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  1.at, in, on表年、月、日、时、分
  1)We’re going to have a party at three tomorrow afternoon.
  2)Can you be here at a quarter to eight? 八点差一刻你能来吗?
  (2)表示在上午、下午、晚上用in,即:in the morning, in the afternnon, in the evening,但“在夜里”要说at night。如果专指某一天的上午、下午、晚上,要用on,不用in。如:
  1)They are going to see a film on Sunday afternoon.
  2)On a cold winter morning, I went hunting with Mike.
  (3)说到具体某一天要用on。如:on Friday, on a summer day, on his birthday, on Christmas Day。在星期几前面,on可以省略(尤其是在美语中)。如:
  She wanted to visit our school Monday morning.
  1)Are you going away at Easter? 复活节的时候,你们到别处去吗?
  2)on Easter Monday复活节后的星期一
  说到周末,英国人用at the weekend,美国人用on the weekend。
  1)It happened in Easter week. 发生在复活节那周。
  2)She was born in July. 她出生在7月。
  in 1990(在1990年),in the eighteenth(18th) century(在十八世纪),in the fall/autumn(在秋天)
  2.I have to study for a test. 我必须学习准备考试。
  1)Do more exercise for the good of your health.
  2)I have got a good job for you. 我为你找了一份好工作。
  3)Is there anything I can do for you? 要我为你做什么事吗?
  1)We are leaving for Shanghai next week. 下星期我们将前往上海。
  2)Is this bus for Chicago? 这辆公共汽车开往芝加哥吗?
  3)There’s a letter for you on the table. 桌子上有一封你的信。
  4)There were two calls for you while you were out.
  5)She bought a sweater for her daughter.
  6)This is for you. 这是送给你的。
  1)What is this for? 这是做什么用的?
  2)This knife is for cutting cheese. 这把刀子是用来切乳酪的。
  3)He is out for a walk. 他出去散步了。
  4)She does aerobics for her figure. 她为了保持身材做有氧运动。
  5)He does everything only for money. 他做什么都只是为了钱。
  6)He asked me for some advice. 他向我征求意见。
  1)He worked hard for the exam. 他努力准备考试。
  2)Please tell me. I am prepared for the worst.
  3)We’ll have to save money for our old age.
  4)There’s no medicine for a cold. A good sleep is the best cure for it. 感冒没有药可治,最好的方法就是好好睡一觉。
  3.too much homework太多的作业
  I don’t have much money. 我没有很多钱。
  4.Hi, Vince, can you play tennis with me?
  My mother is going to buy a new coat for me.
  5.Thanks a lot for the invitation. 非常感谢你的邀请。
  (1)a lot可作为名词。意思是“很多,多数,多量”。如:
  1)She knows a lot about it. 关于那件事她知道得很多。
  2)I have a lot to do today. 我今天有很多工作要做。
  (2)a lot当副词用。意思是“非常”。如:
  I’m feeling a lot better today. 我今天好多了。
  1)He has blond hair. 他有一头金色的头发。
  2)He had his hair cut. 他把他的头发剪了。
  3)Her hair is turning gray. 她的头发变得灰白了。
  1)brush/comb/dress one’s hair 梳头
  2)color/dye one’s hair 染发
  3)do/set style one’s hair 做发型
  4)lose one’s hair 掉头发
  5)shampoo/wash one’s hair 洗头发
  6)wear one’s hair long/short 留长/短头发
  My father has quite a few gray hairs. 我父亲有相当多的白发。
  形容词,其比较级:heavier 最高级:heaviest
  1)a heavy bag沉重的袋子
  2)How heavy is it? 它有多重?
  3)It’s too heavy for me to carry that far. 它太重了我搬不了那么远。
  4)Which is heavier, this or that? 哪个较重,是这个还是那个?
