How to Develop Senior Students' Cooperative Writing

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  【Abstract】With the development of economy and the progress of the society,English writing is gradually regarded as one of the useful ways for people to communicate with others.As for students,writing is one of the important parts in NMET (National Matriculation English Test). However,students 'fear about writing will undoubtedly worsen students' interest in writing and easily causes polarization.So how to arise students' interest in writing and what effective strategies can be used in English writing teaching become new questions to English teachers. Cooperative writing is greatly advocated, which is just a kind of class techniques that encourage students to perform all kinds of writing activities in groups or small team to enhance the teacher-student and student-student interactions and promotes students to learn to write actively. This article attempts to try three different strategies of cooperative writing to improve students' English writing, namely, in-class writing, error-correcting, and cooperatively making wall newspaper.
  【Key words】cooperative writing,in-class writing,peer correcting,writing for wall newspaper
  Writing is one of the most important ways to record the human civilization history and prompt the development of human society. As an effective way to express and exchange people's thoughts and feelings with others, writing is gradually paid much attention to . However, for a long time, English teachers in our country have paid too much attention to the writing products and ignored the writing process and the consciousness of readers (Ten Chunhong, 1993; 65;Yu Fee and Zhang Huifen, 1996; 78, Tao Ying 2001; 115). Many students and teachers focus more on writing products than on writing process such as planning the text, organization of the text, and even using proper punctuations. In some middle schools what the teachers need to do is to give a topic or a few topics for students to choose, and what the students need to do is simply to finish the composition in the limited time. This simple and traditional "teacher-centered" method of teaching writing actually dominates many English classes in middle schools. In such a learning environment and after many years of English study, students are tired of this traditional writing class and this single instruction pattern fails to meet the different levels of students in English writing and many real linguistic activities cannot be carried out flexibly. Therefore how to arise students' interest in writing and what effective strategies can be used in English writing teaching become new questions to English teachers.   Cooperative writing is one of the main approaches strongly promoted by the new curriculum. The State Council (2001) points out "Encourage cooperative learning, promote exchanges among students, develop together and enhance teaching and learning", which pays great attention to cooperative writing. So how to develop students' cooperative writing to arise the students' interest in English writing and improve their writing ability has become a problem to be solved immediately. The followings are some strategies of developing students' cooperative writing.
  1.In-class writing
  Pre-writing: The author guided and enlightened students on collecting materials about the content, to ensure them to be active in writing and make the students aware of certain brief information about the title. Therefore, before beginning to write, the author always gave them useful information briefly and clearly. Besides, the author often reminded the roles of group leader, who is important in the group work. For example, according to Hawking in Unit one, first the author gave the title. "A Person You Love and Respect" and gave them some necessary directions and encouraged every member in the group to participate before brainstorm. The author could makes a list and guided them to brainstorm and discuss, for example, the person's childhood studies, work, achievements and contributions to the people, country, the world or the benefits to them in their life and studies.
  Brainstorming: Groups come up with as many responses to a given question or problem as possible. The group goal is not to decide on the "best" response or answer, but to come up with several. First, before writing, students need to think what they are going to write about, list good ideas and make notes. So the author puts the students in groups and gets them to practice talking about the picture or the main points to the others of the group, who should learn to listen to attentively while one member is speaking. Before writing, students need to think what they are going to write, so the author gives students opportunities, which they can use to arouse the thinking. For example ,after the author gives topic "A Country You Love" the students can try to talk about a place and give much more information about the topic in English as much as the can. The author encourages the member of each group to use their r imagination use the personal opinion about the topic.
  Discussion: The researcher organized the students to discuss some questions according to the title,the theme,the sense audience,idea and so on,using who,what,when,where,where ,why, how, and then make the outline. The author may participate in the discussions to help students who have some difficulty in understanding the title. Meanwhile, the content and organization are also discussed among group members. For example, the students are going to write a paragraph about" My Hometown". Before they write their passage,they discuss what they want to write in groups of four. Every member in the group should introduce their own village,town or city orally and the recorder writes the useful sentences and the expressions.   First writing: during this step each person in groups wrote the first draft on his/her own. Paying attention to the content , organization of compositions, spelling,and grammar, students wrote their own drafts independently. They were not allowed to copy others during this period.
  2.Peer correcting
  After writing the draft the group members are required to exchange their work with each other. Each member of the group has chances to correct others' work. The students are encouraged to try to find and correct more errors such as punctuation,spelling, vocabulary, grammar and sentences structures. Here is an example below.
