
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netting_fish
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  IKEA Foundation made a €60 million contribution to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) which will allow millions of vulnerable children and women to reach health and education programs.
  “Five million infants and five million mothers in marginalized communities can receive better access to health, nutrition, water and sanitation services and 7 million more children can stay in school and receive a quality education,” said UNICEF’s Executive Director Anthony Lake. “
  Since 2002, UNICEF programmes funded by the IKEA Foundation have changed the lives of over 74 million people in India. The donation will enable UNICEF and the Government of India to continue to improve the chances of survival, development and growth of all children in India.
  The contribution today brings IKEA Foundation’s total investment in UNICEF’s work in India to €158 million and aims at achieving results for children by 2018.
  IKEA Foundation was Founded in 1982 by the Swedish home furnishings company of the same name. It aims to address “the root causes of child labour as well as endeavours with major partners to promote child rights and education.”
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引言  为了理解城市生态对城市公共卫生需求的影响,人们的眼光应当超越贫困率、患病率和死亡率,而将注意力集中在生活条件的差距上。虽然消除贫困通常被认为是改善城市总体卫生条件最重要的一步,但是贫困人口微薄增收的增加并不能为他们带来像样的住房、安全的供水和足够的卫生设施。穷人被驱逐至城市中最不发达的地区,在那里落后的环境使得卫生条件越来越差,污水没有得到合理管理,并且还导致了一些其他危险的环境。儿童在不