  5)He is the heaviest of us all. 他是我们之中最重的。
  1) a heavy blow 重击
  2) a heavy rain 大雨
  3) a heavy drinker/smoker 酒鬼/老烟枪
  4) heavy damage/lose 严重损害/损失
  5) Traffic is heavy around here. 这里交通流量大。
  1)heavy taxes 重税
  2)a heavy job 繁重的工作
  3)(a) heavy responsibility 重大责任
  4)(a) heavy punishment 重罚
  1)with a heavy heart 沉郁的心情
  2)feel heavy 心情沉重
  3)a heavy atmosphere 阴郁的气氛
  heavy food 油腻难消化的食物
  walk with a heavy step 以沉重的步伐走路
  形容词,其比较级:calmer 最高级:calmest
  1)a calm day/afternoon 平静的日子/下午
  2)The sea was very calm. 海面很平静。
  1)Stay/Keep calm!冷静点!
  2)She got frightened and excited, but is much calmer now.
  形容词,其比较级:quieter 最高级:quietest
  1)a quiet night 寂静的夜
  2)a quiet room 安静的房间
  3)quiet music 轻柔的音乐
  4)in a quiet voice 很小声地,安静地
  5)Please be quiet. 请安静下来。
  6)You have a cold, so you must keep quiet at home.
  7)The waters of the lake were quiet yesterday. 昨日湖水相当平静。
  1)a quiet sleep 安详的睡眠
  2)I’d like to live a quiet life in the country.
  3)He had a quiet mind. 他心境平静。
  1)a quiet child 温顺的乖孩子
  2)quiet manners 稳重的态度
  She always wears quiet clothing. 她总是穿着朴素的衣服。
  形容词,其比较级:funnier 最高级:funniest
  1)a funng story 有趣的故事
  2)a funny fellow (说话诙谐的)有趣的家伙
  3)What’s so funny about that joke? 那个笑话有什么可笑的?
  It’s funny that he said such a thing. 很奇怪他居然说这种话。
  ①As I was walking down the street, an American asked me for directions to the nearest station.
  ②He sang songs as he was taking a bath. 他一边唱歌一边洗澡。
  ③As she grew older, she became more pessimistic.
  ①As I had a cold, I was absent from school.
  ②As he is a qualified doctor, I trust his advice on medical matters.
  ①I’ll do as you advise. 我会依照你的建议去做。
  ②Please try to pronounce the word as I do.
  ③She stayed in bed as the doctor had ordered.
  ④Leave it as it is. 让它保持原样。
  ①I’d like to go abroad as you do. 我希望像你一样能出国。
  ②As the Americans like baseball, the British like soccer.
  ③He was late, as usual. 像平常一样,他迟到了。
  ④On Friday, as on Monday, the meeting will be at 3:30.
  ①She is as tall as her mother(is). 她和她母亲一样高。
  ②His brother is as handsome as he(him). 他兄弟像他一样英俊。
  ③The movie was not as(so) good as I had expected.
  ①He swims fast, but I swim just as fast.
  ②I play tennis as well as him. 我的网球跟他打得同样好。
  ③She has a lot of books, but I don’t have as(so) many.
  ①beasts, as lions and tigers 野兽,例如狮子和老虎
  ②mammals such as lions and tigers 哺乳类动物比如狮子和老虎
  ③I was wearing clothes for dirty work, as when gardening.
  as…as… 像……一样
  as…as possible 尽可能地
  as if 似乎是……,好像是……
  as long as 达……之久;只要……
  as soon as 一……就……
  as to 关于……
  12.although, though 虽然……但是……;尽管
  Though he was tired, he went on working.
  =Although he was tired, he went on working.
  1)He often helps me with my English although/though he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。
  2)John, though(he was) young, did it very well.
  3)Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements.
  (3)though, although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。不能说:Though he was old, but he worked hard.应把but去掉。当然,保留but而去掉though也可。
  1)Einstein cared little for money, though he could have been very rich. 尽管爱因斯坦本可以成为非常富有的人,但他对金钱却不感兴趣。(though引导的情况是假设的,并非事实。)
  2)He will never do such a thing though he(should) be forced to.
  Young though she is, yet she is fit for the job.=Young as she is, yet she is fit for the job. 尽管她很年轻,可她还胜任这份工作。
  (6)though从句的主谓若是系表结构时,可以省略从句主语和be动词。如:Though alone, he is happy.
