用,不断探索,积极努力,为更好地发挥思想品德这一德育主阵地的作用多做贡献,把学生培育成具有完善人格、品德高尚的社会主义现代化接班人。  【关键词】德育;思