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1996年9月1日,举世瞩目的京九铁路干线开通运营,它是我国铁路建设史上规模最大、投资最多、一次性建成全线的大干线。京九铁路位于京沪、京广两大干线之间,北起北京西站,跨越京、津、冀、鲁、豫、皖、鄂、赣、粤九省市的上百个县市,南至深圳,连接香港九龙,正线2397公里,包括联络线在内,全长2553公里。京九铁路的建成是我国重点工程建设取得的又一大成就。京九铁路的开通运营,对缓解我国南北运输紧张状况,改变国民经济中铁路的“瓶颈”现状,对完善铁路网布局,充分发挥运输综合效益,对维护港澳地区稳定和繁荣、促进祖国和平统一大业,对适应对外开放、发展经济和加快沿线革命老区脱贫致富,都具有重大的现实意义和深远的历 September 1, 1996, the world-renowned Beijing-Kowloon Railway trunk line opened up, it is the history of China’s railway construction in the history of the largest and most investment, all at once built a major trunk line. Beijing-Kowloon Railway is located in the Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou between the two main lines, north of Beijing West Railway Station, across Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces and cities in hundreds of counties, To Shenzhen, Kowloon, Hong Kong, the main line 2397 kilometers, including the contact line, a total length of 2553 km. The completion of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway is another major achievement made by China’s major construction projects. The opening and operation of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway has played an important role in alleviating the tense transport situation in the north and south of our country and changing the status of “bottleneck” in the national economy. It is necessary to improve the layout of the railway network, give full play to the comprehensive benefits of transportation, safeguard the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong and Macao regions, The great cause of peaceful reunification is of great practical significance and far-reaching success in adapting to the policy of opening to the outside world, developing the economy and speeding up the reform of the old revolutionary base areas along the line.
青春是歌声、是诗篇,  青春是韵律、是和弦。  青春的旗帜是奉献,  青春的灵魂是信念。  青春如鲜花撒播芬芳,  青春似火焰燃烧岁月。  青春拥有开拓与进取,  青春拥有创新和超越。  青春是人生的黄金阶段,  青春是社会上最炫的名片。  青春是生命中最美的音符,  青春是世界上最灿烂的画卷。
中国出现铁路前后,英、德、美列强曾三次向清政府赠送“火车”,以炫耀西方科学技术,争取在华修建铁路的特权。 早在1872年,英国就已着手策划修筑上海至吴淞的铁路,但一直没
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为适应铁路跨越式发展要求,铁道部决定,京秦沈客运通道于2003年10月12日开通运营。1.旅客列车调整 In order to meet the requirements of the leap-forward development o