  注意 Though loving him, I cannot help him.是错句。因为从句不是由be构成的系表结构作谓语。应改为Though I love him, I cannot help him.
  (7)though还可与别的词结合使用。如:even though, as though等;although则无这种搭配功能。如:
  I’ll go and help them even though I stop my work.
  (8)though还可作并列连词,相当于and yet(然而,可是),它引导的分句常对另一分句起补充说明作用。如:
  1)They now can do most of the things people can do, though most scientists agree that computers cannot completely take the place of humans. 人们能做的大部分工作,计算机现在都能做,然而大多数科学家认为,计算机并不能完全代替人。
  2)I wouldn’t like to go to the evening party, though they will invite me to. 我不想去参加晚会,可是他们邀请我去。
  He said he would come; he didn’t though. 他说要来却没来。
1.有大量的工作在等我们去做。    误:There is a large number of work for us to do.  正:There is a large amount of work for us to do.  析:a number of表示“许多的、大量的”,修饰可数名词复数,而a amount of“许多的、大量的”,修饰不可数名词。    2.一面红旗耸立在山顶上。  
(A)    Fun with Bottles  漂流瓶的乐趣  Would you like to have some fun? __1__ a bottle away. If you live __2__ water, it’s easy. Simply write a note __3__ your name and address and put it in a bottle. __4__
1. [点击]Sure, I’d love to. 当然,我愿意。     [解码]在回答请求或建议的疑问句时,肯定回答一般用:Yes/Sure, I’d love to. “I’d love to”的意思是“我愿意”。  [闯关]   ——Would you like to come to my birthday party?   ——____. (2006湖南岳阳)  A. Yes, I’d
(A)    Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots of ways, they are very different. But what are the differences?  Hu Peng of Wuhan and four friends decided to find them out. Ea
The First Goal for the Real Madrid by Owen  欧文首次为皇马进球    Michael Owen(迈克尔欧文) is __1__ English football star. He plays __2__ the Real Madrid(皇家马德里队) now. He scored his __3__ goal for the club __4__ Oct
Canon佳能——爱俏的人们很喜欢买她的相机,经典就是经典,佳能其实是经典和真经的意思,名如其实。  Charade夏利——平民轿车的代表,其实她是各大综艺节目里最落俗套的游戏,你比划我猜。  Cachet嘉士堂药店——本意很贴切,胶囊。  Daphne达芙妮女鞋——有一阵子受追捧,现在好像口碑一般,实为逃避阿波罗而变成一棵月桂树的女神。  Dove德芙——最近又是巧克力又是沐浴露的,其实就是只鸽
1.What are you doing for vacation? 你假期准备做什么?  (1)现在进行时谈论将来的计划、安排。问第三人称单数和复数如下:  1)What is he/she doing for vacation? 他/她假期准备做什么?  2)What are they doing for vacation? 他们假期准备做什么?  (2)一般回答也用现在进行时。如:  1)H
(A)走进Mr Wang之“祈使句课堂”    ◆知识网络:祈使句是表示请求、命令、邀请、劝告或叮嘱等的句子,句子主语不在句中出现。祈使句即以动词开头,该动词应使用其原形。例如:  Please do as I told you. 请按我说的做。  为了强调,主语you有时也会使用。例如:  Jim, you clean the blackboard. The others clean the d
一、other    表“另外的”之意,后接复数名词,如与具体数词连用,则置于数词之后,但与定冠词the连用时,other要放在数词前。如:  1. Mr Smith is going shopping with ____ boys next Sunday.  史密斯先生将于下周日与另外两个男孩去买东西。  A. little two otherB. two little other  C. tw
1.lesson, class    当这两个名词表示具体的四十五分钟的“一节课”讲时,为同义词,一般可以相互换用。例如:  We have four classes (lessons) in the morning and two in the afternoon. 我们上午上四节课,下午上两节课。  但它们在下列情况下也有区别,不可换用:  (1) 在表示“第几课”、“第几课书”时,习惯上用l