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县、区教育管理工作是一门较为复杂的学问。一位县、区教育局长,必须学会用科学的理论指导整个系统实行目标管理。关于这个问题,我的体会是应努力做好以下六个方面的工作。一、明确管理目标的结构和内容。县、区教育局长要根据教育的基本规律,遵照国家的教育方针和有关政策,联系当地的工作实际,带领全局工作人员,把半年、一年或更长时间内应当完成的主要工作任务转化为目标。确定了的管理目标是为实现教育目标服务的,其实质是最大限度地发挥人、财、物的效益。首先要明确目标管理的结构。联系县、区教育工作内容,目标结构一般应包括四个层次:一是总体管理目标;二是人员管理目标;三是教学管理目标;四是财物管理目标。目标内容应力求简洁明了,让大家都能理解和接 County, district education management is a more complex knowledge. A county, district education director, must learn to use scientific theory to guide the implementation of the entire system of goal management. My understanding on this issue is that we should strive to do the following six aspects. First, a clear management of the structure and content of the goal. The county and district education directors should, in accordance with the basic laws of education, abide by the education policies and policies of the state, contact with the actual work of the locality and lead the overall staff to convert the main work tasks that should be completed within six months, one year or more into aims. The identified management objective is to serve the educational goal, and its essence is to maximize the benefits of people, money and property. First of all, we must make clear the structure of the target management. Contact county and district education content, the target structure should generally include four levels: First, the overall management objectives; second is the goal of personnel management; third is the goal of teaching management; fourth is the goal of property management. The target content should be concise and clear, so that everyone can understand and then
跨文化交际(cross culture communication)指本族语言者与非本族语言者之间的交际。中国是文明古国,礼仪之帮,只有掌握好跨文化交际,才能帮助职高生面对陌生文化时在沟通中达
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济南市历下区人民医院 朱桂贞 报道:患者男,35岁,于饮酒150~200g,2小间后出现胸部隐痛、咳嗽、于1993年3月4日就诊。既往有胸膜炎史,无高血压及心脏病史。查体:一般情况好,双
1983~1991年,我们共收治60岁以上的急性心肌梗塞(AMI,均按WHO的标准诊断)患者20例。现就其临床特点作如下分析讨论。 1.老年患者由于心肌萎缩,心传入神经变性。有10%~20%在AMI时