The Application of Storytelling in English Writing

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  【Abstract】As writing remains an essential medium of learning not only that it serves as an outlet for student creativity and intellect but also as another instrument in assessing their verbal and mental developments where all other types of learning emanate from. This paper will explain it from mainly the background, characteristics, relationship and significance.
  【Key words】storytelling; writing; metal development
  1. Background
  Writing is considered to be one of the most significant means of communication through which humans can express their ideas and discover the observations of others. It is considered to be the pride of the human mind, as it is the greatest production of human thinking. Storytelling has long been the mainstay of the global society in terms of communication and storing information. In ancient times, storytelling constituted the way in which people held onto their customs and beliefs and passed on the knowledge they acquired to younger generations. Comparing with earlier records, no other means of doing so were available and it is the oldest method we know in which people memorize events (Abrahamson, 1998). Abrahamson (1998) claims that storytelling may have facilitated the survival of some civilizations considering that the experiences of life and death were thus passed on to generations to come.
  Vygotsky (1978) stated that success in writing is not exclusively dictated by the writer’s cognitive skills. As a skill, it is possible for storytelling to utilize the cognitive and affective aspects of learning and offer a pedagogical alternative for developing various language skills. Storytelling also plays an important part in reading and writing classes. Al-Mansour and Al-Shorman (2011) indicated that storytelling improves pupils’ reading comprehension and suggested that oral storytelling is useful for improving learners’ self-confidence and reading skills. Since stories constitute a form of creative writing, learners should be encouraged to practise it pedagogically and extensively.
  2. Characteristics
  First, motivating student. If we adopt the storytelling, we will use it feasibly. As the saying goes “Interest is the best teacher”, so learners can adapt a story about what they see or hear, thus making knowledge close to life, obtain “Learning by doing”. Second, stimulating curiosity and inspiring thinking, such as Aesop’s Fables, Fairy Tales. Third, enriching learners’ life, and cultivating the aesthetics of learners. We know a story have different plots, various characteristics and roles, to make learners experience lives.   Telling a story can use many ways. Some can be used as an introduction to classes, others can be used as a form of English games, sometimes it can be used as a means of training basic skills, or can be reached by conducting an English story or an English party. Teachers often change the forms and content of storytelling in the classroom, which helps to create a warm atmosphere for learning English and makes the teaching process a pleasant experience shared by teachers and students.
  3. The relationship between storytelling and writing
  The storytelling strategy could be used for the purpose of developing writing since it employs different phases of literacy development. It also variably improves the four essential skills in language learning along with grammar and vocabulary. Gallets (2005) indicated that in storytelling one person relates the story from memory to a different person or a group. The teller acts as a transmitter and the listener(s) as a receiver of thoughts and ideas with interaction between the two. Young children listen to stories and other narratives and subsequently incorporate them in their writing through drafting, sharing, or editing.
  4. The significance of the storytelling
  The method of storytelling adapts to English classroom, which can make learners acquire knowledge from materials, but also can learn extensional knowledge from a story. To improve the enthusiasm, we should adopt the method of storytelling in junior middle school. Students are encouraged to take part actively in classroom, therefore, improving the quality of teaching.
  [1]Abrahamson,C.(1998).Storytelling as a Pedagogical Too in Higher Education.
