Emotional Arousal and Memory Binding

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  ◆ABSTRACT : Binding various features of an event together and maintaining these connections in memory is an essential component of episodic memories. Previous theories make contradictory predictions about the effects of emotional arousal on memory binding. In this article, I review evidence for both arousal-impaired and arousal-enhanced memory binding and explain these contradictory findings using an object-based framework.
  1 Existing Theories about Arousal and Memory Binding
  Most research on emotional memory in humans has focused on item memory rather than on memory for context or associations. However, two theories that make opposing predictions about emotional arousal and memory binding have emerged. Opposing Predictions Arousal-Enhances-Binding Hypothesis MacKay and colleagues posit that arousing stimuli trigger emotional reactions that prioritize the process of binding those stimuli to their context. Research by MacKay’s group has focused on the differences in memory for taboo words and for neutral words. According to their priority-binding theory, when a word is seen during a list-learning task, a binding node is primed to form connections between the episodic context and the word’s meaning. When an arousing word appears in a rapidly presented sequence of words (e.g., 200ms per word), activation of other currently primed binding nodes is delayed until binding for the higher-priority emotional item is complete (Hadley & MacKay,2006). This theory is potentially consistent with studies showing that, after viewing a sequence of words one at a time, people tend to have better memory for the color or location of emotional or arousing words than for the color or location of neutral words from the sequence (MacKay & Ahmetzanov, 2005; MacKay et al.,2004); however, the priority-binding hypothesis does not make direct predictions about the slower word-presentation rates used in some of the studies showing the same effect.
  2 Arousal and Memory Binding in Initial Encoding and Short-Term
  Binding features of objects to create coherent representations starts with initial perception. If a person is quickly shown a scene, how well can he or she correctly bind the various features to their appropriate sources? For example, how likely is someone to correctly perceive blotches of red and green in the scene as a red apple and a green leaf rather than as a green apple and a red leaf (Treisman & Schmidt, 1982)? Focused Attention Is Required for Perceptual Binding Treisman’s feature-integration theory proposes that features such as color and shape are registered automatically and in parallel in the visual field, but that to bind features within an object (such as a red apple) together, the viewer must focus attention on that object(Treisman,1999).   3 Summary for Arousal and Long-Term Consolidation of
  As reviewed earlier, there are at least a couple of plausible hypotheses about how arousal affects long-term memory consolidation of bound representations. However, these hypotheses suffer from a lack of relevant (and confound-free) research with human participants. Kleinsmith and Kaplan’s findings that memory consolidation was enhanced for associations with arousing items are confounded with order effects. In fact, studies that did not have the order confound typically found the opposite effect: Associations with other items are more likely to be forgotten for arousing items than for neutral items. More promising is the hypothesis, based on animal research indicating opposing effects of long-term stress on the amygdala versus hippocampus and prefrontal brain regions, that arousal could lead to enhanced consolidation of item memory but impaired consolidation of memory binding. However, work is needed to extend these findings to instances of acute (rather than chronic) arousal and to human episodic memory. In doing this work, researchers should pay attention to the distinction between within-object and between-object binding, as benefits for consolidation may accrue depending on whether an associated feature is considered to bepart of the same object as the arousing item.
  4 Conclusions
  Making and retaining associations among various elements of experience is essential for episodic memory. As I outlined at the outset of the article, two previous theories make opposing pre-dictions about the effects of arousal on memory binding. These two theories focus on different aspects of arousal. MacKay and colleagues’ priority-binding theory posits that arousing stimuli get priority over non-arousing stimuli in their access to binding resources when the stimuli are first perceived; their theory thus focuses on the effects of arousing versus non-arousing items.
