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  When conductor Gustavo Dudamel 1)mounted the 2)podium in his debut with the New York 3)Philharmonic in November, 2007, he was carrying something special. Moments before he went onstage for the first of four concerts, the orchestra’s 4)archivist went to his dressing room to lend him a 5)baton used by Leonard
  Bernstein注1. “I could not speak,” says Dudamel. And he was speechless again, near the end of his last
  concert, when the baton suddenly snapped in two. But it wasn’t a bad 6)omen – even without that 7)talisman, the comparisons to Bernstein (who broke plenty of
  batons himself) were starting to stick.
  Only 27, Dudamel is a hugely talented conductor whose 8)infectious delight in music echoes Bernstein’s
  electric 9)appeal. But it’s more than his 10)charisma, says Deborah Borda, the president of the Los Angeles
  Philharmonic, who signed Dudamel to become its
  music director in 2009. As violinist Gil Shaham, the 11)soloist for the New York concerts, puts it, “With Gustavo, the 12)chops are all there. The technique, the 13)mastery – he has it all.”
  Since the Venezuelan wonder boy won an
  international competition in Germany in 2004, he’s
  created a 14)sensation in classical music. Simon Rattle of the Berlin Philharmonic called him “the most astonishingly
  gifted conductor I’ve come across.”
  The son of a 15)trombone player, Dudamel grew up with music. He recalls finding a yellowed book on 16)sight reading –“it was a small book with a wonderful smell” – in his father’s library when he was four or five, and he began to teach himself. Later he’d set up Lego注2
  figures, put on a Tchaikovsky or Beethoven album and conduct the toys. His formal training began via
  Venezuela’s music program known as “El Sistema注3”,
  which puts instruments into the hands of 250,000 kids yearly, many from poor families. Dudamel played violin but started conducting around the age of 12. By 17 he was leading the Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra, the best in the program.
  This past year he took the Bolívar Orchestra on tour, earning 17)rave reviews in London and New York. Check out clips from their concerts on YouTube and see how 18)energetic Dudamel is, with his bright gaze, 19)dimpled smile and dark curls flying as he conducts. His youth and 20)exuberance make him a great hope to pull in new audiences at the L.A. Phil – and it doesn’t
  hurt that he’s Latino in a city where more than 50% of the population speaks Spanish. “He’s a real messenger about music,” says Borda. “And people get that.” Just in time for his arrival, the philharmonic is launching its own youth orchestra, and Dudamel couldn’t be happier.
  “It is so beautiful when you see the face of a kid who changed his or her life with a musical
  instrument,” he says. Even the Lakers are jumping
  on the Dudamel bandwagon. They’ve given him a 21)jersey 22)emblazoned with DUDAMEL and the number 24. 23)Short of seats next to Jack
  Nicholson注4, it doesn’t get better than that.
  杜达梅尔的父亲是一名长号手,所以他从小就在音乐的熏陶下长大。他回忆说自己四五岁时在父亲的书房里找到一本发黄的、关于随看随奏的书——“那是一本小书,有一股很好闻的味道。”于是他开始自学。后来他会摆弄乐高玩具人,一边放柴可夫斯基或贝多芬的唱片,一边指挥这些玩具人。杜达梅尔接受正式训练始于委内瑞拉的“El Sistema”音乐计划,每年有25万名儿童(大多来自贫困家庭)通过该计划接触和学习乐器。杜达梅尔学的是小提琴,但在大约12岁时开始指挥。到了17岁,他已经是“El Sistema”音乐计划里最好的乐团西蒙·玻利瓦尔青年管弦乐团的领军
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听了音乐界人士对杜达梅尔的评价之后,你是否希望多了解杜达梅尔其人呢?以下是杜达梅尔对普鲁斯特问卷的回答,听听他亲自向大家说出自己的心声吧。    Know More  著名的“Proust Questionnaire”(普鲁斯特问卷)由一系列问题组成,问题包括被提问者的生活、思想、价值观及人生经验等。因著作《追忆似水年华》而闻名的普鲁斯特并不是这份问卷的发明者,但这份问卷因为他特别的答案而出名,并
去年“哈利·波特”系列的最后一本书面市时哈迷当然疯狂了一把,可是那之后的空虚似乎无法填补。幸好号称“继《哈利·波特》后最受欧美青少年欢迎的畅销小说”—“暮光之城”系列出现了!美国女作家斯蒂芬妮·梅尔笔下扣人心弦的“暮光之城”系列(The Twilight Saga)讲述了中学生贝拉与青春帅气的吸血鬼爱德华之间的浪漫爱情故事。本期“美文共享”特别为大家带来该系列的第一本—《暮色》的节选。Enjoy
他的难懂之处在于其超现实。  他的美妙之处也在于其超现实。  他的《挪威的森林》与《麦田里的守望者》平行并进,守护着一代又一代的年轻心灵—  他是村上春树,游走于另类与大众、幻象与现实之间的村上春树。    学习小提示:很难得找到这么棒的原声材料—语音清晰,节奏分明,尤其是旁白和小说选段的抑扬顿挫极富感情,而且背景音乐非常好听。文章本身也写得很有味道,除了适合精听精读,两个小说选段更是优秀的诵读素