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  Chapter 8 Rice Paddies and Math Tests (Excerpt)
  第八章 稻田种植与数学考试 (节选)
  Throughout history, not surprisingly, the people who grow rice have always worked harder than almost any other kind of farmer.
  That statement may seem a little odd because we have a sense that everyone in the pre-modern world worked really hard. But that simply isn’t true. All of us, for example, are 1)descended at some point from hunter-gatherers, and many hunter-gatherers, by all accounts, had a pretty leisurely life. The Kung bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, who are one of the last remaining practitioners of that way of life, 2)subsist in large part on the Mongongo nut, an incredibly plentiful and protein-rich source of food that lies thick on the ground. They don’t grow anything, and it’s growing things—preparing, planting, weeding, harvesting, storing—that takes time. Nor do they raise any animals. Occasionally the male Kung hunt, but chiefly for sport. All told, Kung men and women work no more than 12 to 19 hours a week with the balance of the time spent dancing, entertaining and visiting family and friends. That’s, at most, a thousand hours a year of work.
  Or consider the life of a peasant in 18th century Europe. Men and women in those days probably worked from dawn to noon 200 days a year, which works out to about 1,200 hours of work annually. Working in a rice field is 10 to 20 times more labor intensive than working on an equivalently-sized corn or wheat field. Some estimates put the annual workload of a wet rice farmer in Asia at 3,000 hours a year.
  Think for a moment about what the life of a rice farmer must have been like. Three thousand hours a year is a staggering amount of time to spend working.
  What redeemed the life of a rice farmer, however, was the nature of that work. It was meaningful. First of all there was a clear relationship in rice farming between effort and reward. The harder you work a rice field, the more it yields. Second, it’s complex. The rice farmer isn’t simply planting in the Spring and harvesting in the Fall. He or she is effectively a small businessman, 3)juggling a family workforce, 4)hedging uncertainty through seed selection, building and managing a sophisticated irrigation system, coordinating the complex process of harvesting the first crop while simultaneously preparing the second crop.
  And, most of all, it’s autonomous. The thing about wet rice farming is not only that you need phenomenal amounts of labor, but it’s very exacting. You have to care. It really matters the field is perfectly leveled before you flood it. It really matters the water is in the field for just the right amount of time. There’s a big difference between lining up the seedlings at exactly the right distance and doing it sloppily. You’re controlling all the inputs in a very direct way.
  Chinese proverbs are striking in their belief that hard work, 5)shrewd planning and self-reliance or cooperation with a small group will, in time, bring 6)recompense. Most telling of all; “No one, who can rise before dawn 360 days, fails to make his family rich.”
  Rise before dawn? Three hundred and sixty days a year? This is not, of course, an unfamiliar observation about Asian culture. Go to a college campus and students will say that the Asian students are overwhelmingly the ones studying at the library long after everyone else has left.
  But a belief in work is, in fact, a thing of beauty. Virtually every success story we’ve seen in this book so far involves someone or some group working harder than their peers. Working really hard is what successful people do, and the genius of the culture formed in the rice paddies is that hard work gave those in the fields a way to find meaning in the midst of great hardship and poverty. That lesson has served Asians well in many endeavors.
  马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)曾是《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家,目前是《纽约客》杂志专职作家。他在2005年被《时代》周刊评为全球最有影响力的100位人物之一。2005年,他更是创造书市神话,两部作品《引爆点》(Tipping Point)和《瞬间》(Blink)同时位居《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜精装本和平装本第一名。马尔科姆曾经做过卫生政策和科学新闻方面的记者,其文章喜欢以小见大。他是一个非常有创意的作家,他认为自己的文风属于一种adventure of ideas的风格,虽然大部分作品都不属于虚构,又不是围绕一个人物或者一个故事展开,但其中的故事情节却一般比较曲折,看他的文章很有adventure波澜起伏的韵味。
很多人对于凯斯·艾尔本(Keith Urban)的认识,可能要从2006年他与澳洲影后妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)喜结良缘后算起。但其实这位澳洲音乐才子,自1991年出道,已多次获得澳洲、美国的乡村音乐大奖以及格莱美提名。不过,与妮可的婚姻也着实让凯斯获得了新生,因为这位曾经酗酒成性的歌手,为了爱妻,坚决痛改前非。在今年的第53届格莱美音乐颁奖礼上凯斯获得了“最佳乡村男歌手”,再次迈
都说细节决定成败,不知道你是否也有这样的体会。我们熟知的福尔摩斯也不例外,他可以从一些常人不注意,但却又再明白不过的细节,推断出一个人的背景,甚至他的家庭情况。你在佩服之余,别忘了,其实你也可以做到。  本文选自BBC去年拍的《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)。这部新版剧把我们熟悉的主要人物放到了21世纪,让福尔摩斯把他那套侦破手段在现代社会加以应用。为了让大家更好地欣赏这个人物,我们特意在文章后
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