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  语音:英式发音 适合讨论
  关键词:money, children, basic understanding
  There are tough economic times ahead, and the government thinks our youngsters should be better prepared. The message is simple—that money matters—and therefore lessons should begin as soon as children start school. The plans mean that primary school children will be taught how to save money and manage bank accounts. Older children, from 11 to 14, will learn about credit cards and loans, and 15 and 16 year-olds will be taught about debt and how it affects peoples’ lives.
  Girl A: Not a lot of people my age know about it. They don’t know that much about all the loans and stuff, and they’ll go into that part of the work and they won’t know what to do.
  Boy A: It’s good for the future, ’cause then you’ll know how to control your credit card and how you pay it.
  Girl B: They can 1)break it down and make it a lot easier for us to learn, like, not like the mums and dads do then.
  Boy B: When you put money in, you get the money in your account, and when you take it out, you get to spend it.
  The introduction of formal lessons about money has been welcomed by financial experts, so long as they’re based on real life.
  Financial Journalist: I think schools are a great, great place to teach people the “technicals” behind how money works. Still, it’s gonna be “street smarts” once you get out there. Lots of kids have it. They know, with their mobile phones, how it works; they know, with their 2)pocket money, how to make it last. The problem is, as soon as they get older and they’re running a 3)household budget, they forget all those 4)tricks, because, suddenly, they’re too focused on other things, and we just need to teach the wider impact of how your pocket works to our children.
  Exactly what pupils’ learn in their lessons will be decided later this year. 5)At the very least, the aim is that young people leave school with a basic understanding of how to manage their money sensibly.
  Comments 观点参考
  ● Recent studies have found that the burden of debt, accentuated[强调] by the recession and high levels of unemployment, has created a new generation of “mummy’s boys[离不开父母、不能自立的人]”.
  ● While education cannot prevent debt, it can help to make people aware of their finances and possibly contribute to reducing the debt problem.
  ● Money management is something that has been overlooked for too long. Before now, people have just been expected to leave school and become financially independent with no guidance, in a society where credit is very readily available.
  ● The worry is that teachers think that personal finance is out of the comfort zone. As a result there is a danger that personal finance education will be marginalized[忽视,排斥].
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