Why Men Always Tell You to See Movies

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  What gender is the voice of God? The question has been pondered by 1)mystics through the ages, but in the 2)sanctuary of cinema the voice of a 3)sonorous, 4)authoritative, fear-inspiring yet sometimes 5)relatable presence is, invariably, that of a man. Consider the 6)trailer and the 7)omniscient, 8 )disembodied voice that introduces 9)moviegoers to a 10)fictional world.
  “Most movie trailers are loud and strong, and film studios want that male impact, 11)vocally and 12)thematically,” said Jeff Danis, an agent who represents 13)voice-over artists. “Even if it’s a romantic comedy or nonaction movie, they still want that certain power and drama that men’s voices tend to convey on a grander scale.”
  Even now, movie trailers and 14)promos largely 15)hew to a 16)template created 40 years ago by 17)Don LaFontaine, Hollywood’s most 18)prolific voice-over artist. Possessor of a 19)resonant 20)baritone that could cut through tight sequences of music and 21)sound bites—and the 22)coiner of familiar phrases like “In a world...” and “One man, one destiny”—LaFontaine, who died in 2008, 23)voiced more than 5,000 trailers and thousands upon thousands of commercials and television promos.
  In the past few years, as audiences have grown more sophisticated, the independent production companies that make trailers for Hollywood studios have begun moving away from voice-overs, favoring 24)graphic devices like 25)title cards to serve as narration. People are trying to let the movie speak for itself as much as possible.
  Still, plenty of voice-over jobs remain, especially in television, though women are seldom 26)cast. “There are some very talented, very gifted women in this business that can satisfy any request for a 27)narrator, but the opportunities aren’t given to them,” said Mike Soliday, a talent agent who represents prominent male voice artists.
  As Mr. Danis put it, “Trailers are really the last frontier for women.” John Long, who was responsible for campaigns for Kung Fu Panda 2, noted that his company had worked on dozens of campaigns a year. “And as much as everyone talks about wanting to be innovative and do unexpected things, the idea of a female voice doesn’t come up that often,” he said. “It’s really not part of the formula. Maybe that’s our own 28)shortsightedness.”
  Asked to name a 29)theatrical campaign that featured a female voice, trailer makers interviewed for this article could easily recall just one: 30)Gone in 60 Seconds, the 2000 action thriller that starred Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie. “It was filled with really sexy and fast and fantastic-looking cars, and shot with a ton of energy,” recalled Skip Chaisson, who produced the trailer. “What else did it need? I thought it would be cool if we had a really sexy female voice. In a way we were doing a car commercial, so why not go as far with it as we can?”
  Melissa Disney, who did the voice-over for Gone in 60 Seconds and works frequently on television promos, commercials and 31)animated series, argued that “men are very attracted to women’s voices, especially when they are sexy and 32)sultry.” She continued: “Women have such a large range. We have so much more to pull from than your typical male action voice.”
  One challenge women face is the perception in the industry that it’s difficult for their voices to be heard over a trailer’s 33)cacophony, an attitude some voice-over artists dispute. “To say that a woman’s voice won’t cut through a trailer just isn’t true,”said Joan Baker, the author of Secrets of VoiceOver Success and a friend of LaFontaine’s. “What women’s voices have is 34)emotionality and color and a certain kind of rhythm. Don would even say,‘My voice isn’t right for everything.’ ” She felt it was ridiculous that women were not used in movie trailers. But no one wants to change what isn’t broken.
  Do moviegoers want to hear female voices? Research indicates that our brains are 35)wired to prefer theirs to male ones; that’s the reason robotic voices, like those in 36)GPS devices, tend to be female. When it comes to 37)credibility, however, research into the perceived credibility of a voice—an important quality for the omniscient narrator of a trailer, as well as the spokesman or -woman for any product, which is the function a trailer serves—tells a different story.
  “On average both males and females trust male voices more,” said Clifford Nass, a professor of communications at Stanford, noting some gender 38)disparity exists in that women don’t distrust female voices as much as men distrust them. In one study conducted at Stanford, two versions of the same video of a woman were presented to subjects: one had the low frequencies of the woman’s voice increased and the high frequencies reduced, the other 39)vice versa. Consistently, subjects perceived the deep voice to be smarter, more authoritative, and more40)trustworthy.
  In television, many cable channels regularly aim programming at women, and there has been more 41)latitude in the use of female voices. “We’re all trying to make shows that cut through the 42)clutter and stick out,” said Tim Nolan, senior vice president for marketing at 43)Lifetime Networks. “But for me it’s less about being authoritative and more about being relatable. It’s a big 44)turnoff for TV consumers if they think they’re being sold. Whether the show’s about fashion or drama or reality, it’s about which voice is telling those stories better.”
  In testing One Born Every Minute, a Lifetime series set in an Ohio 45)maternity ward, the channel found that audiences responded most favorably to a voiceover by Jamie Lee Curtis, even before they recognized her. Mr. Nolan added:“One woman said that the voice understood who she was.”



  正如丹尼斯先生所说的那样,“预告片真可谓是未被女性开发的‘处女地’。”负责《功夫熊猫2》宣传项目的约翰·郎先生提 到,他的公司每年都参与数十个宣传项目。“尽管每个人都说他们想要创新,不走寻常路,但是女声旁白却不常在他们的考虑范围之内,”他说,“采用女声真的超出常规。可能那就是我们目光短浅的表现吧。”
  被问及哪个电影宣传短片是采用女声旁白时,被采访的预告片制作人能轻松记起的仅有一套:《极速60秒》,那是2000年由尼古拉斯·凯奇和安吉丽娜·朱莉主演的一部动作惊悚片。“电影里面都是造型性感、外观奇特 而且速度惊人的汽车,拍摄手法极具爆炸力,”司盖普·查尔森回忆道,他负责制作该电影预告片。“这个预告片还差点什么呢?当时我觉得如果采用一种非常性感的女声做旁白就棒极了。从某个程度上来说,我们做的预告片就是一个汽车广告,那么为什么不尽可能地跳出框框,出奇制胜呢?”
  “通常情况下,男女观众都更信任男声,”斯坦福大学通讯系教授克里福德·纳斯说,他还指出,这种偏信的程度也存在着性别差异,对女声 的不信任,男士听众尤甚于女士听众。在一项斯坦福大学主导的实验中,实验对象会听到同一个女声的两个不同音频:其中一个将低音调高、高音降低,而另一个则为相反的设置。结果发现,实验对象一致认为,低沉的声音给人感觉更聪明,更具权威性也更值得信任。
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