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  摘 要:本文闡述了发展学生英语背景文化知识的途径。如何培养学生的文化意识,如何理解讲英语国家人的行为举止,如何比较东方与西方的文化差异。通过比较,我们可以深刻了解中国文化。通过英语学习,我们能更好的了解世界文化和发展我们的世界意识。
  Approaches to developing students' Background Cultural Knowledge
  1.Getting cultural information
  It is not enough simply to be willing to teaching sociolinguistic conventions, rules and norms of different cultures. What must be understood and what has, unfortunately, not been recognized, is that in order to make such material an intrinsic part of classroom foreign language instruction, teacher and writers of textbook need specific information as to what the cultural rules, conversation and norms of different cultures are, and how to integrate such information into foreign language education to develop language learners'awareness of intercultural differences in Chinese classroom settings. These questions are related to the goals of culture teaching in foreign language instruction programs.
  2.Learning Rather Than Teaching
  It is clear that a language can only be learned and not be taught. A teacher can at any time be quite sure that he is teaching, but it is not at all easy for him to make sure that learning does take place. Learning will not happen when teacher insists on teaching rather than letting the learners learn from themselves.
  3.Developing an Awareness of Areas
  Culture should be in our foreign language program. This is specially relevant to the foreign language learning context in china, where the learner learns a nonnative language in one's own culture with few immediate and widespread opportunities to use language within the environment of one's own culture. It is also important to point out that our students are adults who are not socio-linguistically native. To achieve this, the learner must devdlop "an awareness of in which the soCio-linguistic system of his native language differs from thap of English "
  3.Using Authentic Materials
  It is practically necessary for the teachers to use authentic materials to teach culture.
  The term authentic has been used as a reaction against the prefabricated artificial language of text book and instructional dialogues.
  Mass media, such as, film, novels and especially newspapers and magazines, are also considered an insightful means for teaching culture, for they reflect people's way of life in terms of variety, contemporaneity and authenticity.
  4.Solving Cultural Problems
  The teacher present the students with some cultural problems or riddles to solve. Information can be provide in multiple-choice format, through assignments quizzes, group contests, to acouse interest and competition among the students.
  Different nations have different conventions for answering the phone. In English countries when picking up the phone one says"Hello! This is so and so speaking ";but in china one says "whom are you looking for?"
  5.Recognize the pragmatic errors
  Pragmatic errors refer mainly to the inappropriate use of language. Usually it is caused by cultural differences of various regions and nations. It is necessary to recognize some pragmatic errors in order to enhance the awareness of cultural differences.
  For instance, native English-speakers may feel embarrassed by the Chinese denial when they compliment the Chinese, as seen in the following example:
  A native English-speaker: Your English is very good.
  A Chinese English-learner: No. My English is very poor.
  B. error in conflict of different value: Native English people may often resent the invasion of their privacy by English in our department. For example, the concept of "privacy"is hard for Chinese English-learners to perceive because what is regarded as"privacy"in the West is not thought of as such in our country. The Chinese tend to inquire about an individual's age, salary, job or profession, marriage state, family address. etc. to show their concern, friendship and intimacy even when they first meet one another. But some native English-speakers are easily offended by inquiring into such topics.
   C. Error in communication strategies: We may think that communication strategies are systematic skills in dealing with communicative difficulties. Some hold the view that it is a kind of potential psychological strategy in overcoming communicative difficulties; others consider communication strategies as series of approaches to narrow down the cultural gap. Any way it is a kind of communicative competence or a series of approaches that the two sides of certain language competence and communicative competence and cultural competence, and the raising of cultural awareness in an integral part of the language teacher's task. The strategies are mainly avoidance, tolerance, suspense and adjustment.
  Such pragmatic errors mentioned above require a great deal of research work over a period of time to reduce and correct. In other words, culturally unacceptable language and behavior are often worse that linguistic errors and tend to create uneasy feelings between English-speakers and English-learners, because the former are unlikely to be aware of socio-linguistic relativity. Here is one more example, during my stay in the UK I found that students there who are late for class may enter the classroom or lecture-room quietly, without knocking or informing, and sit down in order not to interrupt teachers'lecturing. While the Chinese culture teaches late students to knock, inform and even to explain the reason of being late, then waiting for teachers'differences. It would be understandable for the Chinese students who are late to "interrupt"teachers'lecturing, and Western students. To go straight to their seats. Otherwise, it may arouse culturally unacceptable errors. That is the behavior of western students might be seen by the Chinese students as a lack of respect to teachers and that of the Chinese students might be truly seem by Western students as an"interruption"of teacher's lecturing. In fact both are trying to show their respect and politeness to teachers according to their respective cultural differences.
