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沉浸式教学模式是指教师通过多种教学手段,让学生沉浸于一片文章中,进入一种“沉浸”体验的学习状态,从而提高学习的水平和效率。沉浸式教学模式充分体现了认知建构主义教育理论的核心价值,那就是坚持以学生为中心,强调学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和对所学知识意义的主动建构。所以沉浸式教学与新课标的教学理念是具有一致性的,在初中语文课堂上引入沉浸式教学是一次大胆的尝试,也是教学情境设计与活动设计的整合,强调学生在课堂上应该获得最佳的教学体验。 Immersive teaching mode refers to the teacher through a variety of teaching methods, so that students immersed in an article, into a “immersion” learning experience, thereby enhancing the level of learning and efficiency. Immersive teaching model fully embodies the core values ​​of cognitive constructivism education theory, which is to adhere to the students as the center, emphasizing students’ active exploration of knowledge, take the initiative to discover and take the initiative to construct the meaning of knowledge. Therefore, immersion teaching and the new curriculum standard teaching philosophy is consistent, the introduction of immersion teaching in junior high school language classroom is a bold attempt, but also the integration of teaching situation design and activity design, emphasizing that students should get the best in class Teaching experience.