2022年高考热门话题写作预测(9): 环境保护

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  Part 1 激活·素养解读
  Part 2 晨读·素材积累
  Ⅰ. 读典题·知考向
  环境问题影响着人们的工作、学习、生活等。假定你是李华,请以“What can we do for the environment?” 为题,写一篇以环境保护为主题的英语演讲稿。内容包括:
  1. 存在的问题;
  2. 采取的措施;
  3. 提出倡议。
  1. 词数80左右;
  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
  3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
  What can we do for the environment?
  Hello, everyone. Im Li Hua. As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse.
  Its high time that we should protect our environment from being polluted.
  Thank you for your listening!
  ◆ 范文晨诵
  What can we do for the environment?
  Hello, everyone. Im Li Hua. As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places, we cant see fish swimming in the river. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So we must take action now.
  Firstly, we can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags for shopping. Secondly, we should reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms to save energy. Moreover, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We should try our best to reduce pollution and waste.
  Its high time that we should protect our environment from being polluted.
  Thank you for your listening!
  ◆ 模板提煉
  模 板 一
  Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,
  Its a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.(表示荣幸) My name is __________ .
  (自我介绍) The topic of my speech is __________ .
  To begin with, many people suggest that__________ . Secondly, __________ . Thirdly, __________ .
  What I want to stress is that __________ .(重申主题) For one thing, __________ . For another,__________. Besides,__________ .(原因或重要性列举) In a word, __________ .(总结)
  Thank you for your listening./Thank you.
  模 板 二
  Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone,
  Its nice to see all of you here. I feel honored to have the opportunity to give/make/deliver a speech. It is a great pleasure for me to speak here. The topic of my speech is __________ ./Today I will talk about __________ ./Its nice to talk/speak about __________ .(演讲的主题) First of all, __________ . Besides, __________ . Secondly,__________.  Whats more, __________ .(具体内容)   As far as I am concerned/In my opinion,__________. (重申主题) From what has been dis?cussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that __________ . (总结)
  Thanks for your attention/listening.
  ◆ 靓句积累
  1. 众所周知,垃圾处理一直是让各国政府头疼的一大问题。
  (基础表达)As we know, rubbish disposal has always been a big headache for all coun?tries.
  (高级表达)It is known that rubbish disposal has always been a big headache for all countries.(含it作形式主语的主语从句)
  2. 谈到节能减排,我碰巧在一份报纸上看到有关这一话题的报道。
  (基础表达)Talking of energy saving and greenhouse reductions, I happen to have read a report on this topic in a newspaper.
  (高级表达)Talking of energy saving and greenhouse reductions, it happens that I have read a report on this topic in a newspaper.(含it作形式主语的主语从句)
  3. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题。
  (基础表达)It cant be denied that air po?llution is an extremely serious problem.
  (高级表达)There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem.(含同位语从句)
  4. 在高峰期坐地铁而不是驾车出行可以避免交通堵塞,而且对环境有利。
  (基础表达)During rush hour, taking the subway instead of driving prevents you from being stuck in traffic jams. Also, it is better for the environment.
  (高级表达)During rush hour, not only does taking the subway instead of driving prevent you from being caught in traffic jams, but it is also better for the environment.(含not only...but also的倒装句)
  5. 任何破坏环境的人都应该受到严厉的惩罚。
  (基础表达)Anyone who damages the en?vironment should be seriously punished.