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◆摘 要:随着我国教育改革的不断发展,将游戏与幼儿课程进行融合,是幼儿园教学的一种最新要求,也是一个必然的趋势,它不仅能够全面调动幼儿对于学习的兴趣,还能够有效的促进幼儿身心得到健康的发展。因此,教师在对幼儿展开课堂教学的过程中,应充分地结合幼儿的心理年龄特征,为幼儿设置符合幼儿成长发展规律的课堂教学模式,有效地推出对幼儿成长最有价值的游戏活动,从而使幼儿能够自主的参与到课堂的教学中。教师应全面地
◆摘 要:从小学到高中,语文这门学科一直占据着教育中的重要地位。教师成功的进行课堂导入,可以吸引学生在课堂上的注意力,积极参与课堂互动,以取得良好的教学效果。教师只有把握好课堂导入的教学方法,才能够让学生在每一节课上都能处于积极主动的学习状态,以此提高学生的综合能力水平,有助于学生在各方各面进行发展。  ◆关键词:高中语文;课堂导入;教学方法  教师对每一节课的课堂导入都需要经过多次思考,结合每一
◆摘 要:随着素质教育的全面普及,教师对学生的培养目标不再是单一的成绩提升,学生的道德品质和法治观念也被越来越多的教师所重视。同时,道德与法治,作为小学素质教育学科体系中的重要组成部分,对学生的道德品质培养和树立法治观念有着重要的影响。因此,越来越多的小学一线教师开始尝试使用多样化的教学手段和教学方法,帮助学生在教师的引导下,有效完成道德与法治课堂学习。因此,本文将从实际的小学道德与法治教学实践出
一、案例背景  游戏是幼儿园教学活動中的重要组成部分,要求幼儿园教师扎实做好幼儿园教育教学游戏活动,对于促进幼儿素质发展以及自身的成长产生积极影响。在儿童学习与发展指南中明确提出幼儿从游戏中学习,注重游戏活动的深入展开,重点凸显游戏教育价值。陈鹤琴先生曾经这样说过,小孩子生来是好动的,具体是以游戏作为生命,因此,在幼儿园课程中积极开展好游戏活动内容,其不仅符合幼儿园自身发展要求,同时也符合素质教育
◆摘 要:在素质教育的影响下,越来越多的人关注着初中生体育课程的开展,花样跳绳逐渐走进初中生的体育课堂,并受到广大初中生的喜爱,这也是一项传统民族传统体育项目,不仅能够提高初中生的身体素质,还能培养初中生更加坚韧的性格,促使中学生全面发展。教师带领中学生开展花样跳绳,首先要引导学生做好热身训练,教学也应该由简入难逐步的学习,还能很好的培养中学生团结合作的能力,丰富多样的教学形式,能够激发学生的运动
◆摘 要:立德树人背景下,初中语文学科教学中渗透德育内容,发展素质教育,培养德智体美劳全面发展的学生。我国传统文化博大精深、源远流长,语文学科教学实践中,通过渗透德育教育,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、价值观以及世界观,有效促进学生的自主合作发展,引导学生更好提升自己、完善自己,为自己以后的良好发展奠定良好基础。本文基于初中语文学科课程特点,针对德育教育的实践渗透策略进行了分析和研究。  ◆关键词:初
◆摘 要:写作是语文教学中比较重要的一项内容,它直接反应了学生的语言组织能力和逻辑思维能力,是语文教师在教学过程中需要重视的一个部分。初中语文教师在教学过程中要注重教学方法的创新,通过分层次教学突出每个学生的写作优势,摆脱消极心理,帮助学生掌握正确的写作方法,寻找到写作的灵感与乐趣,从而提高他们的写作能力。本文将针对初中语文作文教学中如何进行分层次教学展开分析。  ◆关键词:初中语文;分层次教学 
◆摘 要:新课程改革背景下提倡注重培养学生的核心素养,高中数学课堂教学实践中教师应充分研读核心素养教育理念,结合高中数学课程特点,以学生的学习实际出发,深入落实培养学生思维能力,增强学生自主、合作、探究学习意识,以多元化的教学形式切实提高高中数学课堂的教学效率。本文基于核心素养背景下的高中数学课堂教学现状,针对有效提升数学课堂教学效率的实施策略进行了研究,并提出了几点可行性建议,以供参考。  ◆关
◆摘 要:随着教育的改革和创新,国家和学校越来越重视文化的学习。在高校的素质教育中,融入文化教学,帮助学生更加深入地了解异域文化,这样学生才能结合文化更好的运用英语,更利于学生理解英语内容。因此,教师要重视文化教学的途径,促进学生的全面发展和个性发展。本文主要根据高校英语教育中的文化教学途径展开分析,希望可以给广大学者些许建议。  ◆关键词:文化教学;高校英语;途径  一、文化教学在高校英语教育中
◆摘 要:近年来,学前教育也逐渐呈现一体化的方面进行发展,在这个推进的过程中,很多教师逐渐发现舞蹈教学对于学前教育中发展有着重要的作用,为此很多教师也逐渐按照既定的教学内容就要充分的提出更多的教学改革方式进行教学优化,在进行课程内容调整优化的过程中,就要结合当前的教学现状,充分体现出当前舞蹈教学的主要表现特点,激发幼儿的潜力,弥补幼儿的学习缺失。在当前的教学基础上,教师应当充分结合舞蹈课堂教学分析