  [1]Kramsch, C. 1993.Context and Culture in Language Teaching Oxford and New York: OUP
  [2]Kramsch, C. 1993.Context and Culture in Language Teaching Oxford: Oxford University Press
摘 要:教育政策起源于公共教育问题,需要顾及各方利益群体,是一个协商的过程。我国的教育政策制定过程是相当复杂的,它包括教育政策问题产生、教育政策议程、教育政策决定和教育政策文本出台等几个阶段。影响我国教育政策制定的有政治、经济、教育环境等多方面因素,为增强教育政策的科学性提供理论支持。  关键词:教育政策 制定过程 影响因素    一、什么是教育政策问题  美国学者利文斯指出,"问题的挖掘和认定
摘 要:大学生就业是一个需由政府、高校、企业及大学生自身共同分担的责任体系,本文分析大学生就业形势的严峻及其社会影响,从政府责任角度探讨大学生就业问题的解决对策。  关键词:大学生;就业;政府责任    一、大学生就业形势严峻及其社会影响  (一)大学生就业形势严峻  大学生是整个社会中充满活力且富有创造力的群体,是国家宝贵的人才资源。大学生的就业问题,是我国现代化建设、社会政治稳定和实现人民群
摘要:近年来,明星代言广告成为越来越普遍的现象。他们在收取大量代言费的同时,也必须为自己代言的虚假广告承担法律责任。但是,我国法律关于明星代言虚假广告的法律责任的规定几乎是一项空白,2009年《食品安全法》第55条对此作了明确规定,但仍有缺陷。明星代言虚假广告的责任承担问题已经成为当前全社会高度关注的焦点问题。  关键词:明星代言;虚假广告;法律责任  一、明星代言虚假广告问题概述  (一)明星代
摘 要:社会保障基金是根据国家有关法律、法规和政策的规定,为实施社会保障制度而建立起来、专款专用的资金。社保基金是社会保障制度有效运行的经济基石与物质基础,关系到社会成员的基本生存与社会的和谐稳定。因此,构建完善的社保基金监管制度倍显重要。当前,我国社会保障基金监管制度面临重重困境,改革或重构,学界争论日久,尚未达成统一意见。本文从我国社保基金监管存在的问题的出发,力求探索走出监管困境的新出路。
摘 要:随着社会和经济的发展,街道办事处的职责和管理范围都发生了巨大的改变,传统的街道管理体制难以适应现代社区治理实践的需要。本文针对传统街道管理体制存在的种种弊端提出裁撤街道办及大力发展第三部门的政策设想,以期为我国社区治理改革提供有益启示。  关键词:街道办事处 第三部门 改革    一、街道办事处的历史沿革  1949年新中国成立后,中国政府废除了国民党时期的保甲制。为了加强城市政权和城市
摘 要:本文通过对社区学院发展和功能的介绍,简单分析了社区学院协会对奥巴马政策的影响。这对我国职业教育乃至整个教育的发展有着极大的现实价值和借鉴意义。  关键词:社区学院;社区学院协会;奥巴马教育政策    社区学院是美国高等职业教育的特色,不仅为国家培养了大量的人才,对经济和社会发展做出了巨大贡献,而且为美国高等职业教育树立了鲜明的旗帜。社区学院协会作为社区学院的主要倡导者和"发言人",在利用
摘 要:在很长的历史时间里民办教育承载着教育公民的主要责任。但随着社会和经济发展,政府权力的介入,公立学校系统得以建立和完善。可民办教育的地位平等性、内涵的特殊性却随之忽视,出现了产权界定、法律性质定位、税收政策等各个方面的问题。因此,想促进我国教育事业的发展单单从公立学校系统着手是远远不够的,必须从法律层面来解决民办教育的发展中的问题,从而保证其平等性和特殊性的实现。  关键词:民办教育;平等
摘 要:电子商务是当代正在兴起的一门复合型学科,目前在全国许多高校广泛开设了电子商务课程。本人在参加了教育部组织的网络培训中,对如何将《电子商务概论》课程建设成国家精品课程进行了深入思考,现分享心得如下。  关键词:国家精品课程 电子商务 网络培训    随着电子商务在我国国民经济建设中发挥越来越重要的作用,其作为新经济的标志开始出现并得以迅猛发展。信息化建设、电子商务应用的蓬勃发展,使
摘 要:合理的施工计划能具体指导施工过程,确保对工作任务的细化和分解,合理排定工程进度,科学调配材料、机械、劳务以及资金供应及配置。笔者从实际工作中建立一套科学的编制施工计划的方法,可以更全面、更严谨地编制施工计划,避免因计划编制不全给施工造成损失。  关键词:工程进度、施工计划、价值    一、传统的工程项目编制施工计划的方法  1.项目开始前,技术人员根据经验,一道工序列出來,给定时间;再一
摘 要:中国的法律硕士教育走过了十五个年头,招生培养规模和力量日益壮大,已经成为我国法学教育与法律人才培养制度中的重要模式,并在法治发展进程中起到了重要作用。传统的教学模式不能充分体现出法律硕士复合型和实务性的特点,实行双导师制是法律硕士教学改革尤其是凸显其实务性的一个重要举措。本文主要以安徽大学法律硕士为例着重论述全日制法律硕士(非法学)双导师制教学模式的构建以突出其实务型的特点。  关键词:法