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In 2016, Jess Wedel of Oklahoma was diagnosed with cancer. She fought hard, undergoing several surgeries and months of treat-ment.
1  我的父亲相信了风水先生知仙的话,以为我连续三年考不上大学是因为爷爷的坟地没有选好。他思索了几个晚上,拉了几次调动情绪的二胡后便动了迁爷爷坟的念头。他的念头在心里坚定下来像块铁,但是还是渴望有人能理解,于是他得空把自己的想法说给村里人听。  村里人说,别瞎胡折腾啦,继诗根本不是上学的那块料,考了三年没见考上个啥,这大脑就像齿轮子,滑了。再说了,考上了又怎么样,那么一大笔学费怎么弄去?养儿为防老
I. 阅读理解rnWhen the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife.
阳光  天气反复无常,气温飘忽不定,不同程度印证着春寒料峭。  因了身体的一些原因,这些天很少走出户外,或者说很少走路。在房间里享受阳光,就成了最为奢侈的生活。  沙发上堆满了棉衣、毛裤、工服以及被子,杂乱无章,我不愿去梳理它们。这个房间属于我的同时,它们也有享受温暖的权利。  一些西药——片状的、胶囊状的、液状的占据着不大的茶几。在我围着茶几走过的每一次,似乎都能闻到治病救人的味道。我知道,这些
As we all know, it\'s beneficial to learn an-other foreign language. It opens doors, makes you more employable and helps you make new friends. And it\'s fun, too.
The annual 3-to 4-millimeter rise in sea level is expected to impact many coastal communities in the coming decades. Researchers believe that parts of what is arguably the lowest-lying country in the world will become unsuitable for people to live in by 2
Are you brave enough to walk on the world\'s longest pedestrian suspension bridge? Being at over half a kilometer long, a newly opened, record-breaking suspension bridge in the town of Arouca, Portugal, demands a bit of a head for heights.
给画家刘树允写一小评是我主动要求的,甚至也未事先征得树允先生的同意,只是因由他的绘画让我感觉有话说。由于并非“债务”稿,所以我准备将它写得轻松随意些,既不送帽子,数列他的不菲成绩和获得的大大小小的奖(他所获得的荣誉还真是不少),也不故作国画批评中习见的“玄语”“豪语”,而是完全尊从于我的个人感觉,谈一下刘树允对于中国画艺术的个人特点。  温雅。在品观刘树允的绘画时,能够明顯感觉其充盈于画幅中的“暖
Part 1 激活·素养解读  Part 2 晨读·素材积累  Ⅰ. 读典题·知考向  环境问题影响着人们的工作、学习、生活等。假定你是李华,请以“What can we do for the environment?” 为题,写一篇以环境保护为主题的英语演讲稿。内容包括:  1. 存在的问题;  2. 采取的措施;  3. 提出倡议。  注意:  1. 词数80左右;  2. 可以适当增加细节,
Forty-three-year-old Dong Yu began to work as a piano painter when he was 19 years old, and has started to grow his interest in the instrument since then. He has never received any musical train-ing and can\'t even read piano sheets.
Jacob Kohut, 35, was one of the soldiers. He finally had some downtime (休息时间) during his 12-hour shift. He sat in the back of a Humvee (悍马军车), flute in hand, teaching students via his laptop how to play Beethoven\'s Ode to Joy.