  Vocabulary: Draft version: "As the other boy ran to help him,at the moment he had fallen on to the ground and 1ied quiet."
  Final version: "As the other boy ran to help him,at the moment he had fallen on to the ground and lay still"
  Grammar: Draft version: The boy hurt when he jumped into the hole to get the ball
  Final version: The boy was hurt when he jumped into the hole to get the ball
  Sentence structure: Draft version(1): The government also makes the students also makes it easier for the students for students from minority groups to pass state exams.
  Final version(1): The government also makes it easier for the students from minority groups to pass state exams.
  Draft version(2): There used to have a bus stop.
  Final version(2): There used to be a bus stop
  Here is a student's composition .His partner is required to mark and number the errors like this:
  Every morning John goes to work by trains(1). He always buys a newspaper , it(2) helps to make the time pass more quickly . One Thursday morning, he turned on(3) the sports page . He wanted to see(4) the report about an important football match the night before . The report was such(5) interesting that he forgot to get off at his station . He didn't know it when(6) he saw the sea. He get off (7) at the next station, and had to wait Λ (8)long time for a train to go back. Of course, he arrived very late at the office. His boss were (9) very angry when Tom told him why he was late. "Work is very (10) more important than football!''
  Writing the final drafts: After correcting, based on different language aspects corrected by group members, students write the final drafts carefully and quickly.
  The corrected passage is as follows:
  Every morning John goes to work by train. He always buys a newspaper, which helps to make the time pass more quickly. One Thursday morning, he turned to the sports page. He wanted to read the report about an important football match the night before. The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station . He didn't know it until he saw the sea. He got off at the next station, and had to wait a long time for a train to go back. Of course, he arrived very late at the office. His boss was) very angry when Tom told him why he was late. "Work is much more important than football.''   Evaluation: If time and the students are permitted, a short summary is made by the author before the writing lesson ends. After class the author reads the final drafts, especially the passages written by weaker students, giving the evaluation to students as possible. Next period, the teacher will read the best composition and good expression and point out the serious errors. Giving groups rewards that are contingent on the sum of each group member's performance promotes both cooperation and the improved academic performance of every student (Slsvin,1983) . The author hasn't forgotten to praise some groups for their excellent cooperation. The author mainly gives the students praises for the groups work even if they have made only a little progress.
  3. Writing for wall-newspaper
  First, these groups are made up of volunteer students who work cooperatively to spend their spare time making an English wall newspaper once a month. They take charge of all the work: designing, choosing materials, drawing and writing. The topics of the writings are various, like "Good table manners", "A beautiful country-Australia'', " How to leave a good impression in interviews" and so on. Some practical and useful suggestions about learning English and west countries' culture and customs are also included. These after-class activities enlarge students' knowledge, raise their interest in learning English and develop English writing skills as well.
  The whole study and the experiment took the author more than one year, during which the author experienced the pleasure of success as well as the depression on failure. By conducting cooperative writing, students have a proper perception of the relationship between teaching and writing and the part they should take in the learning process. A kind of student-centeredness class occurs. The cooperative writing provides an environment for students to do face-to-face interaction, which is a must of means to accomplish the task. At the same time, this interaction is itself a real communication, during which the comprehensible input they get from their peers is much more than that they get from the teacher frontal class. Because of the similar age, this kind of input is likely within students' proximal zones of development, which is greatly helpful to their language acquisition and cognitive growth. The cooperative writing makes students more liked and caring to one another, resulting in a relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere which encourages them to learn actively with higher motivation and interest in writing and will in turn promote higher achievement. The cooperative writing makes students more confident. The relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere encourages them to write actively with higher motivation and interest and will in turn promote higher achievement. Students become the centre of class, which reaches the goal of new course reform, transferring from teacher-centered class to student-centered class. And in the group interaction, students' social skills are developed. In other words, in the cooperative writing, students not only improve their writing ability but also become more active and interested in English writing. It is obvious that the advantages of cooperative writing are not only improving students' writing ability, creating relaxed learning atmosphere, and providing greater interest. Cooperative writing is also a sure way to improve teaching efficiency and foster students' overall quality.