  (高级表达)No matter who/Whoever da?mages the environment, he should be seriously punished.(含让步状语从句)
  Ⅱ. 读词句·积语料
  1. preserve v. 保护
  2. pollution n. 污染
  3. recycle v. 回收利用;再利用
  4. low?carbon adj. 低碳的
  5. ecosystem n. 生态系统
  6. reuse v. 重复使用
  7. economize v. 节省;节约
  economy n. 经济;节约
  economic adj. 经济学的;经济的
  economical adj. 节约的;实惠的
  8. renewable adj. 可再生的
  renew v. 更新
  9. noise n. 噪音
  noisy adj. 嘈杂的;喧闹的
  10. desertification n. 沙漠化
  11. deforestation n. 濫伐森林
  12. overdevelop v. 过度开发
  13. haze n. 雾;霾
  14. emission n. 排放;排放物
  15. environment?friendly/environmentally friendly 有利环境的
  16. decrease v. 减少
  17. decline v. 降低;下降
  18. radiation n. 辐射;放射线
  1. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
  2. soil erosion 水土流失
  3. alternative energy 替代能源
  4. solar energy/power 太阳能   5. nuclear energy/power 核能
  6. greenhouse effect 温室效应
  7. global warming 全球变暖
  8. wildlife reserve 野生动植物保护区
  9. bring... to extinction 使……灭绝
  10. be threatened by 受到……的威胁
  11. raise awareness that/of sth 增强……的意识
  12. call on/call for/appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事
  13. take action/steps/measures 采取措施
  14. do harm to 对……有害
  15. bring about 导致(结果)
  16. make full use of/make the best of/take advantage of 充分利用
  17. sort the rubbish 垃圾分类
  18. recycle the rubbish 回收垃圾
  19. lead/live a low?carbon lifestyle 采用低碳的生活方式
  20. raise peoples environmental awareness 增强人们的环境意识
  21. bring... under control 把……控制住
  22. be economical with energy 节约能源
  1. 现在分词短语作主语
  Not being aware of the importance of protecting the environment accounts for their polluting the river. 没意识到保护环境的重要性是造成他们污染这条河流的原因。
  2. There is no doubt that+同位语从句
  There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and it is human activity that has mainly caused global warming. 毫无疑问,地球在变暖,而全球变暖主要是人类活动导致的。
  3. 强调句型
  They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. 他们还赞同,正是越来越多的化石燃料的燃烧导致了二氧化碳的增加。
  4. even if引导让步状语从句
  Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. 即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在未来几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。
  5. 主语从句
  Whether the rule will take effect and have an positive effect on peoples life will depend on their practical action. 法规能否起作用并积极地影响人们的生活,这都取决于人们的实际行动。
  6. nothing but
  As far as Im concerned, for our future, we can do nothing but protect our environment. 在我看来,为了我们的未来,我们只能保护我们的环境。
  1. Its high time that we paid much attention to protecting our environment. 到了我们应该高度重视保护我们的环境的时候了。
  2. Faced with this situation, we are supposed to raise the awareness of environment protection. 面对这种情况,我们应该加强环境保护的意识。
  3. I make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation.我急切呼吁应该采取措施改变现状。
  4. To protect the environment, the government has passed laws to prevent people from throwing rubbish everywhere. 为了保护环境,政府已经通过出台一些法规来阻止人们乱扔垃圾。
  5. We should take good care of the forest and plant more trees instead of cutting down them so as to improve our living conditions. 为了改善我们的生存环境,我們应该爱护森林,多种树,而不是砍树。
  6. We students should form the good habit of picking up the rubbish that we see anywhere. 我们学生应该养成看到垃圾随手捡起的好习惯。
  Part 3 晚练·素养检测
  1. 环境保护的紧迫性;
  2. 如何开展环境保护;
  3. 呼吁大家积极参与。
  1. 词数80左右;
  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  参考词汇:论坛 forum
  Good morning, everyone!
  Im Li Hua, and Im very glad to be here to attend the International Senior High Students Environment Protection Forum to share my opinion on behalf of our school.
  Do your part and it can make a big difference!
蝈蝈  夏天。树上和灌丛中,“唧唧唧唧……唧唧唧唧……”的蝈蝈鸣叫此起彼伏。在丘陵合围的老家,蝈蝈鸣叫是我听得最多的声音。很多时候,我听到叫声却看不见蝈蝈身影。看不见蝈蝈,等同于我闭上眼睛听叫声。纯正的叫声侍奉着阳光,侍奉着我的耳膜。蝈蝈叫声中盛满复调咏叹,快节拍旋律,音乐过门的元素,在我脑海里勾勒出一支声音大军,撕裂空气折断光线,走在行军路上的场景。蝈蝈鸣叫不停,简洁洗练的歌声,就会不断带我走进
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