今年,是中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年,回顾那段血雨腥风的历史,屈辱与抗争,愤怒与自豪,全部都镌刻在历史的丰碑上。生在和平年代的我们,一定不要忘记,鲜花盛开的土地上曾洒满战士们的鲜血;一定不要忘记,和平鸽飞翔的天空曾有敌人的炮弹无情坠落。让我们不忘过去,迎接未来!纪念难忘的日子中国人民抗日战争——第二次世界大战中,1937年至1945年,中国抵抗日本侵略(qīn lüè)的一场民族性的全面战争,历时八年,被称为八年抗战,或简称抗战。
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Recalling the bloody history, humiliation and resistance, anger and pride during that period, all engraved on the monument to history. We, born in peace, must never forget that the blooming flowers were once filled with the blood of the soldiers. Do not forget that there were mercilessly falling shells of enemy shells in the sky where the dove of peace dwells. Let us not forget the past and meet the future! Commemorative unforgettable day The Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression - a nationwide all-out war of China against Japanese invasion from 1937 to 1945 in World War II, Eight years, known as the eight-year war, or simply war.