熔知识性与趣味性于一炉的“三阶幻方”,可谓是数学谜宫中的一位身价非凡的“皇后”.它历史悠长,构造独特,性质奇异,应用前景广阔,历叙如下,以飨读者. 美籍匈牙利数学家冯·诺依曼(1903~1957)是当代杰出的科学全才.有一次,有人向他请教一个游戏问题:九张扑克牌,分别是A(作为一点),2,…,9,两人轮流取一张牌,已取走的牌不能重新放回去,谁手中有三张牌的点数加起来等于15,就算谁赢.问要怎样取才能获胜?冯·诺依曼教授想了一分钟,说
The melting of knowledge and interest in a furnace of “third-order magic square” is a valuable “queen” in the mathematics puzzle. It has a long history, unique structure, unique nature, broad application prospects, as follows In order to readers, the American-Hungarian mathematician von Neumann (1903-1957) was an outstanding contemporary scientific talent. On one occasion, someone asked him a game problem: nine playing cards, respectively A (as a point ),2,...,9, the two take turns taking a card. The removed card can’t be put back. Whoever has three cards in the hand adds up to 15, even if who wins. Ask how to win in order to win? Prof. Neumann thought for a minute and said