The purpose of this thesis is to study the non-interrogative usages ofthe interrogative pronoun "Where(nar and na li)". There h have been a lotof researches on the usages of interrogative pronouns and there are greatachievements. Yet research on the pronoun "Where(nar and na li)" isnot so deeply made, lacking systematic classification and arrangementabout its usages. This thesis is trying to study the word "Where(nar and na li)" fromthree different point of views so as fo find out some characteristics of itsnon-interrogative usages. Firstly, from the point of modern Chinese thethesis, synatctically, semantically and pragmatically makes a detailedclassification and analysis on the non-interrogative usages of the pronoun"Where(nar and na li)", including function reference, general reference,regative and interrogative usages. Secondly, based on the achievements ofChinese researches home and aborad, the thesis seeks the historical devel-opment of the pronoun "Where(nar and na li)", trying to find out all thenon-interrogative usages and the earlier examples of their common sen-tence patterns. Thirdly, the main causes of the non-interrogative usagesof the pronoun "Where(nar and na li)" is analyzed.