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  Goodbye! Time for Another Dream
  Host: Mathias “Spider” Schergen. For years, he’s taught art to children from one of the city’s poorest and toughest neighborhoods in the shadow of the infamous 1)Cabrini-Green housing projects. Those projects are gone and the neighborhood is changing, and after 23 years, Schergen is retiring. Elissa Nadworny (Reporter): A little before 8 a.m., Mathias Schergen pushes open the side door by the lunch room.
  Woman A: Good morning.
  Mathias: Oh, thank you.
  Elissa: He walks down the hall towards the office. It’s the same routine he’s had for a quarter-century.
  Mathias: It’s gonna be a good day.
  Woman B: It’s a good day, it’s a good day.
  Elissa: Today, it’s a little bit different.
  Mathias: How you doing, baby girl?
  Children: It’s your last day.

  Mathias: Yes, this is my last day as a teacher at Jenner Academy of the Arts.
  Elissa: So many stories stirring up memories. All day, parents, past students, old 2)student teachers, stop by Jenner to say goodbye. There is one hour to go. He cleans out the sink for the last time.
  Mathias: Yeah, how many mixing trays have I washed in 23 years? I know, I, I…I don’t, you know, I’m not a numbers man, so…but I can imagine.
  Elissa: Spider’s absorbed in the ritual.
  When your kids ask why you’re retiring, what do you tell ’em?
  Mathias: I just tell ’em that, you know, grown people have dreams too, and that I have other things in my life I need to do. And, and sometimes I just say, it’s time, it’s just time.
  Elissa: And that time comes at about 3 o’clock. Spider packs up his oversized 3)tote, 4)embroidered with the letters ART. He heads down to the office to 5)punch out one final time. On the ride home, he shakes his head, struggling to stay in the moment.
  Mathias: This is real. This is really happening. This is really life, you know? This is really real.
  Elissa: We ride the rest of the way home in silence. As we drive, I can see Mr. Spider slip away as Mathias Schergen gets ready for the next chapter.


这是一本关于跑步的武侠小说。受伤的主角,来去如风的高手,隐秘避世的山中部落,众人皆知但求索无门的“秘籍”,以及,高手云集的惊世之战……这么些元素合起来,组成了一个字——跑!  作者克里斯托弗·麦克杜格尔(Christopher McDougall,1962-)是跑步爱好者,在脚伤被权威运动医学专家确诊恢复无望后,他偶然得知隐居的奔跑一族,于是穿越峡谷,找寻跑步真谛。书中讲述的正是作者的真实经历。 
1. drive sb. crazy/insane/mad/nuts 把人逼疯  Literally: force sb. into a state of insanity or mental instability  e.g. The months alone on a deserted island started driving me insane.  Figuratively: annoy
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