Structure and properties of Co-doped cryptomelane and its enhanced removal of Pb~(2+) and Cr~(3+) fr

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuhande
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Cryptomelane is a reactive Mn oxide and has been used in removal of heavy metal from wastewaters. Co-doped cryptomelane was synthesized by refluxing at ambient pressure and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, and its performances for removal of Pb2+ and Cr3+ from aqueous solutions were investigated. Co doping has a negligible effect on the structure and morphology of cryptomelane but increases the specific surface area and Mn average oxidation state. Mn and Co K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy(EXAFS) analysis shows that Co barely affects the atomic coordination environments of Mn, and distances of edge- and corner-sharing Co–Me(Me_Co, Mn) pairs are shorter than those of the corresponding Mn–Me pairs, implying the replacement of framework Mn(III) by Co(III). These Co-doped cryptomelanes can quickly oxidize Cr3+to be HCr O4-and remove 45%–66% of the total Cr in the reaction systems by adsorption and fixation, and they have enhanced Pb2+adsorption capacities. Thus these materials are promising adsorbents for heavy metal remediation. The results demonstrate the design and modification of environmental friendly Mn oxide materials and can help us understand the interaction mechanisms of transition metals with Mn oxides. Cryptomelane is a reactive Mn oxide and has been used in removal of heavy metals from wastewaters. Co-doped cryptomelane was synthesized by refluxing at ambient pressure and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and extended X -ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, and its performances for removal of Pb2 + and Cr3 + from aqueous solutions were investigated. Co doping has a negligible effect on the structure and morphology of cryptomelane but increases the specific surface area and Mn average oxidation state. K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) analysis shows that Co barely affects the atomic coordination of Mn, and distances of edge- and corner-sharing Co-Me (Me_Co, Mn) pairs are shorter than those of the corresponding Mn-Me pairs, implying the replacement of framework Mn (III) by Co (III). These Co-doped cryptomelanes can quickly oxidize Cr3 + to be HCr O4-and re move 45% -66% of the total Cr in the reaction systems by adsorption and fixation, and they have enhanced Pb2 + adsorption capacities. These results are the adsorbent for heavy metal remediation. The results demonstrate the design and modification of environmental friendly Mn oxide materials and can help us understand the interaction mechanisms of transition metals with Mn oxides.
在世界军事历史上,有一个奇怪的现象,喜欢鼓吹战争的居然是一群文人,而真正的将领们反而显得相当爱好和平。 In the history of the world military, there is a strange ph
构建民主、平等、和谐的师生关系是时代发展、教育改革的必然。在我们的教育过程中,应尊重学生,关心学生,信任学生,真诚地对待学生,建立一种民主、平等、和谐的师生关系。如何构建民主、平等、和谐的师生关系呢?谈一下自己粗浅的认识:  一、要树立民主、平等的教育观  平等和尊重是实施有效教育、避免因师生关系所导致的学生学习困难的前提条件,应该成为教师最重要的教育信念。作为教师,我们应该坚信学生都是有价值、有
笔者从实际工作中体会到,由于种种条件所限,农村小学真正实施素质教育以下几个问题必须加以重视。  由于新中国成立以来,我们国家的教育体制改革不大,应试教育在人们心中形成定势,学一段总是通过考试定优劣,且考试科目历年固定几科,特别是农村,更是把子女升学考试作为脱离农村走入仕途的必由之路。因此,在农村小学实施素质教育会使有些人认为它影响学生出人头地。  目前,农村一些从事教育工作的人大都是六七十年代参加