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【摘要】在科学文化日益发展的当今时代,创新意识与开拓精神更是人才的价值所在,培养学生质疑能力是全面推进创新教育的最佳开端,是培养创新型人才的关键。培养学生质疑能力要从教师自身找问题,还要运用多种方法培养学生的质疑能力。  【关键词】质疑能力,学生提问,解决问题,教学方法,教学内容,发现问题,学习兴趣  作为一名教师,让我感到最感困惑的,是因为学生问不出问题而造成课堂上的鸦雀无声让我尴尬不已。学生问
《数学新课标》对数学中渗透的数学思想、方法划分为三个层次,即“了解”、“理解”和“会应用”。在教学中,要求学生“了解”数学思想有:数形结合的思想、分类的思想、化归的思想、类比的思想和函数的思想等。教师在整个教学过程中,不仅应该使学生能够领悟到这些数学思想的应用,而且要激发学生学习数学思想的好奇心和求知欲,通过独立思考,不断追求新知,发现、提出、分析并创造性地解决问题。  为了促进学生思维能力的发展
【摘要】我国学校体育教学的总目标是:培养学生体质,促进学生身心和谐发展,培养学生体育能力和良好的思想品德,使其成为具有现代化精神的德、智、体全面发展的社会主义建设者。本文就如何在体育教学中更好的进行德育渗透,提出自己的一些看法。  【关键词】体育教学,思想品德教育,身心健康,人格    《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》指出:教育体制改革的根本目的是提高全民族素质,多出人才。教育的育人目的是通过德
党的十八大报告指出:“积极发展党内民主,增强党的创造活力。”这一论断的根本意义在于把党内民主建设与保持党的先进性、建设创新型党组织以及提高党的建设科学化水平有机结合起来。党的创造活力来自于党的创新能力,发展党内民主是党的创新能力形成的重要环节。  党内民主是党的民主集中制的基础。马克思和恩格斯曾经致力于创立统一的无产阶级国际政党,以领导从资本主义社会向共产主义社会第一阶段过渡,即在无产阶级专政时期
广西河池市巴马高中巴马547500  【摘要】学生反思能力的培养是当前新课程改革的教学理念之一,也是提高课堂有效性教学的方法之一。在教学实践中,教师要针对化学学科特点,为学生创设反思情景,指导学生反思策略、反思方法等,通过强化反思能力而提高化学课堂得有效性。  【关键词】高中化学,化学教学,反思能力,有效性教学    新课程改革的教育理念就是让学生学会学习。教会学生学会学习就是要在教学中培养学生的
新课标下教师要更新教学理念,重视概念课教学;根据学生知识水平特点,正确选择教学方法改进概念课的教学过程;精心设计问题情境,激发学生的学习兴趣;体现学生主体地位,倡导学生自主探索,合作交流,优化学生的学习方式;引导学生重视概念的学习,提高应用概念解决问题的能力。  1.重视数学概念的引入方法,创设故事情境和实验情境引出数学概念  新课标指出,概念教学要引导学生经历从具体的实例抽象出数学概念的过程。因
【摘要】数学是一门最重要的基础性学科,数学能力是学生今后发展应具备的最基础性能力。数学能力的形成需要训练,没有训练就没有能力。本文对此进行了论述。  【关键词】数学,能力,训练,特点,方法    数学能力的训练,是指师生在课堂上的双边活动。这种活动要求教师在课前做到:深钻全套教材,将每一课的训练内容都置于知识整体结构之中;全面深入地了解班级中每一位学生的知识水平。  1.素质教育背景下数学训练的新
【摘要】在大力推进素质教育的进程中,需要广大教师立足本职岗位,扎实进行教学创新,因为教学创新是素质教育的基础。对教学创新的主攻方向本文进行了论述。  【关键词】小学教学,创新,环境,内容,方法    在数学教学中培养学生良好的思维品质,特别是创造思维能力是素质教育的一项重要内容。因此,在教学中教师应积极探究以培养学生创新意识为目标的教学方法。要在完成课程标准所规定的教学任务的前提下,培养学生创造性
【摘要】新的语文课程标准强调:在语文教学中应坚持自主学习、合作探讨、互动创新的原则,促进学生个性的发展,培养创新意识与能力。本文对此进行了论述。  【关键词】语文教学,互动引导,阅读,想象,辩论    新课改要求:语文教学的过程应是让学生张扬个性、展示生命的历程,应通过师生互动、生生互动让教学唤醒自我,张扬自我,成就自我。怎样实现这一要求呢?笔者在实践中坚持了以下几点:  1.在阅读中引导互动,提