近年来,我们株洲市生产资料服务公司在开拓市场,搞活物资流通上做了一些工作,取得了一定成绩,仅1986年1至9月份就完成营业额3 040万元,超过年计划的38%;实现利税104万元,超过年计划的247%;人均创利税2.36万元。我们之所以取得这样好的成绩,一是在经营思想上树立面向生产、面向市场、全心全意为发展经济服务的经销观念;二是在经营作风上改变过去那种官商作风和经营管理无关紧要的传统习惯,
In recent years, our Zhuzhou City Production Information Service Company has done some work in exploring the market and invigorating the distribution of materials and achieved certain results. From January to September of 1986, we achieved a turnover of 30.4 million yuan, which exceeded 38% of the annual plan. The realization of profits and taxes of 1.04 million yuan, more than 247% of the annual plan; per capita profit-making tax of 23,600 yuan. The reason why we have achieved such good results is to establish a business-oriented, production-oriented, market-oriented, and whole-hearted marketing concept for the development of the economy. Second, we must change the traditional style of business and management that has no relevance to the past. habit,