Distributed wireless quantum communication networks

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenghs2ooo
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The distributed wireless quantum communication network (DWQCN) has a distributed network topology and transmits information by quantum states. In this paper, we present the concept of the DWQCN and propose a system scheme to transfer quantum states in the DWQCN. The system scheme for transmitting information between any two nodes in the DWQCN includes a routing protocol and a scheme for transferring quantum states. The routing protocol is on-demand and the routing metric is selected based on the number of entangled particle pairs. After setting up a route, quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping are used for transferring quantum states. Entanglement swapping is achieved along with the process of routing set up and the acknowledgment packet transmission. The measurement results of each entanglement swapping are piggybacked with route reply packets or acknowledgment packets. After entanglement swapping, a direct quantum link between source and destination is set up and quantum states are transferred by quantum teleportation. Adopting this scheme, the measurement results of entanglement swapping do not need to be transmitted specially, which decreases the wireless transmission cost and transmission delay. The distributed wireless quantum communication network (DWQCN) has a distributed network topology and transmitted information by quantum states. In this paper, we present the concept of the DWQCN and propose a system scheme to transfer quantum states in the DWQCN. The system scheme for transmitting information between any two nodes in the DWQCN includes a routing protocol and a scheme for transferring quantum states. The routing protocol is on-demand and the routing metric is selected based on the number of entangled particle pairs. After setting up a route, quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping are used for transferring quantum states. Entanglement swapping is achieved along with the process of routing set up and the acknowledgment packet transmission. The measurement results of each entanglement swapping are piggybacked with route reply packets or acknowledgment packets. After entanglement swapping, a direct quantum link between source and destination is set up and quantum st ates are transferred by quantum teleportation. the measurement results of entanglement swapping do not need to be transmitted precisely, which reduce the wireless transmission cost and transmission delay.
【摘要】新课程改革中说到学生是教学的主体,教师应充分发挥学生在教学中的主体作用,尽量调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,把学习主动权交给学生,从而培养学生的创新探索能力。  【关键词】小学数学 创新教育  一、培养学生创造才能的前提是教师明确的教学目标  教师明确的教学目标,能够充分体现教师的教学思想,课前制定怎样的的教学目标,直接关系到能否培养学生的创新意识和能力。教师实施创新教育首先要转变固有的观念
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There are two types of base stations in the long term evolution (LTE) wireless networks, home eNodeB (HeNB) and eNodeB (eNB). It is critical to achieve seamless