Report 1 case of 7-year-old girl Pityrosporum hair caused by nodular infection. About four years ago, her mother found several white nodules in the temporal hair stem of a child. The 11-year-old sister had the same nodules for three years and disappeared after treatment with 2.5% selenium sulfide selenium. Physical examination: There are several white nodules attached to the hair shaft, nodules size 2.0mm × 0.5mm, nodules easily removed from the hair shaft. The diseased hairs were examined microscopically with 10% KOH, showing that the transparent yeast-like cells around the hair stem and had no fungal infection. The high magnification lens only saw the spherical yeast cells. The cells were budded at about 2-3 / μm × 3-4μm. Sick hair nodules placed in culture agar on 25 ℃ culture did not grow, when the surface of the medium plus a thin layer