【摘要】初中英语阅读教学对于学生文本解读能力、信息获取能力、思维能力、英语文化等发展具有极大的影响,随着教学改革的深入,初中英语阅读教学内涵也发生了改变,为了更好的开展初中英语教学活动,教师就需要在当前初中英语教学现状的基础上,采取互动式教学模式,引导学生在相互交流中得到提升。  【关键词】互动式教学;初中英语;阅读教学  【作者简介】郭秋月(1974.10-),女,汉族,山东临沂人,兰陵县卞庄街
【摘要】在“踐行文化自信”的背景下,以“九省通衢”著称的中国武汉日益走向国际化的舞台。而武汉本土小吃作为饮食文化的特色代表越来越吸引公众的关注,为打开饮食文化交流之窗,译者在处理各种菜名翻译以及介绍相关信息等方面的就起到了相当重要的作用。在翻译理论中,归化和异化是比较常见的翻译策略,且多见于文化传播文本。本文主要以归化和异化翻译策略为基本方法对所选取的案例进行分析研究。  【关键词】武汉本土特色小
【摘要】随着时代的飞速发展,信息技术在各行各业中得到广泛应用。小学作为学生的知识启蒙阶段,也应充分适应时代发展,不断更新和改善教学方式,以培养学生的综合素质,提高课堂教学效果。在小学英语课堂中融合现代信息技术,符合时代发展趋势,對于提高课堂趣味性,提升学生学习主动性和课堂参与度具有重要作用。  【关键词】信息技术;英语教学;小学  【作者简介】陈琳,江苏省扬州市邗江区扬州大学教科院附属杨庙小学。 
【摘要】近年来,随着素质教育这一理念的不断推进,英语新课程标准也日渐完善,初中英语教学也面临着更多的挑战和发展机会,与此同时对广大英语教师也提出了更高的教学要求,因此,初中英語教师应当时刻谨记自身肩上的教学重任,积极寻求从传统教授模式向语言交流运用型教学方向发展,着力促使学生养成英语阅读的习惯,以提升初中生的英语综合运用能力,努力研究出多元化的阅读教学策略,提高初中英语阅读教学质量。  【关键词】
【摘要】高中英语学习面临词汇量多、语法难度大等问题,而兴趣是支撑学生坚持学习下去的巨大动力。对教师而言,如何在高中英语课堂教学中提高学生的学习兴趣、调动学生学习积极性,是一个贯彻整个高中教学且需要思考的问题。本文针对提高高中生英语学习兴趣的具体措施进行总结探究,为广大教师的教学工作提供参考借鉴。  【关鍵词】高中英语;学习兴趣  【作者简介】王婷,江苏省宿迁中学。  作为高中阶段的必修课,高中英语
【摘要】随着教育事业的不断发展,传统的教学理念已经不适合现阶段的初中英语的教学。新课标的教学理念强调培养学生综合素质能力和核心素养的重要性,以学生作为教学的主体,让学生在教学中充分的展现自主性,有助于提高学生的学习兴趣,使学生可以积极主动地进行知识的汲取。本文将围绕初中英语论述如何在小组合作学习中培养学生英语核心素养的策略。  【关键词】小组学习;核心素养;合作能力  【作者简介】王华,浙江省余姚
【摘要】如何有效的进行英语课程教学活动?激发学生的学习潜力,是每一位英语教师都在思考的问题。想提高课堂教学有效性,就需要教师构建新的英语教学模式,进行课程教学的改革,为学生们设计贴近他们生活的教学内容,增强英语课堂教学的趣味性,以此来锻炼学生的英语语言表达能力与英语的应用能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,进而可以促进高效英语课堂目标的达成。  【关键词】有效教学;初中英语;高效课堂;趣味性  【作者简
当第一眼看到句子They have no place to stay时,许多老师与同学会说,该句应该在动词stay后加上介词at。那么,究竟应不应该在stay后加介词at呢?我们先别急于下定论,分析一下不定式作定语的情形后再做论断也不迟。  一、主谓关系,即被修饰词是不定式结构的逻辑主语  例如:  1). He was the first to arrive that morning (= wh
【摘要】新形势背景下,如何更好地向海外游客宣传中国的旅游资源,弘扬中国传统文化,已经变成一项亟待解决的议题。本文以庐山、井冈山、三清山、龙虎山旅游文本中的文化词类为代表,从交际翻译理论的信息功能和召唤功能出发,提出增补、减省和转换的翻译方法来处理文化词的方式,可有助于讲好中国故事,吸引海外游客,为江西名山文化旅游的发展提供指导意义。  【关键词】交际翻译理论;江西四大名山;文化词;翻译方法  【作